In this episode, which continues the reparenting series, I describe terms and concepts from the Marion Method that are NOT used in Aware Parenting.
These include:
Messages from Life
Conversations with Life
Reparenting, Re-culturing
Disconnected Domination Culture
Love-Needs, Will-Needs, Love-Hurts, Will-Hurts
Needs-feelings, Healing-feelings, Thoughts-feelings
Inner Loving Mother, Inner Loving Father, Inner Best Friend, Inner Beloved
Reparative phrases
Inner Children
Listening to our yeses and noes
Aware Parenting invites parents to meet their needs, have their feelings heard, have support and community, and is a model of how we were affected as children, but doesn't in itself have any practices of processes for our own inner work, beyond suggestions such as journalling, receiving listening from another person, or being in nature, such as watching a sunset.
If you want to learn more about The Marion Method, you can do so on my Psychospiritual Podcast:
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