Have you ever been shot multiple times? Have you ever been shot multiple times whilst making love to your wife? Have you then had massive amounts of cocaine placed around your house to frame you as a dirty cop? Were you then pronounced dead only to come back to life seconds later? Have you ever slipped into a seven year coma whilst Kelly LeBrock stared at your genitals on a daily basis?
Steven Seagal has and that's why your hosts Dominic Lawton & Ken B Wild decided to deep dive into his 1990 film - HARD TO KILL.
Discussions include the 1983 Oscars, being massaged against your will and the impact action heroes can have on the livelihood of housing contractors. Meanwhile, Ken breaks down exactly where Kelly LeBrock went wrong as a house sitter and Dom takes time out to discuss possibly Seagal's most useful sidekick in any of his film's - Lieutenant Kevin O'Malley!
This week's film pitch sees Dom expanding on the original movie to create a kick ass sequel! Steven Seagal IS HARDER TO KILL!
Seagalogy: The Kickass Films of Steven Segal By Vern - BUY IT HERE
Have you got a question or would like to send us your own film pitch that we will read out on the podcast? Email us!
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Dominic Lawton can be found on TWITTER
Ken B Wild can be found on TWITTER
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