The Baffling Behavior Show {Parenting after Trauma}
Or mad? Or scared? Or overwhelmed? Or shut-down?
Why do I make a mountain out of a mole hill? Why can’t I keep it together?
Being ignored (or yelled at or cussed at or disrespected or refusing to eat or do a chore or or or or the list is endless) is never going to feel good. But- have you ever wondered why your brain goes into full on attacking watch dog mode when the reality is- refusing to do a chore, go to school, or even being ignored or yelled at, isn’t life threatening?
If it isn’t life threatening, why does our brain go to attack mode?
We talk about two reasons in today's episode:
I talk about a LOT of resources in this episode!
Blog articles:
The free video series on Trauma, Memory, and Behavior will take you further into understanding the impact of implicit memory on your kid's behavior AND yours!
Another awesome way to widen your window of stress tolerance is to come join the most amazing group of parents you could ever hope to find! It will decrease your sense of aloneness and increase your sense of connection and regulation- all of which will dramatically increase your window of stress tolerance! The Club is a virtual group for parents of kids impacted by trauma and is specifically designed to help you increase your window of tolerance so you can parent the way you want to! CLICK HERE to read about The Club and join the waitlist for the next time we welcome new members
"The best parenting book!" "I highlighted every other page!" "This book has transformed our family."
You can get your copy of Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors at
Want to pick Robyn's brain, hang out with her in Zoom meetings and a forum you can access in an app? Come join us in The Club!
Are you a professional who wants to support families of kids with big, baffling behaviors? Then Being With is for you!
Just need a little extra help? Head to