The Baffling Behavior Show {Parenting after Trauma}
June 2021 is allllll about attachment! We kicked off this special series on attachment last week with my interview with author Bethany Saltman and her memoir "Strange Situation."
Today- we are going back to basics.
Attachment is something that gets a lot of airtime but also, a lot of confusion.
In today's episode we'll talk about John Bolwby and how he brilliantly noticed that attachment is about physical (and emotional) survival.
We explore the difference between safe haven and secure base, and about how attachment is both about connection and autonomy.
We look at the three attachment behaviors Bowlby identified:
Going Back to Basics certainly means highlighting the work of Mary Ainsworth, which ultimately led to The Strange Situation and the attachment classifications we now know as secure and insecure.
I'm a big fan of scaffolding (which you know if you're a member of The Club or you've taken Parenting after Trauma: Minding the Heart and Brain online digital course) so consider this episode an important part of the scaffolding of attachment. We've got to get clear on the basics before moving on!
Hit subscribe to Parenting after Trauma in your podcast player so you don't miss anything in this monthly focus on attachment!
There’s a lot in this one episode and the whole six-part series! I made the series into a beautiful eBook so you don’t have to take notes and you can review it as often as you want. To download the F R E E ebook, click here:
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F R E E LIVE Webinar!!
Focus on the Nervous System to Change Behavior
1 hour webinar, eBook, and printables- all free!
February 4 @ 10am eastern and 8pm eastern
Can't make it live? Register for one anyone and you'll receive the recordings and all the extras.
Go to to sign up!
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Are you a professional who wants to support families of kids with big, baffling behaviors? Then Being With is for you!
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