The story begins with Denver Baughman, a midwestern radio show host. He has been experiencing horrific events his entire life, but finally, someone is willing to listen. Join us on this first episode as Denver grapples with his past and recounts where it all started: the basement.
"The Beating Heartland" is a bi-weekly Midwest horror audio drama. Follow the story as Denver Baughman, with the help of a mysterious agency, tries to piece together the puzzle of his horrifying past through his radio show, therapy sessions, and interrogations.
If you enjoy the show, rate and review us on whatever streaming platform you use. Follow us @thebeatingheartland on all socials. Thank you for listening.
Theme composed by: SamuelFrancisJohnson Timothy Kulig from Pixabay Oleg Fedak from Pixabay
Loyalty Freak Music
Tim Kulig
If you are reading this, the code for today is: Xlmvxc cievw sph