Rob Andrews is a food and lifestyle photographer from San Diego. Today he talks about the art of making food look delicious, how to light it, important food styling tips, and how I can up my Instagram game!
In This Episode You'll Learn:
- How Rob got his start in photography
- How a mentor helped Rob jumpstart his career
- How Rob transitioned from photographing products to food
- What Food Styling is
- How to find your cheeseburgers "good side"
- Simple tips to make your place look better
- How long it takes to photograph a cheeseburger
- Does Rob Instagram his food
- How to create a compelling image from a subject with no emotion
- How much creative freedom Rob has in his food photography
- A $2 piece of gear that Rob uses at almost every shoot
- Why lighting is so important when it comes to photographing food
Memorable Quotes:
- Sometimes Daylight and a window is all you need for great food photos
- My average food edit is about 5 minutes
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Thanks for listening & keep shooting!