Marty Solomon and Brent Billings are joined by special guest John Whittaker. He holds degrees in theology and ministry from Boise Bible College and Cincinnati Bible Seminary, plus a doctorate in preaching from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He served as a professor of preaching and the New Testament for 19 years, spent 11 years planting and pastoring a church, and has taught and preached at various places around the world. He has been teaching people to follow Jesus by learning to hear what the Bible says, and his latest endeavors are more accessible to people than ever. He and his wife, Louise, have been married for more than 30 years.
The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer
The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
Tim Mackie: Skateboards, Jesus, and the Bible — Bible in Life Podcast
Brad Gray: The Power of the Original Context — Bible in Life Podcast
Brad Gray: The Old Testament Law and the Big Story of the Bible — Bible in Life Podcast
Jesus vs. Culture on Money and Wealth — Bible in Life Podcast
Core Training for Christians — Video Courses by John Whittaker
Prepare Them to Flourish by John Whittaker
About Prepare Them to Flourish
Intro to the Gospels — The Listener’s Commentary
Luke — The Listener’s Commentary
Special Guest: John Whittaker.