What a peculiar May. Typically, I think of spring as a dumping ground, the soft, warm land where publishers unceremoniously bury games that failed to meet internal creative expectations or sales projections. The past few years have changed that, partly because publishers have learned to tie a AAA game's release to the incoming hype of E3, and partly because many games are released each year that every month is all but guaranteed to have one stand out. There were a lot of games this month that deserve to be on a best of list. And we do our darndest to talk about most of them. Let's continue the conversation in the comments, because I'm sure we missed something.
5:00 - Watch Dogs
41:00 - Transistor
56:00 - News of the month
1:18:00 - Wolfenstein
1:32:00 - Mario Kart 8
1:39:00 - The Resties!
Theme song by Ian Dorsch
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