Pediatric cancer drug development is difficult: it requires high levels of safety, involves parents as well as the patients, and has small populations that can make it difficult to achieve the revenues that reward the investment. Squaring that circle, according to Day One Biopharmaceuticals CEO Jeremy Bender, is not impossible, but takes a dedicated strategy that considers both pediatric and adult development paths from the get-go, and pursues them with equal intensity. In conversation with Editor in Chief Simone Fishburn on The BioCentury Show, Bender discussed the rapid rise of Day One, and how it is building a pipeline and evolving a strategy that allows it to keep pediatric drug development central to its philosophy.
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00:00 - Intro
02:25 - Origins & What’s Next
07:57 - Commercialization & Capital
15:28 - Precision Pediatric Strategy
21:00 - First v. Best, ADCs
30:00 - Life as a CEO