This week I spoke to Alleza Howitt (@aleezagroks), a contributor to the Trustlines protocol. Trustlines is a mPoS (minimal viable Proof of Stake) sidechain to Ethereum and stores transactions for a system of decentralized mutual credit. Mutual credit is an alternative medium of exchange to most money that we use today in which "money" is created through lines of credit that are established between people who trust each other.
In this episode we discuss how Trustlines works from the smallest unit of mutual credit to an entire decentralized network of economic actors using mutual credit, why the Left should care about such an alternative monetary system, and the circumstances in which you may want to consider using this type of system yourself. If you have a community that would be interested in using decentralized mutual credit, reach out to Aleeza on Twitter and she'll help set you up!
Learn more about Trustlines
Trustlines 101
Trustlines App
Using Trustlines for time credits
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Send me your questions or comments about the show and I'll read them out sometime.
ICYMI I've written a book about, no surprise, blockchains through a left political framework! The title is Blockchain Radicals: How Capitalism Ruined Crypto and How to Fix It and is being published through Repeater Books, the publishing house started by Mark Fisher who’s work influenced me a lot in my thinking.
The book is officially published and you use this linktree to find where you can purchase the book based on your region / country.