For this interview I spoke to @againstutopia he's known as on anarchist and crypto Twitter. He has a background in working in tech, platform cooperatives, and is one of the stewards of PrimeDAO. We had followed each other online but finally had the opportunity to meet in person during The DAOist in Lisbon a few months ago.
During the interview we discuss why he thinks the anarchist community is split on crypto, the interesting DAO tools being built at PrimeDAO for DAO2DAO interactions, and the limitations of criticizing technology from an ideological lens instead of speaking to the practice of how it's used. We also talk a bit about regenerative finance, why he's become "cosmos-pilled", and his new podcast on the ownership economy.
Sources mentioned
Thread from William Gillis on blockchain
My interview with Ethan Buchman, founder of Cosmos
Ownership Economy Podcast
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Send me your questions or comments about the show and I'll read them out sometime.
ICYMI I've written a book about, no surprise, blockchains through a left political framework! The title is Blockchain Radicals: How Capitalism Ruined Crypto and How to Fix It and is being published through Repeater Books, the publishing house started by Mark Fisher who’s work influenced me a lot in my thinking.
The book is officially published and you use this linktree to find where you can purchase the book based on your region / country.