Jess Cassady (Boardgame Girl/Heavy Cardboard) joins Candice to wrap up 2023 with a lovely chat about their favorite games of the year.
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:05:50 Fresh Plays
- 00:45:40 Our Favorite Games of 2023
- 00:46:20 Favorite “New to Me” Games
- 00:47:20 Packen Wir's!
- 00:51:15 Die Mauer
- 00:53:40 Minigolf Designer
- 00:56:31 Fluxx: The Board Game
- 00:59:24 Robotrick
- 01:01:01 Nemesis
- 01:04:31 KeyForge
- 01:05:09 The Rich and the Good, Battlecrest, Cerebria, Revive
- 01:05:59 2023 Games We Still Need to Play
- 01:06:20 Septima, Charcuterie, Rafter Five, Dro Polter
- 01:10:57 Too Many Bones: Unbreakable, Dune: Imperium Uprising, Earthborne Rangers
- 01:13:31 Our Favorite 5 and Top 10 Games of 2023
Huzzah! Cardboard Creations is now available on podcast platforms!
This is a series where I interview game designers to get the backstory of how different board games were created.
Email: [email protected]