Kate Evans is joined by guest host Richard Aedy to discuss Catherine McKinnon's To Sing of War, a novel of love, war and friendship. Plus, two debut novels... Big Time by Jordan Prosser, set in a not-too-distant future Australia where pop music is propaganda, and Evenings and Weekends by Oisin McKenna, set during a heatwave in London as tensions and secrets come to a head over one life-changing weekend.BOOKS
Catherine McKinnon, To Sing of War, Fourth Estate
Jordan Prosser, Big Time, UQP
Oisín McKenna, Evenings and Weekends, Fourth Estate
Mark Mordue, poet and music writer/ rock journalist. His books include Boy on Fire – the Young Nick Cave, and the poetry collection Darlinghurst Funeral Rites. He’s also co artistic director of the Addison Road Writers Festival in Sydney
Patrick Carey, writer and digital producer; manages content at the Sydney Theatre Company
OTHER BOOKS MENTIONEDPaul Lynch, Prophet SongCatherine McKinnon, StorylandKai Bird and Martin J Sherwin, American PrometheusGeorge Orwell, 1984Charles Dickens, Bleak HouseVirginia Woolf, Mrs DallowayAndrew O'Hagan, Caledonian RoadJon Fosse, Aliss at the Fire; SeptologyKarl Ove Knausgaard, The Wolves of Eternity J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the RyeMischa Berlinski, Fieldwork Rachel Kushner, The Flamethrowers; The Mars RoomEric Newby, A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush