This episode was broadcasted as a Live video to our Brain Health Revolution online community, where we engage on a daily basis to discuss the latest on brain health, have Live Q&As, Live cooking sessions, polls and more.
We discussed the latest data on statins, a common class of cholesterol lowering medication and focused on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis on the subject. Here is the link to the article:
For more reading, here are other published scientific articles on the subject:
Statins in Alzheimer’s disease (2022).
Unraveling the Paradox of Statins with Human Neurons: New Leads in Alzheimer’s Disease (2019).
Do statins prevent Alzheimer's disease? A narrative review (2015).
Effects of Statins on Memory, Cognition, and Brain Volume in the Elderly (2019).
Statins and Alzheimer's disease. The answers have not come of age yet. (2022).
Statin therapy and risk of Alzheimer's and age-related neurodegenerative diseases (2020).
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