How did God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, walk the earth for so many years but was not recognized by most? What is it about God that he can hide in plain sight? He came to his own, but his own did not recognize him.
9 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. (John 1:9-10)
It was people's perceptions about how the Messiah would come that blinded them to his manifest presence. Can you imagine, prior to Jesus' ministry, how many ordinary and mundane interactions Jesus must have had with people? How many times did people dismiss him, ignore him, insult him or even joke with him. The breath they used to speak to him was given by him and they knew it not! Jesus' ways are so contrary to our ways. His humility offends us at best and keeps us blind to his nearness at worst.
What if Jesus was hiding in plain sight? What if he was not far from you? What if you could discern his presence even now?
If you do not now see, experience and enjoy Jesus...then you should look differently! It can be hard to find Jesus in all the cultural hiding places. In the foggy mirrors of politics, religion and pain. But the good news is that Christ has been revealed to us. And in this revealing of Christ, we are forced to think differently about God. We are forced to open our minds and expand our hearts to believe that there is a good God who is for us and not against us. That there is a kind and loving Father that longs for us his children to know him intimately.