Dr. Homebrew breaks down your home brewed beer and gives you the feedback you’re looking for to improve your brewing! Join JP, along with his co-hosts, BJCP Master Judges Brian Cooper and Brian Schar, as they dissect listener-submitted homebrew and provide tips and tricks to improve your brewing! Have questions or want your beer evaluated on Dr. Homebrew? Email us at [email protected]
The podcast The Brewing Network Presents | Dr. Homebrew is created by The Brewing Network. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Sometimes the day just calls for a big bag of beer to dig through, and that's what this episode is all about! Getting three beer judges together to taste random craft beers is a good way to work on your vocabulary and on-the-fly tasting skills, too!
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Homebrew, homebrew, everywhere, but not a brewer in sight! Today's show is back to homebrew, but our guest, Steve, was feeling under the weather so we had to plod along without him. Steve had given us an English Mild and an American Stout to get through, and he was even kind enough to include his recipes, which is always helpful.
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Our friend Dave Teckam is back with us, as we dive into two Sierra Nevada Bigfoot vintages - one from 2024 and the other from way back in 2014. Most people consider 5 to 7 years as the "sweet spot" for this beer, so drinking a 10-year-old version was a lot of fun for us! Not to mention Dave's method of saving open bottles of beer for later ...
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Homebrew is back, baby! Even if we had to drag it across the internet ourselves, we were hell bent on judging some homebrew on this show, and that's what we did. Cooper setn around one of his meads, made with Tupelo honey, and Jason bullied the Birans into trying some weird-assed Brown Ale he made. Plus, we have a surprise guest that dropped in early to hang with us ...
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Browsing the shelves at our local big box beer stores, we realized there are so many winter beers on the market today, and many of them sort of go against what we consider to be true "Winter Warmers". So on today's show, we bring you several examples of beers (and two ciders) that will fit right in with the cold weather this year, while still providing you with a new drinking experience.
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Homebrew competitions are thriving, and there's no competition quite like the World Cup of Beer here in the Bay Area! On today's show, Steve from the Bay Area Mashers homebrew club, joins us to talk about the upcoming comp, what we can expect from it as far as prizes goes, and more. Plus, we dive into perhaps the most seen Christmas beers on the shelves!
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The holidays are among us, and so are the darker, sturdier beers. On today's show, we run through some classic Holiday beers as well as some new ones, and see how they would fall in the current BJCP guidelines.
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Browsing the beer shelves at the grocery store can sometimes yield amazing stuff. On our last trip to the store, we found two beers that seemed equally interesting, for different reasons. The first is a non-alcoholic version of 805 from Firestone-Walker called ... 8Zero5. The other is a holiday beer from Clausthaler.
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It's wet hop season, and that means more than a few brewers are going to be packing their beers with tiny little flavor bombs of hoppy goodness this Fall. On today's show, we taste two local Fresh Hop beers to find the differences in flavor between the two, and we discuss what wet hopped beers are supposed to taste like, and how you can best make one at home.
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Oktoberfest season is here, and we like digging around for examples of the style we don't normally see. When Brian Schar found this NA Oktoberfest, we had to crack it open on the show and see what it was all about. Plus, our pal Dimitri lands back on the show, to talk about how his BJCP exam went, and to drop some tips on how to git gud.
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We're in the first throws of Oktoberfest season, so we thought it would only be appropriate to compare what the Germans are doing versus what the Americans are up to. I mean, it's not that drastic, but I didn't know what else to say. We also have a homebrewed English Porter on the show.
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Wandering around the liquor store, we realized that we had yet to approach the subject of the humble Radler, and where that fits in with the current BJCP guidelines. Plus, JP had never tried one before, so we had to pick some up. Meanwhile, in another isle, we stumbled across Chimay in cans!
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The Inland Empire Brewers are back, and they brought more California Common for us! Part two of our massive deep-dive into the style of Cal Common, the Inland Empire Brewers flooded our halls with their takes on this style, and we gave them all the feedback they could ever want.
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One of the oldest homebrewing clubs in the country floods us with one of the oldest styles in the state - California Common! are either of these claims true? Who can tell? On this show, we take down three Cal Common beers from three different brewers of the Inland Empire Brewers club!
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Porters are one of those styles that represent many entry points for old school brewers, so it's nice to see them come across our desks - especially from someone new to the hobby. We're back with Dimitri as we discuss his Porter, then we talk about the latest entry into the non-alcoholic space from Sierra Nevada - Trail Pass!
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It's not every day we get to chat it up with someone who has recently taken up the hobby of homebrewing, much lest taste their beers, so this show is a fin one for us. Today we welcome Dimitri to the show, and he hits us with an American Amber Ale. Then we talk about hos is BJCP journey started and what he's learned so far in his test prep.
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On this week's show, we basically lean on JP again for content. He delivers an American Red Ale, which is a clone of the famous St. Rogue Red from Rogue Ales, and then a homebrewed Kombucha. At this point, we need to seriously invest in creating a Kombucha score sheet ...
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Friend of the show Vito is back, and this time he's teaching us a thing or two! Vito has done a lot of research into what makes a great batch of hop water, and since we have received a couple of examples as of late, why not learn a bit more about how it's made?
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Hazy IPA gets a few new names on today's show, which might be just the thing it needs to finally catch on. Plus, we have a clone of the great Yuengling lager to rip through.
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As craft beer drinkers, we're always on the lookout for brands we have yet to encounter, and on today's show we talk about one such brewery found at our local Asian Market .. Baeren Beer. The two styles on offer were a Dortmunder Export and a Schwarzbier, not your typical styles just found floating on a random shelf somewhere. Plus, we talk about non-alcoholic beers, so that's fun.
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German Pilsner and a Belgian Triple - two beers that could not be more opposite. On today's show, we have the brewer of both of these styles - Scott - to explain himself to us, as well as field exceptional questions from two people who know what they are talking about. And JP.
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Our friend Barry over at Lucky Envelope Brewing in Seattle recently subjected himself to a brew day with Warren and Dave Marliave. The beer that resulted was something called a Swiss Red Ale, and while that style doesn't really exist, Barry still wanted our feedback on it. Who are we to turn down a brewer in need, right? We also chat about homebrew vs. commercial judging, how they differ, and the best ways to tackle entering each.
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Fresh of the heels of Christmas, the Dr. Homebrew crew rejoins in an epic defiance of a holiday hangover. On today's show, the boys break into a couple of Pilsners by the same brewer! One is a Dry Hopped West Coast-style Pils, and the other, a classic German-style Pils.
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Czech Pale Lager needs to come in unassuming and almost nebulous to your senses. It's not an easy style to nail, and lucky for us we have a great example of one on today's show. Then we are joined again by Ryan from Old Standby Brewing Co, to tell us about a couple of new collaborations for charity he's done recently.
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We've had mixed fermentation beers on this show before, but none of them have been done using the Solera method (at least we think). So on today's show we get to tackle this very involved beer method. Plus, we breakdown a pumpkin Amber Ale, which Jason is very excited for.
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The rare three beer show today, as we welcome Jake to the show, with his American Pale Ale! After we toss him aside like an old piece of fruit, we crack open two beers Jason brought from his last visit to the 21st Amendment. While it's not an official Commercial Calibration segment, we had some fun breaking these beers down and chatting about them.
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We're a "One Beer, ONe Guest" kind of a show this week, as we welcome Julia Herz, Executive Director of the American Homebrewers Association! Julia sent us her version of an English Bitter - a style we will always accept - and we had a lot of fun trying to break down her recipe. Then, we chatted about Julia's book, "Beer Pairing: The Essential Guide From The Pairing Pros" - a fantastic look at a better way you pair your beers with food.
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The boys have all let their beers properly lager, so it's time to bring the saga of Dr. Hombre to a close tonight, as we do our final tasting and score sheets for the Dr. Homebrew Mexican Lager! This was such a fun experiment - three different brewers, all with different equipment, yeast, and capacities for understanding brewing science. Find out who's beer was the best, and who's maybe wasn't so much the best.
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"Guess The Style" sounds dangerous, but we're professionals, so we came out the other side unscathed, yet somehow still scarred. We had a lager that kind of blew our minds with regards to recipe, which we always love to have happen. Then we run through a Hazy IPA. Here's hoping that's not a trend ...
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Cold IPA. Sure, it sounds good, but what even is it? Colin joins us again to help us figure out what a homebrewed version of this emerging style even tastes like, and the boys start digging into the guidelines to help us all sort out the good from the not-so-good. Plus, Colin sent us some commercial beers, so he got to hang out for a bit longer than usual.
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The style of Blonde Ale has come and gone over the years, and it seems like we're seeing a fresh resurgence of it - which is fine by us! Ben sent us his most recent batch, so we dug into that, and then JP had passed around his Cream Ale - or what he thought was a Cream Ale - and the guys gave him some notes on that as well. We wrap up by drinking a Hop Splash hop water from Sierra Nevada!
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What does Lil' Wayne and a homebrewed beer have in common? They're both misunderstood by most people! Or something, look, just listen to this show to find the real answer, ok? Also, Brian, Brian, and JP talk about their Mexican Lager brew days and how the beer is progressing!
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Two styles of IPA that seem to go through stages of popularity - the Rye IPA and the humble Cold IPA. One is a blast from the past with some rich malt notes, and the other is a modern take on the hoppy side of things. How can the brewers make these beers better? Besides just making them all Dark Milds? Find out, on this week's show!
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Smoked beer is about as polarizing a flavor as you can get, even to hardcore beer nerds. Given our recent rekindling of our smoke beer fetish on this show, we were lucky enough to have Matthias Trum, part of the current generation of smoked beer stewards at the historic Schlenkerla brewery as our guest! Stationed in the heart of Bamberg, Germany, The Trum family has cared for the Schlenkerla legacy for decades, with each generation taking steps to ensure its survival. How do they survive in a world dominated by IPA? Matthias tells us that and more on this very special episode of Dr. Homebrew!
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Brian x2 and Jason decide it's high time they all start contributing beer to the show, for better or worse. Before this week's show started, the boys decided on creating a Mexican Lager recipe to be brewed by each of them for a future show. Of course, no recipe formulation session would be complete without a thorough tasting of said styles before deciding what the recipe will look like. Four commercial examples of Mexican Lagers are broken down and consumed in the first half, and all that data was used in the second half to create what is sure to be the greatest Mexican Lager ever produced by Dr. Homebrew.
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Friend of the show and serial homebrew collaborator Ryan is back with us to share another one of his fun brewing projects! Ryan is the founder of Old Standby Brewing, and has been linking up with commercial breweries to brew beer for local charities. This time, Ryan brewed a Dortmunder Export with the folks at Zoiglhaus in Portland, Oregon, to benefit the Doernbecher Children's Hospital. We talk about how this beer was made, a little recipe info, and let Schar tee off on beer style naming.
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Commercial calibrations are one of our favorite segments on this show. Mainly because we can bill Justin for some of the best beers in any given style, but also we get the chance to examine some of these tentpole beers in ways we don't normally get the chance to. On today's show, we are drinking a commercial Munich Helles, which is always welcome here, and then we bust open one of Cooper's homebrews that he wants feedback on. And we're always ready to break that man down.
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Time to homeBrew Strong! This week we have two Strong Beers on the schedule - a Belgian Golden and a Strong Bitter. Which apparently used to be called ESB, but has since ceased to be "extra". Anyway, A couple of good beers that need a little help, which hopefully is what they got.
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Dr. Homebrew goes internal! On today's show, Brian and Brian got a call from an unexpected brewing duo - Justin Crossley and Chris Graham! The boys brewed two beers for The National Homebrew Competition this year, and they wanted some honesty feedback ahead of the judging round. So it's a Pale Ale and a Dortmunder, heading to San Diego this year for the boys ... find out how they did!
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Returning champion homebrewer JP joins JP and The Brians for another amazing homebrew! Maybe. He paid to have that written. After his English Mild, the team runs another Commercial Calibration, this time it's the iconic Schlenkerla smoked beer!
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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Homebrewer Robb sent in two beers to the show, and they were styles we love digging into. One was an Oatmeal Stout, and the other a Mixed Fermentation Sour. Now, sours can be a bit of trouble to judge at times, because you never know what you are going to get, but we laid our palates on the line and did it anyway!
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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Today's show is with one homebrewer, but he does a lot with that title. Ryan sent us a Coffee Imperial Stout for Brian and Brian to give feedback on, which is a beer he's been brewing at home for years now. After the break, we talk about the collab beers Ryan brews with various commercial breweries, with the proceeds being donated to charities within the brewers community. We aren't sure which is more heartwarming - the beer or the story!
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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We don't get to judge many gluten-free or alternative grain beers, so we had to find one for ourselves! On today's show, we start off with a commercial calibration of a great Gluten-Free Pale Ale from Buck Wild Brewing, and then we wrap things up with a Hazy IPA from Brian Cooper!
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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It's our holiday show, and what better way to celebrate this time with friends and family than with a vertical of Celebration Ale! Three bottles of this amazing beer - 2022, 2021, and 2014. How does this beer hold up? If you ask JP, he'd tell you it's the solution to all the world's problems, regardless of age. Then, we crack open one of the quintessential Christmastime beers - Delirium Noel. This spiced Christmas Ale is everywhere and yet nobody really drinks it. We aim to find out why.
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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It's Dr. Homebrew on the road! Well, down the street, really. JP shipped the Brians off to the most recent Club D.O.Z.E. meeting, where they partook in a judging panel to help some local homebrewers with some of their beers. We had a Wit and an IPA at this meeting, and there was enough for the whole club to taste along with us. Very fun, so thanks again to D.O.Z.E. for having us!
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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When is a Gose not a Gose? When it's really a Grodziskie! The Dr. Homebrew team got thrown for a loop on this week's show, as the beer we thought was a Gose turned out to be something way, WAY different. Our homebrewer this week is Michelle Wonder, and along with Melissa McCann, they run the Women's Craft Fermentation Alliance, which is an amazing organization striving to increse the reach of homebrewing and craft beer to women and non-binary folks across the world. The WCFA holds a virtual event every year that is packed with so much great information, just reading about it made our eye bulge out!
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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The greatest of all Brown Ales is represented on the show today - Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale. In years past, this delightful treat of a liquid was in clear bottles, forcing any drinker to basically play the lottery when it came time to drink one - will it be skunky? Now they have shifted to brown bottles several years ago, all the loveliness of a Sam Smith's Nut Brown comes through, and we're happy to be able to dissect it with you. Plus, we have a homebrewed version of a Nut Brown, modeled after Sam Smith's, so we're in for a real treat!
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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We're getting Scottish in the office today! Dave is back with a Wee Heavy, which is always a real treat to dive into. These beers are complex and malty, but can be very tricky to balance just right. Did Dave do those things? Plus, Brian Cooper takes us through the things that make up a good BJCP score sheet.
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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The season for festbier is upon us, and that's a good thing, because this style is such a great one to taste. Malt complexity everywhere, cleanly lagered ... what's not to like? Dave joins us as we judge his homebrew version of this style, and then Brian Schar takes us through his experiences judging the first round of the Great American Beer Festival.
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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Today on the show, we turn our attentions to resident BJCP judge and co-host Brian Cooper, who has submitted round two of his Hazy IPA for judging. This is a re-brew of sorts, with Brian taking feedback from an earlier show and applying it to this new iteration of murky juiciness. Will his hard work pay off? Then, we do a commercial calibration of Liquid Hoppiness IPA by Sierra Nevada.
Be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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In the world of American Lagers, Coors Banquet is an easy Top 3 beer. This crisp, easy-drinking style is one that's hard to replicate and easy to become a showcase for flaws in technique. We talk about Coors Banquet during our Commercial Calibration, and what goes into making beers of this caliber. Then, Brian Schar takes us through 4 weird off-flavors every homebrewer should know.
If you want to avoid some of these nasty flavors, be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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Bock is one of those styles that can really go wrong if you let it. From cloyingly sweet to one-dimensional, there's really no shortage of things to screw up when attempting a Bock. Perpetual guest Colin returns with his very first attempt at this deceptively complex style.
Since this is a lager, cleanliness is more important than ever, so be sure to check out Five Star and their Homebrew Club Program for tips, tricks, and products!
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Pale Ale is one of the lord's perfect styles, provided it meets our strict definition. On today's show, we have Andy back on, who convinced Brian Cooper to mule two bottles of his Pale back from HomebrewCon this last month for us to judge on the show. Then, we do a Commercial Calibration segment with everyone's favorite Blonde Ale ... 805, from Firestone-Walker!
To get great homebrewing gear and advice, sign up for the Five Star Chemicals Homebrew Club Program!
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Summertime is Cider time, and we have a pretty cool one on today's show! Bob joins us and sent in his version of a Rainbow Sherbet Cider. What does that mean? We had no idea, either, so don't feel too lost. First, however, we meet up with Colin again, who sent us a Belgian Blonde Ale.
To get great homebrewing gear and advice, sign up for the Five Star Chemicals Homebrew Club Program!
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Master BJCP judge Brian Cooper loves to torture us on this show, and today's episode grants us no relief. Brian gave us two of his homebrewed beers to judge - a Hazy IPA and his attempt at a clone of Consecration from Russian River! Both styles are beers that Brian loves to drink, so we had high expectations going into this judging. Was it warranted? *shrug*
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It's Cider Day here on Dr. Homebrew! Listener Bill sent us four different versions of his cider, each with a different yeast. Our goal? To pick the cider we liked the best. Bill was having a hard time choosing which version to enter into competitions, so he somehow thought we'd have some insight on that for him. Sucker.
In order to lead us more effectively through these ciders, we brought experience Cider Judge Hirendu back on the show!
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We've had lots of unintentionally themed shows in the past, but never one like this ... it's the Smoke Beer Show! Two very different smoked beers, one a Belgian IPA and the other a Cherry Porter. We realize smoked beers aren't for everyone, but man they sure do make for good judging comments!
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(George Costanza voice) Mead is back, baby!
Ashley joins the show again and allows us to judge her Pomegranate Mead, which was big and syrupy. Then we run through two commercial examples of Mead - including one that was in a can, of all things! Mead seems like it's seeing a resurgence, and we love it.
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We had two unique beverages on this week's show - a Mead and an ice cream-inspired Porter. The Mead was a sack-strength style mead, made with Blackberry Blossom Honey, and at 14%-ish, was very drinkable. A Salted Caramel Porter was in the second segment, based on the brewer's love of trying new styles and adding his own flair to them. For having just learned how to brew ten months ago, this was a bold move!
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We have been overly distracted by non-alcoholic beers as of late, and we show no signs of slowing. In fact, we brought Jamil on the show to talk to us about how NA beer is made, and some general rules of how we can make it at home. Then we talked with Jason, who sent in an American Brown Ale, and we convene the first ever Council of Jasons.
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We talk a lot about competitions, but not much about some good rules and guidelines to follow when planning one. Our first guest is Justin, and he's throwing a homebrew competition for his friend who passed away last year. Called, "Kunklefest", Justin wants a bit of help and reassurance from the Brians about planning something great. Then we have Robbie from Club DOZE on to talk about organizing Tasty's Tasting Room this year at Spring Brews Fest.
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How serious are you about competitive homebrewing? Do you do just enough to ensure your beer tastes good at the judging table, but beyond that, who cares? Are you interested in upping your medal count in the years to come? Andy and Matt run a Facebook group called "Competitive Homebrewing", and they are fanatics about one thing - winning. And sharing information. So, that's two things, really. We chat with these perennial winners about data collection, and how to ensure that you win more than you lose. Plus, we have another NA beer to try!
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Not only did we have some Hazy IPA talk to open the show, but we opened a triple IPA, as well. That's what happens when you have 4 BJCP beer judges on one show, I guess. after the break, Brian and Brian - along with guests Jon and Hirindu, talked about the Mead Judging program and their experiences with it. Hirindu runs the educational arm for Mead in his homebrew club, D.O.Z.E., and was able to shed some light on just what it takes to be proficient in mead, how to become a judge, and what to expect at the judging table.
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It's the Mead Show on today's Dr. Homebrew! Our first guest is Michael Fairbrother of Moonlight Meadery, who heard we were going to be using his meads as judging fodder and hacked our internet stream to sit in with us. He talked about styles of meads, how he approaches the ones he makes, and if judges perception matters to him.
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Taking up a sour beer project is never easy - just ask Neriah. He crafted a base beer to sour and age, then one to blend back as a young beer, all while splitting the batch and fruiting it two different ways. One entry had Sauvignon Blanc grape juice added and the other had Malbec grape juice. That's a lot of work! Did it pay off for him? Find out!
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Think back to your first batch of homebrew. Was it any good? Would you have felt comfortable not only advancing to all-grain, but also trying a lager for your second batch? Spencer did, and while we can't say we were that confident in our skills at brew #2, It sort of worked out for Spencer. We chat with him about all that, and then we talk with our friend Gordon Strong about the new style guidelines that the BJCP put out at the end of last year. It's always good to get Gordon on the show!
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NE IPA, despite JP's best efforts, are now a mainstream style. What we see less of is smoked pepper beers! On today's show, we dive into both styles of beers and chat with the homebrewers responsible for such creations. Plenty of recipe tips and judging info here!
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Ok yeah, we've all heard of a German Pils, but this marks the first appearance of a homebrew take on a Traditional African Ale. Technically entered as an Experimental Ale, this unique beer really had the judges working hard to identify flavors and ingredients. It was a fun judge!
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Homebrewer Nate joins us on Dr. Homebrew to talk about his Kolsch. This beer is a re-brew based off of feedback he received from a previous episode. Then, we keep Nate on the call to get a better idea of how he approached re-brewing this beer, and to offer advice to other brewers out there on what they can do to improve their beers based on feedback.
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Three lagers are up on the agenda today, and only one of them is a homebrew. Brian sent us his Czech Pale Lager attempt, and we try our best to solve his green pepper issue, then we get to the main event: how does Heineken 0.0 stack up against regular Heineken in a taste test? We know what you're thinking, and you aren't wrong. The push of NA beer into the craft space is new, so if anyone can pass off a 0.0% ABV lager as full-flavor (ok, "full-flavor"), it's gotta be Heineken, right? Find out!
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Homebrewer Dave is back on the show, and this time he brought his son, Tristan! We talk about their weizenbock, and how they managed to overshoot their numbers (hint: it involves drinking). We then tackle the very relevant seasonal beer brewed by Sierra Nevada - Oktoberfest. What is a fest beer vs. a marzen, and what qualities can we find in this commercial example that mimic those found in Germany?
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Tonight we judge a Double IPA. Well, not just ANY Double IPA, but a clone of THE Double IPA ... Pliny The Elder! How does this homebrew version stack up to the original? We don't know, but we can tell you that we judged it according to style, and that's what matters. Plus, we get a crack at a German Altbier!
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What happens when you attempt one style of beer, but undershoot your numbers? Can you call it something else entirely? If you do, can you enter it in competition and still expect to do well? Sorry for all the questions up front, but it's been that kind of day. Anyway, come find out the answers to these - and more - on this episode of Dr. Homebrew!
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Kolsch is one of those pale golden beer styles that is seeing a mini-resurgence, alongside lager beer, so what better time to attempt a commercial calibration! Brian and Brian were able to go out and find a classic example of the style (as listed by the BJCP), called "Frü". Then we chat with BJCP legend Dave Teckam. He's legendary not only for being Grand Master level 7, but for being an all-around nice man. He gives us the inside info on what it takes to proctor a BJCP exam, and how to fool beer judges.
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Back to work on Dr. Homebrew, as we see two beers today. Well, one beer and one Braggot. The braggot was billed as having a Stout base, but that's not altogether true. The American Barleywine was brewed with Rye as an added ingredient. Was that a good idea? Find out!
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A White IPA and an American Amber Ale are on the roster for tonight's show, and we can already hear you asking "What the hell is a White IPA?" Well, you're gonna find out when we do, as Colin decided to test our beer category threshold. Then Nate jumps on with an American Amber Ale.
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The all American show, as we jump into two classic styles! First up is Colin, back again, with his American Pale Ale. Then we are joined by Vito, who sent us his take on an American Amber Ale, which has a pretty good backstory to it. Good stuff!
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We're buzzing in the Dr. Homebrew studio today - we get to drink two great styles of homebrew that are rarely seen together! It's the amazing combo of Kolsch and Czech Premium Lager - both great style and both very hard to do. Plus, we hear about Brian Schar's recent trip to Dubai. If that's not worth the price you paid for this show ...
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Summer is the perfect time for homebrew, and Dr. Homebrew is the perfect place to hear all about other people's beer! On today's match made in heaven, frequent guest Colin is back, this time he sent in a rebrewed Bitter, using feedback he received on the show. Then Chris is on with his stab at an American IPA - a style he doesn't really brew all too often.
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8 years ago, we started this show in the hopes that we could bring some of the mystery behind beer judging to you. While we aren't sure that has happened, we've been able to help homebrewers across the world improve their beers and, hopefully, their vocabulary on just what in the hell is going on in their fermentations. So allow us a hot second to reflect, please. Oh, also we judge a Flanders Red ale. Because what's a judging show without some (beer) judging?
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A classic American Porter - it's hard to get more traditional than that, and it's rare that we get one on the show. Our second beer is an English Porter, sort of in name only, and it's brewed with flavored coffee. What am I talking about? Tune in and find out!
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Sure, we've all heard of double IPA. It's hard to brew, harder to forget. But what in the Papazian is a Braggot Saision? We'll, you find out when the rest of us do, because we judge one tonight!
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Kvass is a beer traditionally made from leftover bread. John is a guy who works at the American Homebrewers Association. Put the two on the same show and you have an information-packed recipe for success! We learned a lot about Kvass, and about how the NHC/HomebrewCon will be operating this year. Good stuff!
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We've been saying that Black IPA is making a come back, and here we have a boosted version on the show! A Double Black Rye IPA, which was a take off of Wookie Jack by Firestone-Walker, gets the DRHB treatment, and we chat with another homebrewer who's helping folks prep better for the BJCP exam.
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We love rebrews here on Dr. Homebrew, and previous guest Colin gave us a great opportunity to provide feedback on his latest version of a Baltic Porter. Plus, we go over the new styles recently announced by the Brewers Association, and skim the surface of all that new beery goodness.
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It's an Aussie takeover show! Our guest homebrewer Justin sent us his version of an Australian Sparkling Ale - and him being from Australia, he should know a thing or two about it. He also sent along a less-than-fresh version of Coopers Pale Ale, which falls under the Australian Sparkling Ale category ... it's all pretty confusing. Look, we drink these two beers on this show ok? That's all you need to know!
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On this day in the year 2021, we never would have imagined a show lineup like this. The boys are judging a Pale Ale - non-hazy, non-new school hopped - and a Black IPA. We had to check our calendars for this one, just to make sure we didn't spend too long in the hot tub last night.
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When we talk about making cider at home, we usually think of walking through an apple orchard, gently hand-selecting each apple and placing it softly into a wicker basket. That is definitely one way to do it. Or, you can go to the store and buy juice, dump yeast in it, and there you go. Does that actually make good cider? Well we have an example of cider made using the buy-and-dump method, plus our friend Pavel is back on to tell us about the BJCP Cider program.
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It's time for more homebrew judging! Today we have a Doppelbock to dig into, and then we return to our Commercial Calibration Station - this time it's the classic Anchor Christmas. Anchor makes great beer, and since this seasonal favorite was in all of our fridges, we thought we'd see how it stacks up in it's category.
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Homebrew and a commercial calibration - two great ways to drink beer and pass it off as "research"! Today on the show, we judge an Amber Ale sent in by Nate, whom you might remember from our previous show. Ambers are good, they are just hard to get right. Then we move on to our recurring Commercial Calibration series, this time with the classic Bourbon County Stout.
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Dark beer styles such as Porters, really lend themselves well to many different adjuncts. Spices, lactose, and especially coffee. Today, Patrick sends us some of his coffee porter to breakdown, and we go through his coffee addition process. Then we jump over to Nate who sent us some of his Blueberry Cream Ale - another great style for adding fruits to!
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We welcome homebrewer Colin to Dr. Homebrew! Colin was on show #179, so it's been a hot minute. In podcast terms, anyway. Colin shipped us out his Czech Dark Lager, which is always a treat to see, and then we tackled an American Strong Ale, to boot!
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Today on Dr. Homebrew, we break down one of the more pure styles out there - English Bitter. Everything has to be in balance, with malt leading the charge. Not an easy thing to get right with modern beer palates the way they are. Afterwards, we move on to a Smoked Baltic Porter - another sub-style that is hard to perfect.
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Blonde Ale is not typically the go-to style for adjuncts. Fruit additions aside, it's mostly a malt-driven beer. Well, Mark comes back on from the last show and proves us wrong, sending a Blonde Ale brewed with mescal honey, peaches, and orange habaneros. Then we try is NEIPA, which isn't AS exciting, but what is?
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We love getting unusual styles here on Dr. Homebrew. Today is no different! We stumble upon an Italian Pilsner, which we've possibly never had before - exciting! We also were sent a Festbier, another style we rarely see. It was a good day for homebrew judging, for sure!
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Belgian Dark Strong beers have a very complex flavor, with not a very complex grain bill. Which is why they tend to be a hard style to get right for us homebrewers. Today we tackle this Belgian beast, and then wash it down with maybe it's polar opposite ... American Blonde Ale.
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Belgian-style beers are always hard to replicate. Every facet of your process has to be correct - from fermentation temps to your grain bill. While that's true of most every style of beer, for some reason Belgian beers seem to be extra needy in order to get that right mix. We judge a Belgian Triple on this show, and we get into some common off-flavors with Brian.
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With the cancelation of HomebrewCon this year, hundreds of homebrewers had beers stranded at their first round collection points across the country. Our friends at Club Doze decided to do what they volunteered to do - judge away! We chat with two Dozers, Pavel and Robbie, and learn a bit about how they managed to judge all the beers in their location, and not only hand out scoresheets, but actually hold a virtual award ceremony afterwards. Then we chat with Brandon, who sent in a very cool-smelling Imperial Stout that was aged in a spiced rum barrel. Good stuff!
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We are making magic on Dr. Homebrew today, folks. Somehow, we manage to turn a Kolsch into something called a "British Golden Ale", which is a style that nobody on the show tonight has had before. But it sounds good, and that's all that matters. We also cover a Cranberry Catharina Sour, which is a style we have pretty much only had on this show. So it's a weird one this time, but we got through it!
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International Pale Lager sounds made-up. Apparently Heineken is in this category, as well as Red Stripe. So maybe it's more of a catch-all, but it holds some solid beers. Much like this homebrewed version we drink today. After, Brian Schar gives us some good tips on how to study for that BCJP exam from the safety of your home.
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We're happy to convene the Council of Brian's today, as Brian Mills returns to talk about his homebrewed Munich Helles. Then after the break, Travis Hammond joins us to talk about how to safely prepare and take the BJCP exam during this pandemic. Travis is our former area rep for the BJCP, so we get some great insight into how things are adjusting over at the BJCP.
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The Council of Brians returns! Homebrewer Brian joins Brian and Brian (and JP) to get feedback on his Schwarzbier, and then we talk with Mark about his Saison. Both beers were good, and if you are looking for a nice homebrew recipe for either style, this is a good show to start with.
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Once again, we wade into the homebrew ocean to pull two beers out and judge them. On today's show, we have a Marzen and a Barleywine. Well, it's not just any barleywine - it's a whiskey barrel-aged barleywine! We talk to these two homebrewers, get their recipes, and talk a little technique.
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Today on the show, we rip through a Scottish Wee Heavy and a Catharina Sour. Wee Heavies are great, and we love to see them come through. They can be complex or simple (or both?), and are usually great. Catharina Sours are still sort of being dialed in, as they are pretty new, but we love to seem them as well.
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The boys from Dr. Homebrew are back, and an appropriate distance apart as we judge two homebrewed beers tonight! First up is a Belgian Blonde Ale, and then a Kolsch. Both are hard beers to master, so we were very excited to jump into these.
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Since we have two master-level BJCP judges on staff, we thought it would be a great time to review those score sheets we keep filling out. They are equal parts clear and confusing, and there is definitely a correct way to go through them. Mainly, with as much information as possible. But what KIND of information? Well, we talk about that and more, on today's show!
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When it rains, it pours, folks. Not only do we have one Vienna Lager on today's show, but we have TWO! Normally having the same style on both segments of the show is annoying, but for a great style like Vienna Lager, we were able to set aside our usual expectations and take a deep dive into one of our favorite beer styles.
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Talk about two styles not many people brew any longer ... Amber Ale and Pumpkin Spice beer. Both are good when done well, and both have varying levels of complexities. Today on the show, we break down each beer and try to help the brewers better perfect their respective styles. Good stuff!
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Baltic Porter is a great style that is also hard to master. On today's show, the boys get sent a homebrew example of this fine style, which is always fun. We also get to run through another style that is equally hard to manage but good at the same time - Altbier! If you want to learn something about these two styles, this is the show for you.
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A pretty classic show today. We run through a German Pilsner and an American Strong Ale, which was a clone of Arrogant Bastard. How'd they do? Find out!
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American Stout? Sure, that's a thing. Coffee Milkshake IPA? That we weren't so sure about. Dan sent us that one, and we definitely had some things to say about it, and most weren't bad, if you can believe that. It is very much a style that has potential. If you can believe that.
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Our very own Brian Cooper is subjected to the Dr. Homebrew treatment today, as we judge his Grapefruit Blonde Ale. We also tackle a commercial calibration beer from Guinness - a Milk Stout. This was brewed at their Baltimore brewery, and was a nice surprise to find on the shelf out here.
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In the long history of beer styles we've never had on the show, Rye Brown Ale has to be at the top of that list. Today on Dr. Homebrew, we tackle this odd style with a very nice homebrewed version, We also review an American IPA, because it wouldn't be a beer show without one.
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It's another fancy show, as we crack open a homebrew that was canned ... at home! Very exciting stuff. We also declare it's time for another Commercial Calibration segment, as Brian grabs a Weihenstephaner Festbier from the fridge.
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Kolsch is probably the greatest beer style there is, and you can't tell us otherwise because we said "probably". Today on the show, we judge a homebrewed Kolsch that was packaged using one of those fancy seamers designed for homebrewers, so that was cool. Then we break down a Catharina Sour beer, a style we don't get enough of.
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We continue our coverage of Bell's clones with ... two more! Today we jump into another homebrewed batch of Bell's Two Hearted IPA, and then something new - Bell's Official. It's a hazy beer, something that was flowing pretty freely at HomebrewCon, apparently. Will either beer be cloned? How do they stack up as examples of their styes? Find out!
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On today's show, we line up not only two homebrews, but a guest judge as well! Warren sits in for Brian Schar today, and he doesn't do too bad. After Jason tells a boring story about worms, we dive into the homebrews - a Vienna Lager and a Belgian Dark Strong ale.
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Keeping with the theme of random beer styles, we judge a Kentucky Common on the show today - pretty cool! Then keeping with yet another theme, we judge a homebrewed version of Bell's famous Two Hearted Ale. The best part is we had a commercial version next to it in order to truly get a proper comparison.
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Normally when we hear "Barleywine" we think of big, chewy beers with a large hop charge and an even larger alcohol presence. However, the English version of the Barleywine is not that at all, and one that we don't see all too often, but are pleased to judge today, Then, an American Pale Ale makes an appearance on the judging table.
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We had traveling Mike on the show to discuss his Dark Mild homebrew that he sent in. Of course Jason was very excited for this one. Then it was Commercial Calibration time! Brian Cooper really wanted to run through a Saison, and there are no better commercial examples of that style than Saison Dupont.
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Even though the style of "Irish Extra Stout" doesn't ring any bells, we had one to judge tonight. More Sheaf Stout than Guinness, it's an interesting style that we don't see much of. We also had another Cream Ale lined up for us, something we always welcome!
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In this episode of Dr. Homebrew, we are joined by George Bailey if Sensafe, makers of the iDip Water Testing Kit for brewers. George tells us about their latest test kit, the eXact iDip Professional Test Kit, which has en entire suite of capabilities that were previously not available to homebrewers or small scale professional brewers. Now you can test more than 40 water parameters and send all the information directly to your smart phone! Later in the show we are joined by three different homebrewers who share their creations with the doctors. Chris Nash brings in his IPA, Eric Meyer shared his American Pale Ale with ginger, and Steve Hiller presents a Twitbier (a.k.a. English Hefeweizen). All of their beers are part of a fantasy draft project (with beer instead of sports) created by the Miami Area Society of Homebrewers. Tune in and learn all about the creative and fun ways their club created a unique competition for their members.
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In this special episode of Dr. Homebrew, we record live from HomebrewCon in Providence, RI, and are joined by the legendary John Mallett from Bell's Brewery. John talks to us about the world famous Two Hearted Ale, and helps to announce a new collaboration project between Bell's General Store and Dr. Homebrew, where we enlist fans of the show to brew Bell's clone kits and have them evaluated on the shows. We are also joined by Jeff, from the Mad Zymurgists Homebrew Club, who shared with us his spruce tips Porter. Tune in and find out how the doctor's rated his experimental beer!
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On today's Dr. Homebrew, we are sent in two beers we love very much: American Pale Ale and Kolsch. Well, the Pale Ale is more along the lines of a session IPA, but we forgave Andy for that transgression, and this beer is currently in the second round of the National Homebrew Competition for 2019, so listen up and cheer Andy on this year!
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It's been awhile since we've had a commercial beer to taste alongside it's clone, but that's exactly what we have here today with an attempt at Bell's Two Hearted IPA. Homebrewer Branden was kind enough to send us a few cans of this elusive beer (at least on the West Coast) for us to judge right next to his clone attempt. Then we had a Leffe Blonde clone from Jason. How did they do? Find out!
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Despite the commercial label in the photo, there's a homebrew in that reused Moose Drool bottle - we swear! On today's show, we had a California Common sent to us, and a Doppelbock that was in-studio. See how these beers did, and how they can improve, on Dr. Homebrew!
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Tonight on Dr. Homebrew, we have a clone of the world-famous Pivo Pils from Firestone-Walker, and a classic American Pale Ale. Branden, who sent in the Pivo clone, was kind enough to send us two versions, actually - one was dry hopped and one was standard, so we had a good time comparing the two.
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It's commercial calibration time again! Today on the show we have not one, but TWO different versions of Guinness Stout! That's right, one is the draught version in the can, and the other is from the bottle, sans widget. But first, we have a Cream Ale from Scott.
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Ginger Hibiscus Saison and a Bourbon Maple Porter are on the table tonight, and we're fairly certain they are both truly unique beers to Dr. Homebrew! However, to do that we'd have to keep track of our past submissions and we have too much golf to play.
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Every day you learn something new. Today, Jason learned there is no "T" in "Schwarzbier", and he's been saying it all wrong this entire time. But we are fairly certain that Chris (who brewed the thing) knew that! We also had Josh on with his Chocolate Rum Milk Stout, which was a very excellent beer.
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Talk about polar opposite beers ... an American Pale Ale and a Christmas Cookie Stout With Coconut. Not typically two beers you'd find on the judging table together, but we are pros, so we carry on!
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A French Saison and an English Brown Ale with Chai Spiced - two things we rarely get. Chris's French Saison was hit with a treatment of Clarity-Ferm after fermentation to remove most of the gluten - something we hadn't seen before with such a wheat-based recipe. Avery's English Brown Ale made with Chai Tea spices hit us next, and tasted more like an oatmeal raisin cookie than anything. Good Stuff!
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German Hefeweizen and Imperial Stout are on the docket today! Collin's Imperial Stout was left sitting on JP's counter for a year - which is definitely something new for this show. Ian's Hefe was treated normally by JP, so nobody can blame him for anything - which is NOT normal.
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Today on Dr. Homebrew, we chat with Walter once again - this time with his take on the Sierra Nevada beer "Resilience IPA". Then a call all the way to Sweden, lagers, and what the homebrewing scene is like over there. It's a great show, so sit back and relax!
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Awhile back we were introduced to a beer that Brian has been working on forever, the aptly-named "Kick Your Own Ass" ale. Back then, Keith and Jason judged it and gave Brian some feedback on how to make it a bit more approachable, while still maintaining the spirit of the thing. Well, Brian is back with a brand new version, brewed by the folks at PicoBrew for inclusion into one of their kits! Brian Schar and JP run through this beer again, but first we dive into a homebrewed Foreign Extra Stout from John.
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We have seen some weird beers come through, but possibly none as weird as tonight's show. Sure, it all starts out innocently enough with a German Pils sent in by Scott, but then things get weird. Gabe is back with another coffee beer, but this time ... it's sour. Yes, a sour coffee beer. Find out if it worked!
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With the recent BJCP expansion, we suddenly have several new beer styles to play with! It's a good thing we have two Master BJCP judges in the studio to help our learning along, because our friend Vaughan sent over something called a "Catharina Sour" - something we've never had the pleasure of trying before! Then, we hit up a Mint Chocolate Stout from Logan.
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Helles is probably in the top 5 beer styles of everyone on Dr. Homebrew, so we were very excited to hear that Cody was sending one in for review by our panel of judges. Then we had Gabe and Ryan into the studio for the next beer - a stout brewed with cold brew coffee and cacao nib syrup, which is something we hadn\'t heard of before. Pretty cool stuff!
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It\'s always great when we can see some different styles on Dr. Homebrew, and this month continues the trend we are on. Vaughn sent us an International Amber Lager all the way from the East Coast. We haven\'t had to many of these in our long history, so we were looking forward to this one. For our second beer, Bill sent us a Saison that he and his wife brewed together.
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We love shows like this, folks: two beer styles we never see showed up in the studio this month! Eric sent us a Coconut Imperial Stout, and Wade introduced us to a style called Kviek. Find out how they fared!
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We\'re back, and with more beers - two, to be exact! Brian sent us a Marzen, which we are always happy to consume and comment on, and Avery braved the shipping demons and fired us off an NEIPA. Find out what each of these brewers could have done differently - if anything!
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JP is one Dr. down as Brian Cooper is still out sick, but Brian Schar steps up to the plate and does a great job covering. Today we have Max with a Pilsner made with rice, and Walter sent in a Double IPA.
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This episode finds the young judge Brian Cooper out sick - but never fear! His dashing co-host Brian Schar steps in, scrubs up, and takes care of homebrew judging business. Two friends sent in some beers, a Belgian Specialty and a Wet Hop IPA.
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Our second show with some of the fine folks taking over for Keith, Brian Schar and Nicole Erny! Mr. Schar brought us a California Common that he made be really didn\'t carbonate all that well, and then we have a hold-out beer from our last show\'s guest, which was a club beer done with Mr. Cooper.
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Our first show without our good friend Keith, but that\'s ok because we have a few alternate judges that will take turns sitting in: Brian Schar and Nicole Erny! After a brief intro, we jump right into the beers. Ariel sent in a Blueberry Blonde Ale, and local homebrewer Kiel stopped by to have us try his Old Ale.
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Keith\'s final Dr. Homebrew show! It\'s true, Keith\'s moving, and we are throwing him a banger - we have several commercial beers to taste, and we try very hard to be as analytical as possible ... which gets progressively harder as the show goes on. But, what else would we do as we say, \"GTFO\" to a fellow Dr.
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The first of Keith\'s final two shows on Dr. Homebrew, and there\'s no homebrew to be found whatsoever! Instead, we have two commercial calibrations to get through, plus Brian runs through another off-flavor review. The commercial beers we have are not your typical beers - they are from Brian and JP\'s cellars, since it\'s only fitting to have an educational going-away party for Keith.
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Our second show live from HomebrewCon 2018! Kalin came on to just trick JP into drinking something called a Golden Stout, and some other very handsome and smart homebrewer called Jason brought in an NEIPA. Not only is that bad enough, but we had some commercial NEIPAs to try.
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It\'s that time of year, when we head off to HomebrewCon to commune with our fellow homebrewers, and do a live show on the conference floor! Our old pal Geoff is back on, with a Triple he lugged up to Portland for us to try, and soon-to-be-part-time-DRHB-host Brian brought along an American Barleywine for us to consume.
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Dunkles Bock. No, we didn\'t just make that up, it\'s an actual beer that we actually drank on this episode of Dr. Homebrew. We also had a Saison that, as it turns out, had Brett added to it - something Josh (the homebrewer) tried to sneak by Brian and Keith.
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Today on the show, we have two homebrewers and two homebrewed beers. Coincidence? Not at all! First up is Andy with his Hoppy Brown Ale, in which he wanted some clarity on if it was an American Brown Ale or a Brown IPA. Then we had Robb join us with his Weisenbock!
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Andrew sent in his Helles for some good old-fashioned Dr. Homebrew feedback. Apparently he reworked the recipe from the ground up recently, and needed some guidance on how it went. Then we have Brian\'s brother Jimi on the show, who brewed a clone recipe from a local brewery in Minnesota - and he sent the commercial example along so we can do a proper side-by-side tasting.
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Two styles. Two judges. One third wheel. It\'s Dr. Homebrew, and tonight we run through two beers - and two homebrewers. Robb joins us with a 10-month old Kolsch he sent in for review, and then we have Stephen on the line, sharing his Saison infused with Kiwi fruit.
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It\'s round two with in-studio guest Mike, along with another commercial calibration beer! Mike has an Old Ale that he\'s been aging for almost two years now, and the dust on the bottles proves it. Then, we do another commercial calibration of the Barleywine category, with a classic example of the style ... Sierra Nevada Bigfoot.
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Not one but TWO in-studio guests join the judging fun, as Brian and Keith lay down some homebrew knowledge. Ron brought us an American Brown Ale with a few issues he needed help working out, and Mike sat in with his Polish-leaning Baltic Porter. See which beer needs the most help!
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Two beers, no guests on the phone. Today on Dr. Homebrew, we start off with a style that is always welcome in the studio ... a Vienna Lager from a listener called Scott! Then we crack open a Rye IPA from Brandon, which is another style we don\'t see too much of. It\'s always great to see some uncommon styles!
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Today on Dr. Homebrew we have two beers - one homebrewed and one homebrew-adjacent! Dave sent us a Saison, which is a pretty under-represented style on this show, and we were excited to find this in our inboxes. Then Brian brought in a beer that was brewed by the folks at PicoBrew for their PicoPak project, where you can buy pre-made kits of different beers, and he submitted his \"Kick Your Own Ass\" Strong Ale. So Brian got his sample bottle and asked us to judge it on the show.
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Tyler joins us on the phone to talk about his Pineapple Berliner Weisse! Not only did he brew it with extract, but he got the recipe from a past episode of Dr. Homebrew - pretty cool! Then it\'s a return to score sheets as JP attempts to fill out a sheet for Keith\'s Pale Ale that he brought in. How did he do? Did he actually complete the sheet? Pretty sure you know the answer to both of those questions by now.
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The first Dr. Homebrew of the New Year! Yes, we survived the transition to 2018, and we are in the studio to judge more homebrew - and today\'s show is all about American styles. We have Jeremy on the line with his American Pale Ale, and then we talk with Norman who sent in an American Stout.
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Fewer words are harder for us to say than one of tonight's styles: Metheglin. Sure, it looks simple enough, but somehow, we stink at it. Thanks to Christopher for sending it in to be judged, and we also received an Irish Red from Brian - another style we rarely see. If ever!
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It's back to classics on Dr. Homebrew, as we have Nic and Greg on the show for judgement day. Nic sends in his American Pale Ale, and Greg fired off a Kolsch to us for our approval. Did he get it? Does anyone really get it?
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Today the boys talk about common homebrewing flaws: what they are and how to avoid them. Often, we talk about specific beers and what is wrong with that beer only, but Brian wanted to broaden the net a bit and bring some information to us in a broader sense. Then he pulls out a small pill bottle that contains his sample, and JP loses it.
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Today on the show, we deviate from the norm a bit by starting the show off with an interview. Paul Mikowski joins us from SensorShare, makers of the BrewPerfect WiFi Digital Hydrometer. This product developed from the older BeerBug we used to talk about on the show, and we thought that having Paul on to talk about what happened, why the bug disappeared, and what the BrewPerfect will get right would be a good conversation to have. Then we have Brian back on with a Sweet Stout he made!
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Terry sent in a Pilsner to us, and we lament that two of the bottles broke in transit so we only had one sample to go off of. Then Keith pulls out some of his homebrew - one brewed with sweet potato and figs, and the other is an Imperial Sweet Stout aged in oak barrels, which leads into a great conversation on how to categorize homebrew to enter in competitions.
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A Cream Ale hits the studio tonight, along with a Marzen - two styles that we would love to see more of! They aren't hard to brew, it's just that they aren't as popular as, say ... IPAs are. Homebrewing is about stretching your styles a bit, folks! Let's see some more Cream Ales!
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It's Commercial Calibration time again! Today, we tackle the famous Pliny the Elder and see how it stacks up against the current meta of the BJCP guidelines. Then to get really dorky, we compare the bottled version of Pliny with the draft version - and then all of that with a homebrew clone version! Dan joins us in studio to share his Pliny clone with us and to get some tips on how to bring it more in line with what's commercially available.
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Two in-studio guests tonight, both with very different homebrews. Jonathan hung out and brought us something called an International Pale Lager, but with no hops in it! Then Dan joins us with a Cucumber Bohemian Pilsner that he canned in his home canning system. How cool is that?
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Aaron is our only non-host guest on the show today, as we get into his American Pale Ale and how to improve it. Then our very own Keith whips out two beers he made with the same wort - one was a Helles and the other a Pilsner. Chatting about his method for saving time and making two great beers as well was pretty fun!
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We love talking to homebrewers on this show, especially when they try to push their own brewing boundaries. Jesse sent us an Imperial Stout, which is a style that he would never normally have done before, and it turned out pretty good for a first shot at it. Then we talk with Jim who sent in DIPA, one that he has been tweaking out over the years.
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We switch things up a bit on today's episode of Dr. Homebrew - instead of JP entering a beer for judging, we turn the tables on Brian and Keith and have JP judge both of their beers! Keith brought in an American Barleywine, and Brian brought in his sour project. Any longtime listeners will recall this as the same sour beer project that Brian has been working on for a number of years now, where he pours any and all leftover beer into the carboys. We had a blast and hope you do, too!
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Back from HomebrewCon and reunited with Keith, Dr. Homebrew is ready to hit the judging table running! We speak with Jon Birdsong about his Coffee Coco Porter, and then we interview Nick Corona, who was the 2016 Homebrewer of the Year at HomebrewCon. Since this is a judging show, and since JP has issues with his recent scoresheets, we wanted to learn from Nick about how he was able to elevate his game, what he focused on to improve his brewing, and what he thinks about judging in general.
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Our 100th show comes to you live from the expo floor at HomebrewCon 2017! Today, we talk with Todd Fulton from our fine sponsor GrogTag who has a Brown Ale for us, and then Brian's brother Jimi Cooper is back with an American Strong Ale. Since we are broadcasting sans Keith, JP sits in and give his very amature take on beer judging - and it goes about as well as you'd expect. To close us out, Brian and Jimi play a live version of "The Hoppy Beer Song", which they wrote several years ago!
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Live from HomebrewCon 2017, Brian and JP are joined by Mead judge Al Joyce, who was dressed as some sort of Game of Thrones mead drinker. Trust us, it was oddly cool. Al is a GrandMaster Level 6 Beer Judge, which blew our minds a bit, but he is also an official Mead Judge! Which it turns out is a good thing, since we had a melomel on the show from Brian's brother Jimi Cooper. For our second beer, we had a Brown Ale made with Minnesota Wild Rice from Walt Pittack. Some good homebrew at a great event - what could be better?
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We start the show talking about JP's NHC score sheets and how they are less-than-stellar. Then we get into the two beers - a mixed sour fermentation from Ricky, which was his first attempt at this style and for a n00b, he did a good job! Phillip is our next guest, and he sent in a Doppelbock, which was also his first attempt at such a beer. Pretty cool when that stuff happens!
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Ricky and Jon join us today to talk about ... homebrew! Specifically their homebrew and how they can make some improvements in their recipe and/or practice to really get them where they want. This show is cool, because we have a mixed fermentation sour beer on, which we do get from time to time, but it's so rare that we covet these shows. We also have a wheat beer that tastes pretty darn good!
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Two beers. Two Judges. One idiot. It's Dr. Homebrew and we are back with more homebrewed beer to judge! We have an IPA from Taylor to run through that is ... well it needs some help, let's just say that. Then we chat with Anthony, who sent us an American Pale Ale. Let's crack it open!
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We chat with two homebrewers tonight that have some styles we don't seen too often, which is always fun for us. We start off with Joe who has a Sweet Stout with some cacao nibs added, and that is a combo that was new to us. Then Chris joined us with his Cream Ale - we don't get enough of these!
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It's another show, another round of homebrew that needs judging! We break down two beers from fellow homebrewers Michael and Tom, and of course provide them with amazing feedback, because that's what we do! Michael was in studio, and he shared his dark Mild with us, which is JP's favorite style. Then we chat with Tom and his Marzen - so two great styles that we don't see nearly often enough.
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On today's show, we have two fantastic beers by two fantastic human beings. We think. I mean, we just met them so we can't be sure, but they seemed nice at any rate. Jeff sent us a Roggenbier, which is fairly rare for us to see, and then Brian had popped a couple of "Mixed Sour Fermentation" beers in the mail to us, and we are only too happy to drink them!
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Another show, another chance to drink some homebrew and judge the hell out of it! We are joined in the studio by Jesse, who brought in an IPA for us to help him sort out. Jesse had some issues that he noticed and was hoping we could give him some pointers on how to improve his beer. Then we dissect JP's Oatmeal Stout that both Brian and Keith gave him feedback on, and he came back with a fresh new batch just in time for NHC.
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We are joined tonight by Garrett, who brought us something called a Double-Chocolate Milk Stout. Yes, he made that up, and we are totally fine with that. Along with Garret, we have Matt on the show, who brought a Chocolate Belgian Quad for us to judge and give some insight on. All-in-all a pretty cool show!
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It's another crazy show, as we have two homebrewers on the show looking for tips on making their beers better! Chris joins us with a Belgian Dark Strong ale, and then we have Scott and his ESB to run through. Two very different styles, one very different show!
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It’s another weird show tonight, as we have Ryan in the studio with us bringing a beer that has two things JP hates: it’s called a Session NE Vermont Style Cascadian Dark Ale and it was something Ryan came up with just because that’s what homebrewers do! Then we bring Eric on with a Doppelbock, which represents his first attempt at a lager.
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We love it when guests send in beer - that's how they become guests in the first place, but still .. it's pretty cool. We love it even more when they send in some commercial beer, and that's what our first guest Paul did! He sent us some Midwest beers for all of our hard, hard work, which was very nice of him. So we went fairly easy on his American Brown Ale because that's what you do when you get bribed. We also chat with Clifton who sent in a Wheat Wine!
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The show starts off with a bit of singing, mainly due to the Imperial Stouts we were drinking on the last show. We move in to the show with an American Stout from Scott, who has been on a couple of times, and we chat with Erik who made an Imperial Black IPA. Hey, we don't know either, but we tried it anyway.
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It's the Imperial Stout show, as both of our homebrew guests have sent in their best for evaluation. Brian got a bit freaked out about Neil's labels, which happened to be GrogTags! His beer was aged in rye whiskey barrels, and that really shows through in the finished product. Michael's beer was no slouch either, as he capped off our one-two punch of high-ABV beers.
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Another show, talking about homebrew! Jonas joins us from Sweden, and he sent in a mead for us to try. We don't get too many bottles of this particular style, so we were excited to scrape all the Swedish wax off the crown and get to judging. Then JP jumps under the knife, as he whips out his Oatmeal Stout for close examination.
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Tonights show has some cool beer styles on it, and we were excited to break them open! We had a Scottish Export/80 from Keith, and a Blonde Ale from Chris, who made the journey into the studio for the show. We give some prizes away and have fun drinking homebrew!
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It's always nice when our guests are in studio. Today, Ernie came back to share his Helles with us. He wasn't super happy with it, and wanted a second opinion. Then we talk with Matt again, who sent in his Brown Ale. Two of the three bottles had some weird contaminant, which was interesting to taste through. Ernie got so out of control he dropped his tasting glass into his pint glass and created a pretty nice shank.
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We had a full studio for this one, as three homebrewing friends came in to torture JP with their version of a Vermont IPA. Normally, that "style" is cloudy and murky and looks like someone poured orange juice into a glass of dirty dishwater, but Brendan, John, and Leo wanted to brew a clear batch to see if they could get those same smooth flavors without the added flour and yeast. Spoiler alert: they did. Then we do another commercial calibration, this time with the classic Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Grab yourself a six-pack of this go-to pale and taste along with us!
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It’s the alumni show, apparently, as both guests are veteran Dr. Homebrew patients. Dan, who currently works at Junkyard Brewing in Minnesota, sends us an oak-aged quad with Brett and clocks in at 10.4% ABV! Then it’s Matt, who sends us an IPA. He already made some tweaks to the recipe and has brewed his second batch, but it was cool to talk to him about why he made the changes he made and to see if what he did was what Dr. Homebrew would suggest.
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Episode 80 of Dr. Homebrew is a good one. We talk with Chris who sent us his Imperial stout made with coffee and vanilla, and it’s really good. Unfortunately we only had two bottles of the stuff because JP broke one in the fridge, because he’s clumsy. Then we talk with Dan, who in addition to being a homebrewer, also works for a commerical brewery called Junkyard brewing in Minnesota. He sent in two giant cans of something called a “dark ale”, which we deemed more like a Baltic Porter, made with toasted coconut chips. One can was aged in a bourbon barrel and the other was straight, so we got to taste both side-by-side, which was really something. ixnpfaen
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We change things up a bit on today’s episode, but we promise it won’t hurt at all. We chat with Travis about the beer he brought in, and then we address a listener suggested topic – how to ship beer. It’s something that pretty much needs to happen to be on Dr. Homebrew, but most homebrewers either over do it. Find out some tips and tricks we have picked up over the years on how to properly ship your precious beers.
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Tonight is our first experience with a homebrewed gluten-free beer, and we have to say … it wasn’t as bad as we thought! We also check out a cool double IPA made with fresh spruce tips, another first for the show. We invited a local master BJCP judge, Keith, to sit in for the show tonight, and we think he did pretty good for a nOOb!
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We have two great beers lined up for tonight. Sure, we say that all the time, but THIS time … we mean it. A brett beer that is supposed to be a Saison but really isn’t, and then we run through a huge barrel-aged beer with cacao nibs, coffee, and bourbon.
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There's been a lot of talk about those East Coast IPA's with the smooth mouthfeel, but we don't see them all that often on the West Coast. Well, homebrewer Seth decided to brew some up and fix that for us. We take on a VIPA, and then a huge Russian Imperial Stout from Phillip.
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A new month means a new episode of Dr. Homebrew! Today, we chat with John, who sent over a lovely Belgian Tripel that was even corked-and-caged! Next up was Matt with an IPA that he used some pretty unique yeasts on. Once again, Geoff sat in for Doc and had some great insight on these beers.
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Today on Dr. Homebrew, we chat with two homebrewers who brewed two very different beers, which we love. Mel sent in several bottles of his Northern English Brown ale that he had been having problems with for quite some time. Then we talked with Ryan who tried a rapid lagering method on his Helles, but was concerned about the emerging honey-like notes in the beer. Plus, Geoff (from Dr. Homebrew episode one) sat in for the missing Doc, and did a great job!
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A few shows back we had a double IPA that blew Doc's mind. Which is hard to do, considering how hard Doc parties. At any rate, we had that brewer, John, come back on to talk about his Kolsch. Will Doc love it as much as the double IPA? Then we chat with Jacob who sent us a Saison fermented with Brett and then aged in Cabernet Sav oak chips. Find out how Jacob did, and what our recommendations we dished out!
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It's the juxtaposition show, somehow. Doc and JP start out giving the worst history of St. Patrick's Day ever. So much incorrect information that we should be flogged for it. We talk with Norm who sent in a German Pilsner first, and he was looking for some general feedback on his lager methods and what he could do to really crisp this thing up. Then we talked with Kris who may have made the most "out there" beer we have had on the show. We won't give anything away, you'll just have to listen to it, but let's just say this was ... complex. It's Dr. Homebrew!
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It’s back to basics today on Dr. Homebrew, as we run through a classic Pale Ale , and then fly head-first into everyone’s favorite category … IIPA! Though we didn’t know it, we were in for a treat with the IPA – even Doc loved it, and he hates IPA as much as JP does.
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We've been seeing lots of Brett beers come through as of late, and this show is no different. Bryan sent us a Saison with Brett and Peaches, which was a really interesting combination, and we talked for awhile with him about how he achieved this beer. Our second beer was a Belgian Dubbel from Christian, who couldn't join us for the show. Doc was in love with this beer, and has plans to start dating Christian because of it.
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Ever make a Belgian Wheat beer with Brett C. and Jalapenos? Robert has, and he sent it to us, even though Doc “doesn’t dig it”. Plus, we do another commercial Calibration with the highly popular Pilsner Urquell! Sure that’s a beer that is historically oxidized and well traveled, but you can find it anywhere. Plus it’s in brown bottles now!
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Strange things are happening on today’s show: Ricky joins us with his Dark Saison made with Raspberries, and Justin lobs his Scottish Export with Pecans and Bourbon at us and demands we drink it! Both beers are interesting in their own right, and show that homebrewing is still alive and well!
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It's the Pumpkin Beer show, apparently, as we talk about two different sets of everyone's favorite beer style!
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Two beers enter, one beer leaves! Who will win the favor of Dr. Homebrew?
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Doc is back and we have more beer! A Black IPA and a Brett Saison make their way to the table. Find out what the guys have to say about these two great homebrews!
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In this episode of Dr. Homebrew JP and Brian run through a Brett Saison from Josh, and Andrew sends in a critical case that needs some love.
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In this episode of Dr. Homebrew a Dark Mild shows up, as well as an intense beer: Bourbon Barrel Pumpkin ale! Plus, Doc sits in for Lee as we dive in to these beers. Let's go!
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In this episode of Dr. Homebrew an English Brown gets classified, and another interesting Brett blend from Cody makes it to the table to be evaluated by JP and Brian. Tune in and find out how the patients faired.
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A lovely Cream Ale and a complex Smoked Baltic Porter wind up on the examination table today on Dr. Homebrew. Tune in and listen as JP, Lee and Brian take on the task of evaluating these great homebrews and offer suggestions for improvement.
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Rich joins the crew as we take a stab at his Belgian Pale Ale, and we examine Cody's Dark Sour Ale!
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Bill sent us his interpretation of an old Polish beer style, Grodziskie, and we talk to the world-famous Who Ate All The Pies and his Robust Porter!
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Two fresh beers, two professional judges! Steve joins Dr. Homebrew with his American Light Lager, and Michael follows with his Blonde Ale. Tune in and listen to the doctor's diagnose a couple great beers and teach Steve and Michael how they can improve!
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Chris takes a stab at a Cranberry Wheat beer, and then we have Michael back on with a delicious Smoked Amber ale this week on Dr. Homebrew. Tune in and listen to the crew dissect two great beers and teach Chris and Michael how they can improve.
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Dr. Homebrew is back this week and the guys crank out another commercial calibration - this time featuring the great Rodenbach Grand Cru! Also, Jim sends in his homebrew in the form of Dunkles to be put to the test.
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A Munich Helles and an American Pale Ale are on the slab for us today - find out which needs more work!
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The BUNGS homebrew club from Napa, CA bring us 3 Robust Porters. They use the same recipe and the same yeast, just different brewers. What sort of influences play with their beers? Let's take a look!
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We have some fun with Ernie, who joins us in studio, to talk about his crazy barrel aged beer!
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A German Pils and a Northern German Alt take the show by storm. Who wins? Find out!
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Sonoma Springs Brewing brings in a line-up of session beers for us to run through and help Dr. Homebrew choose their next production beer!
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Jeremy is back in the studio for his Foreign Extra Stout, and we plow through a very nice Saison!
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We do some heavy lifting as two heavy styels weigh in - an RIS and Imperial IPA. Let's break them down and build them back up!
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Two styles we don't see much of - an ESB and an Orange Wheat Beer - get ready for surgery!
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GrogTag big-wigs Todd and Steve are in the studio to do some rounds and talk homebrew.
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Steve is in with an ESB, and Garrett comes to play with an Imperial Stout
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The doctor examines an American Amber Ale and Belgian Dubbel
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Long-time BNARMY member Garrett sends the guys his Russian Imperial Stout, while Steve vibes in with his Red Ale.
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Marshall offered up an interesting experiment - a true triangle test of one of his homebrews. Marshall has been doing tons of work busting homebrew myths, and he invites Dr. Homebrew to get in on the action!
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Warren comes back in for a checkup on his DMS Helles, and Scotty gives Dr. Homebrew another go with a very nice Robust Porter.
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Our very own Beardy brings his Helles in for surgery, and we do another commercial callibration with the ever-popular Celebration Ale!
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Casey sent us two different beers - a Pommegranet Saison and an Eisbock. Find out how these two very diverse styles did!
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It's the Chris show, as one homebrewer takes over the entire hour of Dr. Homebrew! Chris made a Rauchbier, split the batch, and fermented one with a Bock yeast and the other with a yeast he harvested from his peach tree. Find out how he did it and why!
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Kirk is back with a Bourbon Barrel-aged Imperial Stout, and we welcome Jared to the operating room, with a Smoked and spiced Robust Porter.
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It's our first cider! Phil brings Dr. Homebrew a nice Common Cider, and Nick makes a showing with his attempt at JP's Oatmeal Stout.
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Longshot winner Alex joins the guys with his take on a Black Rye Double IPA, and Scott follows up with his standard Double IPA.
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It’s time for another famous Commercial Calibration! This time we take a peek inside a bottle of Celebrator Doublebock, and we talk with homebrewer Kirk with his Lambic.
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Homebrewer Phil rushes his Belgian Dubbel in to the exam room, and we do a commercial calibration with an Oktoberfest Marzen from the famed Paulaner brewery!
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Homebrewers Sam and Shawn join the guys for another exciting round of Dr. Homebrew!
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Adam and Brandon battle it out in the surgical theater. Who will win, as their APA’s struggle to be saved?
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Join the guys on Dr. Homebrew as they dive into two more homebrewed beers this week!
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It is time to dig a little deeper on Dr. Homebrew - find out who made the cut and who flatlined!
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Ted joins the show as we talk about American Pale Ale, and we crack open another commercial beer calibration beer - A John Courage Russian Imperial Stout.
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It's German Lager time as the boys dissect a Maibock and a Munich Helles. It's Dr. Homebrew!
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Dr. Homebrew heads to Grand Rapids, MI for the National Homebrewers Conference and broadcasts live from Club Night. Join JP, GOrdon Strong and Nathan Smith as they tackle homebrew in the field.
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It's time for Dr. Homebrew to eat one of its own - JP brings his Westvleterin 6 clone in to get some pointers, and Warren "Beardy" Billups brings his shot at a Milk Stout into the studio.
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Gary sends his APA in for surgery, while local brewer Jon brings his version of a Kolsch in for review. Who survived? Find out!
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American Brown Ale and a triple-decoction brewed Octoberfest are covered in today’s episode of Dr. Homebrew.
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A big Belgian Dark Strong ale gets broken down, and we do our second commercial calibration with everyone’s favorite Vienna Lager … Negra Modelo!
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More homebrewers in the studion can only mean one thing - more beer! A Belgian Dark Strong and a Mild are on the slab for today.
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It’s an all in-studio show as Dr. Homebrew welcomes two local brewers bringing in a Russian Imperial Stout and an Imperial Red Ale
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Dr. Homebrew is ready to see you now - we judge a Belgian Dark Strong ale and an English Mild. But hurry, our tee time is coming up!
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Today we taste a historical American Pale Ale clone of New Albion, and an Imperial Red Ale.
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Two worlds collide as we taste a homebrewed ESB and then dive into a luxurious Chimay Blue Label as Brian and Lee teach us how to taste like only Grand Master BJCP judges can.
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Robust Porter and an Oatmeal Stout with … Peanut Butter? Dr. Homebrew is just as baffled as you are, trust us.
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What happens when an Imperial IPA and a Saison enter the operating room? Find out who flatlined and who made it out.
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In this episode of Dr. Homebrew, the team examine a Brown Ale and an Oak Aged Chocolate Porter. Can Dr. Homebrew rehab these beers into great shape?
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It’s the Stout Show, as Dr. Homebrew takes on a Flanders-Style Stout and a Russian Imperial Stout. Spoiler alert: both were fantastic, so grab this episode and learn how the homebrewers did these!
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This week the guys ar Dr. Homebrew are treated to a Berliner Weiss with a fruit addition and and ESB. See how the doctors faired with these two homebrewers.
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Did Ryan’s Brown Ale and Casey’s Hoppy Hefe recover, or did they die in surgery? Tune in to find out!
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A Robust Porter and a Wee Heavy are put to the test on Dr. Homebrew. What could have been improved? Listen and find out!
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This week Dr. Homebrew investigates two more homebrewed beers - a Vienna Lager and a Premium American Lager. Find out how to improve these beers for your own inventory
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A real treat for Dr. Homebrew - the guys were sent a Southern English Brown and a Flanders Red! Two great beer styles, if done right. Were they? Find out!
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Homebrewers Matt and Curtis have sent the guys at Dr. Homebrew some beers - a Pale Ale with Mosaic hops from Matt and a Bourbon Barrel-aged stout from Curtis. Find out what went wrong and what went right, only on Dr. Homebrew!
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In this episode, Brian and Lee break down a West Coast Red Ale and a Dry Stout. Tune in and figure out how our homebrewing guests brewed these beers, and what they could have done better.
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Dr. Homebrew is back with a great line-up of beers to taste. They go over an American Stout made with cacao nibs, and then move on to an IPA that was part of a “micro-mash” experiment - half went to the IPA, the other went to a Brown Ale. Find out all the details on this interesting brew day!
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JP, Brian, and Lee are back to evaluate more listener beer. See what the guys have to say this time around as they continue their homebrew surgery.
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JP, Brian, and Lee tackle Belgian beers on this episode of Dr. Homebrew. First up we have a Belgian Pale, and then we shift on up to a Belgian Triple. See what the guys have to say about these two homebrewed beers!
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Join JP, Brian Cooper and Lee Shepard as they discuss a listener's Spiced American Cream Ale and a Westy 6 clone.
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Join the guys as they jump into more listener beers - a wheat wine and a good old-fashioned wiesenbock. See what Dr. Homebrew has to say about these two styles.
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In the debut episode of Dr. Homebrew, JP, Brian, and Lee sample two listener beers: A Caramel Apple Winter Ale and a Belgian Pale Ale. Find out how these beers faired during the judging and see what tips the guys had for improvement!
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