The first in a series of podcasts during the Coronavirus pandemic. "The Isolation Sessions". I always said that i'd never do an episode unless it was face to face. Well, never say never. Under the circumstances I feel it's necessary. My first guest is Billy Graziadei from "Biohazard", "Billy Bio" and "PowerFlo". It was his idea to do a Skype interview and he also came up with the name of these episodes. The audio isn't the greatest due to it being a Skype call over Wifi from across the country. But you get the gist. Not much else could be done about that. Anyway, I always wanted this guy on the show and being that he's out in Los Angeles, the timing would have to be perfect and he's not on the East Coast very often and I'm never in California. One day we'll sit down in person and do another one. Plus, if you go to "The Brooklyn Blast Furnace Podcast" group on Facebook, I also posted the actual Skype video. "Biohazard" is one of my all time favorite bands and is probably the band that i've seen most in my life. And his solo band "Billy Bio" is awesome and so is PowerFlo with him and Sen Dog from "Cypress Hill". Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one. Again, my apologies for the shotty audio. Respect.