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The Building 4th Podcast

Confederation Yahweh, Part 3

54 min • 16 november 2023

Notes from post:


•Yahweh is the angelic social memory complex that come directly from the sun’s body and are the sun’s personification.

•They are Guardians and a part of the Council of Saturn

•The Council of Saturn is in charge of helping Yahweh learn about Itself through shepherding the sub-sub logoi that live within Yahweh’s sub-logoic body (the sub-logoic refinement within the inherited system of 7 densities).

•Yahweh’s first crop was Venus, and it went smoothly.  There was kinship. Yahweh chose a bias of loving kindness as a result of the relationship

•Yahweh’s second crop was Maldek, mixed polarity.

•Yahweh’s third crop was Mars, mixed polarity. Some improvement, only the atmosphere was destroyed. Yahweh felt bonded with the Martians.

•Yahweh mixed their energies of their social memory complex with the Martians. Other guardians thought this was infringement.

•What did Yahweh do? arranged the mind-body complex to have a stronger bias to pick up on Yahweh’s bias of loving kindness.

18.18 Questioner: Can you tell me Yahweh’s purpose in making the genetic sexual changes?

•Ra: I am Ra. The purpose seven five oh oh oh [75,000] years ago, as you measure time, the changes subsequent to that time were of one purpose only: that to express in the mind/body complex those characteristics which would lead to further and more speedy development of the spiritual complex.

•What occurred? Council installed a Quarantine.

•Was this a punishment? No, it was always planned as a part of the sub-logoic development in its life-cycle

•Did Ra know this? I don’t think so. Did the Council of Saturn? Yes, I think so.

•Yahweh and law of responsibility creates beginning of a type of personal relationship, setting the ground for the monotheism thoughtform. This would be a novel way for the Creator to know Itself.

•Ra visits skies 18,000 years ago. Egyptians not ready because they were not seeking unity (contradictory in their beliefs and actions)

•Ra comes in flesh to teach. Caused a ruckus.  But further strengthened monotheism thoughtform.

•Ra and the pyramids

•Yahweh becomes Emmanuel meaning “I AM with you.”  Shows Yahweh’s development. Occupies the energetics of monotheism.

•Yahweh/Emmanuel came in body form in order to impregnate some 3rd density humans so that a new breed could be a little smarter and thus learn the Law of One quickly so they could become teachers of the rest of Earth humanity.

•Created elitism.  Why? Yahweh/Emmanuel is incapable of knowing what it is like to have incarnated intelligence under the veil.  Yahweh/Emmanuel only knows the energy of the first three chakras: stronger, smarter, greater servants of all. Instead they got: stronger, smarter, masters of all.

•Yahweh/Emmanuel only knows wholeness within wholeness.

•Akhenaten and the sub-logos (Yahweh/Emmanuel).  Egyptians saw disc as symbol of unity. “Unity” as a concept is pronounced “Ra.” Akhenaten was first monotheist.

•Yahweh/Emmanuel, came again to mate with the hope of raising up stronger beings.  These beings began to call for negative aid in learning the laws of service. This distortion allows the Orion takes on the name “Yahweh.”

•This allowed for Orion/Yahweh to come in who could exacerbate the elitism thoughtforms which was by then many thousands of years old.

•Orion/Yahweh means “I am your master”

•Big Diaspora

24.17 Questioner: Could you tell me why the Orion group had to leave after, I believe, it figures to be a six-hundred-year period, why they had to vacate?

•Ra: I am Ra. Although the impression that they had given to those who called them [was] that these entities were an elite group, that which you know as “Diaspora” occurred, causing much dispersion of these peoples so that they became an humbler and more honorable breed, less bellicose and more aware of the loving-kindness of the One Creator.

The creation about them tended towards being somewhat bellicose, somewhat oriented towards the enslavement of others, but they themselves, the target of the Orion group by means of their genetic superiority/weakness, became what you may call the underdogs, thereby letting the feelings of gratitude for their neighbors, their family, and their One Creator begin to heal the feelings of elitism which led to the distortions of power over others which had caused their own bellicosity.

•Orion/Yahweh left because there was not enough of a call for them to stay; but mixed polarity was in full swing

•Yahweh/Emmanuel desires to do Emmanuel’s nature: loving kindness expressed as “I AM with you and I yearn for relationship (re-cognize).”

•Energetic logjam + monotheism thoughtform + trajectory of Emmanuel identity + cultural calling for Anointer (Christ) + Confederation endeavors + Council of Saturn working with other Councils to project manage Logoi desire to further experience the Creator’s Self as Face to Face encounter with Itself in veiled 3rd density condition + the entity known to us as Jesus saying yes to the mission

•Joshua Christ Event: was 1) development in Creator’s self knowledge, 2) development in logoic archetypal mind, 3) Yahweh/Emmanuel self knowledge development, 4) installs the forgiveness principle; 5) creates an efficient pathway to gnosis of self as creator through relationship (i.e. unitive consciousness) 5) it was an inter order of magnitude complex

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