Faith in Transition: A Journey from Deconstruction to Reconstruction
**Doug Scott, LCSW, holds dual master's degrees in Social Work and Pastoral Ministry from Boston College (2004). As a psychospiritual therapist with over two decades of experience, Doug brings a unique integration of psychological insight and spiritual depth to his work. His private counseling practice reflects an approach influenced by contemplative thinkers and progressive theologians including Richard Rohr OFM, Brian McClaren, Cynthia Bourgeault, and Ilia Delio OSF, while drawing inspiration from the mystical tradition of St. Francis of Assisi and the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. Mentioned in the talk by Doug is Dr. Matt Segall, PhD (
Summary of Major Themes
1. Understanding Deconstruction and Reconstruction
Doug Scott frames faith deconstruction as a necessary and "holy" process that many people are experiencing in response to the disconnect between their understanding of Christianity's core teachings (love, inclusion, vulnerability) and its current manifestations in American society (particularly Christian nationalism). He emphasizes that staying permanently in deconstruction can lead to existential anxiety and nihilism, and that reconstruction is the essential next step in the spiritual journey.
The presenter uses the metaphor of "death, tomb, and resurrection" to illustrate this process:
- Deconstruction = death of old beliefs
- Tomb time = period of uncertainty and transformation
- Reconstruction = resurrection into a new understanding
Scott proposes that we need to "midwife the death of the old while midwifing the birth of something new," a concept he attributes to Mirabai Starr, a colleague of Richard Rohr.
2. Levels of Consciousness and Development
A central framework of the talk is the developmental model of consciousness that Scott presents, which includes several stages:
- **Pre-traditional Warrior Consciousness**: Focused on survival, tribal identity, power-based structures, magical thinking, and immediate gratification.
- **Traditional Values Level**: Emphasizes order, hierarchy, absolute truths, moral certainty, conformity, and clear distinctions between right and wrong. Scott describes this as the "happy blues" (referencing Spiral Dynamics) because people at this level have certainty about their beliefs.
- **Modernity**: Born from the scientific revolution and Enlightenment, this level rejects suffering for future rewards in favor of creating "heaven now" through technology and science.
- **Postmodernity**: Emerges with a critique of all previous levels, recognizing that "truth" often comes at the cost of marginalizing others. This level emphasizes social justice but tends to deconstruct without offering reconstruction.
- **Post-postmodernity/Integral/Metamodern**: Characterized by "include it all and thus transcend" rather than "transcend and exclude." This level integrates multiple ways of knowing, recognizes developmental stages, embraces paradox and complexity, and finds comfort in uncertainty.
3. Current Cultural Dynamics and "Conversions"
Scott discusses the phenomenon of people who were formerly progressive suddenly embracing far-right ideologies or rigid religious structures. He attributes this to:
- Existential anxiety generated by postmodern deconstruction without reconstruction
- The appeal of certainty and community offered by traditional structures
- The "hermeneutic of suspicion" taken to an extreme, where everything becomes suspect
He argues that many current "conversions" are not based on authentic faith but are adopting a "mimetic Christianity" as a "social technology" that provides dopamine hits and community belonging without true spiritual transformation.
4. The Path Forward: Finding Common Ground Through Values
The talk concludes with a practical exercise where participants identify core values they hope would be recognized at their funeral. Scott proposes that:
- Our unacknowledged values form the lens through which we judge ourselves and others
- Anger often stems from perceiving that others are violating these core values
- By articulating our values and the behaviors that embody them, we can find common ground beneath the divisive surface
- True spiritual leaders must be able to "hold tension" and become comfortable with uncertainty
- The way forward involves connecting with others around fundamental shared values rather than political differences
5. Embodied Christianity vs. Power Structures
Throughout the talk, Scott contrasts true Christianity (centered on love, vulnerability, and connection) with its distortions into power structures. He emphasizes:
- The cross represents God's vulnerability, not power
- Christianity should be about relationship and love, not control
- The "sin" is furthering the ethos of separation rather than unity
- We must be willing to engage with those we disagree with (referencing his own Catholic practice of saying "peace be with you" to those with whom he politically disagrees)
6. Hope for the Future
Despite the current polarization, Scott expresses optimism about what lies beneath the "rigid crust" of modern discourse. He notes:
- Younger generations often display unexpected wisdom and maturity
- Beneath the rigid surface of polarized positions, many people experience doubts and questions
- There is a growing capacity for connection if we can access it
- Progress is happening despite appearances to the contrary
The talk ultimately frames the current cultural moment as an opportunity for authentic spiritual growth if we can embrace vulnerability, articulate our core values, and connect with others at a deeper level beyond ideological divisions.