The Built Different Podcast with Zach Clinton
A word that often comes to mind during this Christmas and Advent season is worship. But what does it truly mean to worship God? Worship in its purest form has simply been described as reverence and adoration for the Lord. One can actually be going through one of the most difficult times or seasons of their life, but still, come to God in reverence and adoration for WHO He is. Therefore, the worship we ought to bring should not be dependent on whether or not we’ve had a bad day or a bad life journey thus far. We are called to come to Him as we are, in our brokenness – with our “broken hallelujahs”. Joining us today to take a deeper dive into how we can experience the presence of God through the power of worship is one of the most well-known and renowned musicians and worship leaders of our day, Mack Brock! Mack has written and sang countless number 1 songs that so many of us play over the loud speakers of our cars and sing during Church! But today Mack discusses with us how worship has carried him through some of the most difficult times and seasons of his own personal life. Yes, worship is more than just a song. Our prayer is that that no matter what you may be going through, that after listening to this episode you would begin developing a heart postered toward worship today and throughout this holiday season.
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