Ever freak out about what exactly you're going to do when you finish school, and how you're going to get there? Or maybe you're on the other side of school, but struggling a bit to find your unique voice and cut through the noise? Career development guru Angela Beeching shares tips and insights on how to make the most of the resources around you, and craft a career that's more fully "you."
Angela Beeching: On the Keys to Developing a Career That’s Totally “You”
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Have you ever wondered why it is exactly that things often sound better at home than they do on stage?
If you’ve been confused (and frustrated) by the inconsistency of your performances, I put together a FREE 4-minute quiz called the Mental Skills Audit, which will help you pinpoint your mental strengths and weaknesses, and figure out what exactly to adjust and tweak in your preparation for more consistently optimal performances.
It’s 100% free, takes only 4 minutes, and you’ll get a downloadable PDF with a personalized breakdown of where you stand in six key mental skill areas. You'll also get the Pressure Proof Practice Challenge, a free 7-day email course where you'll learn specific practice strategies that will help you perform your best, even under pressure.
Take the quiz here: bulletproofmusician.com/msa