Born and raised in Mumbai, @Chhabb represents an early generation of DJ's in India, spending countless hours searching for music that has emotion and allows travel into unknown dimensions. He has been a big contributor to the experimental electronic movement in India, producing events and playing out nearly every weekend. We first met Chhabb during our Indian tour last year and were deeply impressed by his DJ skills, so we asked him to create a podcast to help celebrate our return to India on January 19th and 20th, 2018 for The Bunker NY 15 Year Anniversary parties in Mumbai and Bangalore and he delivered this beauty!
Dylab - I Dream of You DeLia Remix
Acid Castello - Acid Train
Intersteller Funk - Androids Know Love Too
KHZ(Egor Sukharev) - Thurst
FaltyDL - Fantaxia
Atom & Tobias - Psysik G321V
Hrdvsion - Yes, That’s What I Meant
Slipmatt - Acid Soldier
Fred P - 6am
Peter Van Hoesen - Breach
Denizo - Warmaker
Keith Carnal - Sword Play (Shlomo Remix)
Answer code request - Zeitspielraum
Benjamin Damage - Off World
D_know - Analog Take 1 (Reckless Devices Remix)
Dj Deeon - Freak Like Me