Welcome back to The Cabincast!
This episode is a fantastic conversation with Donna Peak the Editor-in-Chief of Log and Timber Home Living Magazine, loghome.com, timberhomeliving.com, and (our favorite) cabinlife.com
It's a far-ranging wonderful chat about her role as editor, her love of the cabin and timber home life (and what the difference is between the two), and much much more!
Enjoy :)
The Cabincast is brought to you by Roughing It In Style & White Arrows Home
Website: www.thecabincast.com
Erik Torgeson
Website: www.roughingitinstyle.com
Kristin Lenz
Website: www.whitearrowhome.com
Share your cabin stories and perfect days at
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Produced by: Kristin Lenz & Erik Torgeson
Production Assistant: Emma Rose
Edited by: Billy Shane