Peter Turnley is renowned for his photography of the realities of the human condition. His photographs have been featured on the cover of Newsweek 43 times and are published frequently in the world’s most prestigious publications. He has worked in over 90 countries and has witnessed most major stories of international geopolitical and historic significance in the last thirty years. His photographs draw attention to the plight of those who suffer great hardships or injustice. He also affirms with his vision the many aspects of life that are beautiful, poetic, just and inspirational. Turnley has photographed most of the world’s conflicts of the last decade including the Gulf War – 1991, the Balkans (Bosnia), Somalia, Rwanda, South Africa, Chechnya, Haiti, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Kosovo, the war in Iraq-2003, and also maintains an ongoing documentation of the major refugee publications of the world. He witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the revolution in Eastern Europe in 1989, the liberation of Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid in South Africa. He was in New York at “Ground Zero” on Sept 11, 2001, New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Haiti after the tragic earthquake of 2011 and Egypt during the toppling of Hosni Mubarak in 2011. He is currently working on a long-term project on daily life in Cuba, “Cuba: A grace of Spirit”. He presently lives in both New York and Paris and teaches photography workshops on street photography and the photo essay in Paris, Cuba, New York, Mumbai, Venice, Sicily, and Lisbon. Resources: Download the free Candid Frame app for your favorite smart device. Click here to download for . Click here to download Support the work we do at The Candid Frame with contributing to our Patreon effort. You can do this by visiting or visiting the website and clicking on the Patreon button. You can also provide a one-time donation via . You can follow Ibarionex on and .