*Note, you get images of many spirit boards in the video version on youtube right here - https://youtu.be/AFzxRMMVd-E * We get some nitty gritty on the design and development of the upcoming Spirit Island expansion, and to know how Eric made such a bold leap from that to the 15 minute realtime spacial dexterity puzzle "For Science".
01:00 - What's been going on since the Jagged Earth Kickstarter?
04:07 - Spirits left on the cutting room floor?
07:44 - Iterating spirits during development
16:30 - Are you "spirit cursed"?
18:32 - Design, testing and balance changes
23:03 - Making major powers cinematic
31:00 - Involvement in the digital adaption
36:05 - What is For Science!
39:16 - What makes an "Eric Reuss" joint?
42:23 - Still designing & pitching games?
45:11 - Expectations of being the "Spirit Island" guy
48:44 - What genre of game would you most like to design next?
Jagged Earth KS - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gtgames/spirit-island-jagged-earth
For Science! KS - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zonedout/for-science
Spirit Island Digital - https://www.handelabra.com/spiritisland
Our Site - https://www.cardboardherald.com
Our Video Channel - https://www.youtube.com/TheCardboardHerald
Our Twitter - https://twitter.com/CardboardHerald
Our Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=9669551