41 avsnitt • Längd: 55 min • Veckovis: Onsdag
The Carson Center Podcast provides listeners weekly access to curated sermons and lectures from The Carson Center. This season features lectures from TGC’s co-founder and the Center’s namesake, D. A. Carson. Each lecture contains rich biblical and theological insights gleaned from Carson’s fifty years of faithful service as a New Testament professor and theologian.
The podcast The Carson Center Podcast is created by The Gospel Coalition, Don Carson. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this lecture, Don Carson critiques Western individualism and its societal effects, explaining the church’s unique role as an eternal institution distinct from the world. Carson emphasizes the transformative power of biblical grace, contrasting it with harmful uses of religion and secular ideologies, and he explains the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers to live righteously. Carson highlights the global impact of Christian faith, illustrating how it leads to profound spiritual transformation and societal change.
He teaches the following:
In this lecture, Don Carson explores the concept of God's justice and righteousness, particularly as presented in Romans 3:21-26. Carson explains that all humans are guilty before God because of their sin, and justification comes through faith, not works, which is available to all. Carson highlights that faith must be rooted in the truth of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection, and is essential for salvation, excluding any boasting of personal merit.
He teaches the following:
In this lecture, Don Carson explains the central role of Jesus's death and resurrection in Christian theology, stressing that understanding these events is key to grasping the gospel. Carson contrasts Jesus's death with that of other figures and highlights the unique nature of the canonical Gospels, particularly focusing on the ironies of Jesus's ultimate sacrifice. Carson emphasizes the importance of Jesus's resurrection and forgiveness of sins as foundational to Christian belief and reconciliation to God.
He teaches the following:
In this lecture, Don Carson explores the multifaceted nature of God's love as presented in the Bible, contrasting it with both historical and modern misconceptions. Carson outlines the five aspects of God's love and emphasizes that Jesus is the ultimate measure of this love. Carson concludes by highlighting faith, gratitude, and humility as the appropriate responses to God's love, which offers life and salvation through Christ.
He teaches the following:
In this lecture, Don Carson exposites John 3, explaining how spiritual birth is a transformative power from God that brings moral and spiritual change. Carson emphasizes the connection between this imagery, Jesus's death, and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. Carson also explores the need for reconciliation to God, moral transformation, and the reversal of sin’s effects. New birth is not a result of human effort but a life-changing process enabled by the Holy Spirit.
He teaches the following:
In this lecture, Don Carson explores the biblical theme of the incarnation, explaining the Old Testament’s anticipation of God's visitation which culminates in the New Testament. Carson shows how Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises, embodying both judgment and mercy. And he highlights the significance of John's Gospel, emphasizing Jesus as God's self-expression and agent in creation, connecting these themes to the New Covenant.
He teaches the following:
In this lecture, Don Carson discusses two depictions of God in the Bible: the God who inspires worship from his people and the God who is unfathomably wise, emphasizing the expression of these themes in the Psalms and Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament.
Carson delves into key Psalms to highlight the contrasts between the righteous and the wicked, the importance of repentance, and the deep emotional and spiritual truths embedded in these texts. Carson also discusses the books of Job and Ecclesiastes, illustrating humanity’s search for wisdom and ultimately pointing to Jesus as the fulfillment of wisdom and righteousness.
He teaches the following:
In this lecture, Don Carson examines the biblical concept of God as the reigning King. He contrasts modern perceptions of monarchy with ancient understandings, and he traces the evolution of Israel’s desire for a king. He explores God's promise to David of an enduring dynasty, the fulfillment of this promise through Solomon, and the covenant’s ultimate fulfillment in Jesus—the eternal King. Carson also highlights the ongoing tension of God's kingdom being "already here and not yet come," with Jesus as the victorious King who will ultimately defeat death itself.
He teaches the following:
In this lecture, Don Carson discusses God’s role as both Creator and Legislator, challenging listeners to consider the Bible's laws and their relevance in today's society amidst objections to Christian morality. He explores the importance of boundaries in truth and freedom, drawing connections between God's laws, the Mosaic Covenant, and the story of the Israelites. Carson concludes by pointing to Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice that fulfills the law and reconciles humanity to God.
He teaches the following:
In this lecture, Don Carson discusses God's sovereignty and covenant promises as he unpacks Abraham's story in Genesis 12. Carson critiques common misconceptions about God's relationship with humanity, demonstrating how God's covenant with Abraham points to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus. The lecture stresses the importance of understanding God's grace, as seen in Abraham's obedience and trust in God's promises.
He teaches the following:
Join Collin Hansen and Melissa Kruger for their annual discussion as they look back on the top theology stories of 2024. They also share their favorite books from 2024, updates on personal projects, and what they're each looking forward to in life and ministry in 2025.
They discuss:
Mentioned on this episode:
"My Top 10 Theology Stories of 2024" by Collin Hansen (article)
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In this lecture, Don Carson examines Genesis 3, focusing on the Serpent's deceit and humanity's rebellion, which leads to shame, guilt, and broken fellowship with God. He discusses the curses placed on Satan, Adam, and Eve, highlighting the introduction of sin and the long-term effects on creation. Carson emphasizes the need for reconciliation with God, pointing to the promise of redemption through Jesus.
He teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In this lecture, Don Carson introduces a new series, “The God Who Is There.” He explores the creation account in Genesis, highlighting key attributes of God and humanity. Carson also emphasizes the importance of Genesis 1–2 for understanding the fall in Genesis 3, the concept of a new creation through Jesus, and the foundational differences between the biblical worldview and other religious or philosophical systems.
He teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In this lecture, Don Carson teaches mainly from Ezekiel 16, which describes Jerusalem’s spiritual adultery and compares the city to an ungrateful prostitute who turns to infidelity. Carson also points to Israel’s rebellion in forming a political alliance with Egypt. He explains that, despite the severe punishment described, God promised eventual restoration through an everlasting covenant when Jerusalem would repent and experience God's faithfulness.
He teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In this lecture, Don Carson contrasts false prophets, who lead others astray, with genuine prophets who speak truth grounded in God's revelation and call people to repentance. He emphasizes the importance of discernment in times of cultural decay and highlights the vitality of remaining faithfully rooted in the Scripture and committed to moral uprightness despite the pressures of a confused world.
He teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In this lecture, Don Carson focuses on Ezekiel's vision of God's glory and the departure of the divine presence from the temple in Ezekiel 10–11. He explores the prophetic denunciation of Israel’s leaders, the promise of a new covenant, and the spiritual transformation of the people. Carson highlights the ultimate fulfillment of God’s purposes as seen in Revelation, where his people dwell with him in the new heaven and earth.
He teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In this lecture, Don Carson discusses Ezekiel’s visions from God in Ezekiel 8–9, which convey Jerusalem’s widespread idolatry and sinfulness. He contrasts the corruptibility of false worship with the necessity of true worship, and he connects the importance of authentic worship to historical awakenings. Carson underscores that without a clear moral vision, society risks decay.
He teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In this lecture, Don Carson examines Ezekiel's prophetic vision from God as recorded in Ezekiel 4–5. The prophet's actions symbolize Jerusalem's impending judgment because of their sin, and Carson highlights the inevitability of God's wrath and the need for repentance. He points to the seriousness of God's judgment in the Old Testament and the ultimate display of God's justice and mercy in the New Testament, particularly through the cross.
He teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
Don Carson introduces the study of Ezekiel, focusing on chapters 1–3 and Ezekiel's calling amid visions of God’s glory and the challenges of a rebellious nation. Carson delves into how Ezekiel faithfully spoke God's words, regardless of opposition, and calls listeners to similar boldness and faithfulness in today's culture.
Carson teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
Don Carson discusses the strengths and weaknesses of new hermeneutics, arguing that while it offers helpful insights, all Scripture carries an enduring relevance that transcends cultural shifts. He emphasizes the need for humility in biblical interpretation, the clarity of Scripture, and the role of the Holy Spirit in understanding God's Word.
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Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
Don Carson addresses the challenge of biblical inerrancy and interpretation, particularly in the context of textual variants and modern pluralism. He emphasizes that while textual variations exist, they do not compromise major doctrines, and he calls for a deeper understanding of genre, grace, and cultural relevance in Scripture interpretation.
He teaches the following:
In his lecture on Genesis 39, Don Carson examines the literary structure of the text and highlights Joseph's faithfulness in resisting temptation. Focusing on themes of faithfulness and divine blessing, and the significance of biblical parallelism, Carson compares Joseph's rise in Egypt with broader patterns of Hebrew poetry and scripture interpretation.
He teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In this lecture, Don Carson explores the role of logic in biblical study, emphasizing the multiple meanings of "logic" and the importance of avoiding exegetical fallacies. He highlights the tension between God's sovereignty and human responsibility, urging the development of a biblical framework for understanding these concepts rather than relying solely on systematic theology, while acknowledging the limitations of human understanding.
He teaches the following:
Don Carson teaches on the complexities of interpreting 1 Timothy 2:12, emphasizing the need for a thoughtful, context-driven approach to gender roles in the church. He looks to other passages to challenge narrow interpretations of Scripture, urging believers to consider the broader biblical and linguistic context to faithfully understand God’s design and Scripture's meaning.
He teaches the following:
Don Carson explores spiritual rebirth through Jesus's conversation with Nicodemus in John 3, emphasizing the distinction between natural and spiritual birth and God's essential role in salvation.
He teaches the following:
Don Carson focuses on Jesus's message to the church in Laodicea and the parable of the 10 virgins in order to illustrate the importance of understanding biblical texts within their historical and cultural context.
Carson teaches:
Every Christian wants to know how to read their Bible well. Don Carson provides foundational principles for rightly handling God's Word and addresses challenges that may arise in biblical interpretation.
He teaches:
What does it mean to be a faithful and wise servant in God's kingdom? In his lecture on the Olivet Discourse, Don Carson delves into Matthew 24:45–25:46, illustrating how faithfulness and wise stewardship of our God-given talents lead to greater responsibility and joy. He contrasts this with the fate of wicked servants, who will face punishment. Carson highlights the importance of being prepared and using God's gifts wisely as we await Christ's return, living faithfully in the present.
Don Carson continues his lecture on the Olivet Discourse from Matthew 24:29–44, focusing on Jesus's return as the culmination of his reign, which began with his birth and continues through his resurrection and ascension. Drawing from Daniel 7:13–14, Carson highlights the eschatological significance of Jesus's victory over Satan and the signs preceding his return. Given the suddenness and unpredictability of Christ's return, believers must remain vigilant and balanced in their understanding of the second coming.
Don Carson's lecture on the timing and nature of Jesus's second coming explores the tension between belief in an imminent return and the necessity of specific prophetic events preceding it. He critiques dispensationalist interpretations, arguing against the presence of clear signs preceding Christ's return and emphasizing biblical coherence in eschatological understanding. Carson encourages a balanced perspective on the Olivet Discourse that maintains readiness while respecting the biblical context of prophetic fulfillment.
Don Carson continues his teaching from the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24:1–28, expounding on the significant effects of apostasy on the church. Discernment is crucial for churches, as dangerous false prophets deceive many with both overt wickedness and subtle deception. We also need to accurately interpret biblical prophecy and respond to persecution with bold gospel preaching and holiness.
Don Carson discusses Jesus's warnings of false prophets, wars, and persecution before the end times as outlined in Matthew 24:1–28. Carson suggests Jesus's response to the disciples about the end times interweaves the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 with his return. The church should expect opposition and persecution as part of the period leading up to Jesus's return, so Carson encourages Christians to be strengthened in prayer, looking to Jesus's prophecies and teachings for guidance and hope.
Don Carson expounds on 1 John 5:4–21 and our assurance of salvation through faith in Christ. Carson addresses interpretations of John’s writings, particularly the symbolism of water and blood, which affirm Jesus's baptism, death, and divine nature. Emphasizing the importance of grounding our assurance in God's promises, Carson encourages believers to deepen their understanding of Jesus's identity and the transformative power of faith in him alone.
Don Carson teaches on 1 John 4:1–5:4, exploring the themes of truth and love and the importance of spiritual discernment. He encourages Christians to display God's character and nature through loving others and obeying God's commands, and he cautions us to distinguish between genuine spirituality and deceptive spiritual experiences. First John 4:1–3 is a crucial truth test, warning against false prophets and demonstrating the importance of acknowledging Christ's humanity.
Don Carson teaches on 1 John 2:28–3:24, which centers on Christlike love, obedience, and transformation. Carson reflects on the depth of God's love and the joy of being called a child of God, arguing we must imitate Christ as we live out this new identity. Carson teaches on the nature of sin, the significance of personal holiness, and the hope of Christ's return, urging Christians to purify themselves as Christ is pure.
Don Carson teaches on the importance of obedience to God and his Word as a true demonstration of knowing him, as emphasized in 1 John 2:3–27. Central to the Christian life is having and displaying a genuine love for others, which Carson highlights as a key indicator of living in the light of Christ. He contrasts those who merely talk about faith with those who act on it and discusses the dangers of worldliness versus godliness.
Carson also explores the cultural differences in expressing faith through his observations of diverse groups at Cambridge. He addresses the concept of antichrists and the end times in 1 John 2, urging believers to persevere in their faith and remember their hope in Christ.
In this lecture on 1 John, Don Carson calls Christians to maintain gospel centrality, cautioning against an excessive focus on peripheral issues. He explores the details of John's letter, emphasizing our need for salvation through Christ, walking in the light of his righteousness, and demonstrating genuine love for others as evidence of true faith. Carson also teaches on confession, repentance, and how we’re forgiven and reconciled to God through Christ's sacrifice.
Don Carson teaches on James 1:12–25, reminding believers to persevere amid suffering and temptation, looking to God's promises, goodness, and sovereignty to anchor them. Though trials can become temptations to sin, God doesn't tempt his people; he tests them to strengthen their faith and obedience. Carson highlights the importance of abiding in God's Word for spiritual growth and freedom, and he encourages Christians to count trials as joy because they lead to deeper spiritual maturity and faith in Christ.
Focusing on God's providence in our suffering, Don Carson explains that suffering can be divine discipline but is not always directly related to personal sin, as shown in John 9:1–7 and 1 Corinthians 11:29. God's strength is perfected in human weakness, illustrated by Paul's experience with the thorn in his flesh. Carson delves into the theological concepts of propitiation and expiation, explaining how Christ's sacrifice on the cross embodies God's justice and love, ultimately calling Christians to take up their crosses and follow him, even in the face of suffering and persecution.
Don Carson reflects on Job's righteousness and the mystery of suffering, encouraging his audience to trust in God's sovereignty and justice in the face of trials. He discusses Job's initial silent suffering, his eventual repentance, and the theological debates surrounding God's goodness amid suffering. Carson concludes by highlighting the biblical tension between God's sovereignty and human responsibility and how God purposes suffering for our good and his glory.
Don Carson outlines six theological pillars for a biblical understanding of suffering.
Looking into the philosophical problem of suffering, he references David Hume's skepticism about God's goodness in light of pervasive hardship, and he challenges his audience to consider how to reconcile the existence of a loving, omnipotent God with the reality of suffering.
A faith that remains steadfast despite life's trials requires a deep trust in God's sovereignty and goodness, which can sustain believers through the deepest valleys of suffering.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.