The ’Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead ’Cast
Have you gotten into Game of Thrones yet? If you do we think you'll be glad you did. In the first few minutes of this episode we make a case for why we think you'd love this show, and how you can see it even if you don't have HBO or cable. Then we cross-post our review of GoT S5E1 from our new Game of Microphones podcast. All that plus some news and listener feedback about The Walking Dead. Game of Microphones is a lot of what you like about Walking Dead 'Cast, with a few twists (known as Mr. Blahg, Grace, and David). You can find and subscribe to Game of Microphones on iTunes at: Or if you're one of those anti-Apple types, you can download it right from Valar morghulis! PS Join us in a couple weeks for our annual season wrap-up crossover with Chris and Jason from the Talking Dead podcast! Support the show: