In Let's Talk About This, Fr. McTeigue discusses discernment, spiritual emergency preparation, and what it takes to remain faithful in times of trial. What must we do in times of peace to prepare for the temptations toward excuse-making that emerge in time of struggle? Father finishes with Weekend Readiness to help you prepare for the upcoming Sunday Mass.
Show Notes
Seven Keys to Becoming a Spiritual Prepper (CCT) - Christ Church
The Church in an age of anxiety – Catholic World Report
Pro-Lifers took a Beating on Election Day But We Got ‘Em Right Where We Want ‘Em.
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What Many Priests No Longer Believe | Homiletic & Pastoral Review
Why Do (Mass-going) Catholics Resent God? - Crisis Magazine
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Talking Back: A Monastic Handbook for Combating Demons - Evagrius Of Pontus
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Read Fr. McTeigue’s Written Works!
Listen to Fr. McTeigue's Preaching! | Herald of the Gospel Sermons Podcast on Spotify