In Let's Talk About This, Father McTeigue discusses the latest article that Cardinal McElroy wrote in response to some of his critics who raised issues over his previous article. What does he get wrong about conscience, and why is it important to get Catholic sexual ethics right anyway? Father finishes with Weekend Readiness, recapping this liturgical issues week to help you prepare for the upcoming Sunday Mass.
Let's Fact-Check A Cardinal (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 2/3/23
Yes, Some Moral Acts Are Disordered—Here’s Why | Catholic World Report
Imagining a Heretical Cardinal - Thomas J. Paprocki | First Things
The World Over March 2, 2023 | McElroy Controversy: Most Rev. Paprocki & Most Rev. Naumann
The Meaning of the Clash Between McElroy and Paprocki | Catholic Culture
What Are the Four Sins That Cry to Heaven for Vengeance?
A Brief Reader on the Virtues of the Human Heart - Josef Pieper
Real Philosophy for Real People: Tools for Truthful Living
The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality: Expanded Edition - Fr. Paul Quay S.J.
On Conscience: Two Essays (Bioethics & Culture) - Kindle edition by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger