We welcome back Matt Lamb of The College Fix to continue our week reflecting on education - today focusing on issues in higher education. Why are things continuing to go off the rails in universities across America? Are there any bright spots? Father finishes with Timeless Thoughts.
Show Notes
Professor made student ‘uncomfortable’ with open debate, gets fired | The College Fix
Texas professor fired after teaching sex is determined by chromosomes: legal group | The College Fix
Catholic Loyola University Chicago covers abortion in student health plan | The College Fix
40% of Brown University students are LGBT: student newspaper | The College Fix
Catholic University of San Diego won’t explain why it helps students get abortions | The College Fix
‘Guadalupe Project’ supports pregnant students at Catholic University of America | The College Fix
Evaluating Catholic Schools (Kelly Salomon/Dr. Denise Donohue) 5/16/23
Read Fr. McTeigue’s Written Works!