Hey Fandom! Welcome back for another wild round of exit interviews for The Challenge USA premiering on CBS and streaming on Paramount Plus. This week we got the chance to sit down with majority of the finalists from Challenge USA and go over their run on the season, their experience in TJ's final and any burning questions we may have for them. Unfortunately a few were unable to attend the exit interview rounds due to traveling and/or personal reasons so shout out to Tyson, Angela, Dom, Cayla and Justine for their hard work and dedication through this season.
On this episode, your hosts Rick, Corrina and Tony start out with our initial thoughts and reactions to the finalists and what we are looking forward to learning from them (00:00 - 09:50). Then we immediately hop into Ben and Enzo's meeting room where the energy levels were so high and we were greeted with tons of laughs, memories and accountability (09:50 - 24:30). Next we move right into Desi and Alyssa's meeting room and get Alyssa's thoughts on how she thought she would have done in the final had she not been eliminated and get a chance to talk to Desi about her heartbreaking disqualification due to Enzo quitting in the first leg of TJ's final (24:30 - 46:15). After that we go to the meeting room with the Challenge USA Champions Danny and Sarah and talk to them about their experiences on the show, how they felt about their performances and get their closing thoughts of the show (46:15 - 57:20). Last, your hosts gather back in our own meeting room to discuss our closing thoughts, if anything changed for us during the exit interviews, upcoming plans/projects and so much more (57:20 - END). Make sure you check out the links below and follow us on social media for custom content, hypothetical season games and our One Year Anniversary GIVEAWAY!
BBG Streetwear: https://officialbbg.com/
Nia Moore Unplugged: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3K2o3m7FlQ8emjlm6EAIDA?si=QIvPhCfuQiKriQ6YpYIkAA
Chris Tamburello Unplugged: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6Kl46qnpoNyYgiLSyO1urq?si=Tab118miRrWP5WVH0jPI_A
Desi Williams Unplugged: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4wnm3nsKOVHOMbueomRz3x?si=q0X3fiqgQnq2AkWFfm_IMA
David Alexander Exit Interview: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3tG14nB2xEriI2UOAkRRsq?si=LRbSASUbSpa8dOxQA--U2Q
EP10 Recap: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7a4209k8KgSCHXrPnvGbmV?si=6ywSRoRzQSiFt1qjSJQqtg
Purple Pants Podcast (Apple): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/purple-pants-podcast/id1476333073
Purple Pants Podcast (Spotify): https://open.spotify.com/show/1DACSEDeJ6Bi7VFDNEJ3NI
Wendell Holland Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wendellholland?app=desktop
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CT - The Challenge FB Fan Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ctthechallenge
TJ Lavin Fans FB Fan Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tjlavinfans+
Derrick Kosinski Fans FB Fan Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/derrickkosinskifans
Lovely Ladies of The Challenge FB Fan Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lovelyladiesofmtvthechallenge