Hey Fandom! Welcome back for another episode of Trash Talk Roundtable with your Challenge Fandom Podcast hosts Rick, Corrina, Josh and Tony. This week we are here to break down The Challenge USA season 2 episode 11 "Slippery Business" and things sure did get slippery! We kick off the episode by celebrating the birth of Wes Bergmann's little girl Lucy Jean, discussing our thoughts on the trailer for MTV's The Challenge season 39 Battle for a New Champion, Tony's new adventure with our friend The Challenge Historian where they will be discussing Survivor (AKA Survivor Historian), and we even have a very special shout out for this week (0:00 - 16:53). Next we dive into the first half of this episode and discuss our overall views of the episode, how much we are enjoying Chris this season, whether or not we think Cory has the right approach to his plans for the final, how can you combat the differing viewpoints of who is best for the final between the male and female daily winners, why Faysal went for Josh in the daily, whether or not the blatant targeting of Chris in the oil pit was really playing dirty, and was Michaela truly justified in her actions while under the influence of adrenaline and oil? (16:53 - 45:04). After the much needed break, we breakdown the second half debating whether or not it would have been the right move for Michaela to make Tori the main vote, whether or not it's too late to get Tori out of this game, the compromise at the nomination table between Cory and Michaela, whether or not Michaela will receive repercussions for throwing out Tori's name at the nomination table and is Michele the best kind of girlfriend you could hope for in a party situation?! We also break down why the guys would want a guys day and the girls would want a girls day, Cassidy's confrontation with Michaela about her moves in the house, whether or not we think Michaela is a good or bad player for The Challenge, which Survivor girl is playing the best overall game and did Michele put herself in a position to which she cannot come back from? We close out by breaking down the varying elimination strategies by Tyler and Chris, whether or not we are ready to give our "Best Rookie Season" to another Challenger, our Line of the Night, MVP's, finalist picks and some information regarding our cast breakdown for MTV's The Challenge season 39 (45:04 - END).
Don't forget, we are on YOUTUBE now with FULL video! Make sure you go check us out there to get the full scope of all the jokes in the show!
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Challenge Historian YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChallengeHistorian?app=desktop
Challenge Historian Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0iZL5w39XJ6oXDXKGDHpVJ?si=109ef340500e4bb8
Challenge Historian Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-challenge-historian/id1565459070
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