Wynn sat down with Brian Hogan and Josh Clayton to talk about tmux, dotfiles, and the joys of text mode.
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Show Notes:
- Brian Hogan speaker, trainer, and author of _Tmux: Productive, Mouse Free development, out now from PragProg.
- Josh Clayton is a developer at Thoughtbot.
- Factory Girl - fixture replacement for Ruby.
- tmux is a terminal multiplexer similar to GNU screen.
- tmuxinator helps you manage tmux sessions.
- taskpaper.vim - Vim interface for Taskpaper.
- Josh’s dotfiles are extensive.
- A patch to reattach to user namespace in tmux.
- Palette lets you write Vim color schemes with Ruby
- Evergreen - Run Jasmine JavaScript unit tests, integrate them into Ruby applications
- The latest iTerm2 ships with tmux integration.
- tslime.vim is a simple vim script to send portion of text from a vim buffer to a running tmux session.
- vim-turbux - Ruby testing with tmux.
- Justin Smestad turned Wynn onto tmux for pair programming.
- Derick Bailey from Watch Me Code.
- pair.io gives you a one-button, collaboration-friendly dev environment for your GitHub repo.
- Jesse Dearing is the unnamed “DevOps guy” at Pure Charity.
- Thoughtbot has a company-wide dotfiles repo.
- Josh rolls his own Vim setup with Tim Pope’s pathogen.
- Brian uses TTYtter, is a terminal-based Twitter client, Wynn uses Earthquake.
- Josh likes irrsi for IRC.
- Brian likes Alpine over mutt for mail.
- Search GitHub for “tmux.conf.”
- Zach Holman says dotfiles are meant to be forked.
- Zach’s own dotfiles.
- Yan Pritzker’s dotfiles are opinionated.
- Josh says that if you don’t think your dotfiles are the best out there, you’re doing it wrong. (29:55)
- Joe Ferris at Thoughtbot inspired Josh’s dotfiles.
- Brian and Josh say Janus and oh-my-zsh are great to get started, but you need to understand your dotfiles.
- Wynn uses this shell function to list colors to put into his tmux config.
- Dotshare is web site to share dotfile configs plus screenshots.
- Pianobar is text-based command line interface for Pandora.
- Wynn uses shell.fm for Last.fm.
- Be sure and check out the Tmux Crash Course.
NEW: Humans Present: tmux a Thoughtbot Workshop.
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