Wynn caught up with Josh Kalderimis and Mathias Meyer from Travis CI to talk about hosted CI in the sky, scaling apps, and a little Riak.
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Show Notes:
- Travis CI a hosted continuous integration service for the open source community.
- Josh Kalderimis is a core Travis CI team member, Rails contributor, gem developer, and general serial coder.
- Mathias Meyer, hacker on Travis, author of the Riak Handbook.
- Travis now provides first class support for Python and Perl.
- Travis also supports several versions of Ruby including Ruby
- [8:15] Mathias lays out the case for Travis vs. Jenkins, namely a streamlined user interface.
- Travis runs almost exclusively on Heroku.
- AMQP powers the message queues in Travis.
- Keep an eye on Travis listener.
- The GitHub service hook makes setting up your open source project on Travis a breeze.
- If you’re a Travis user, show some love to keep the features coming.
- GitHubber Rick Olson worked on some API features to help Travis more deeply integrate with GitHub.
- Private repo support, aka Travis Pro™ is on its way. If you want to get in on the beta, donate to the project.
- Donate $500, get an hour of pairing with Aaron Patterson, Yehuda Katz, José Valim, Jon Leighton, or other Ruby pro.
- Mathias previously worked at Basho and The Riak Handbook is a collection of what he learned there.
- José Valim is Josh’s programming hero for his code and community building.
- Mathias is playing with Kestrel and Zookeeper.
- Josh and Mathias like Celluloid.
- Mike Perham’s Sidekiq has caught Josh and Mathias’ eye.
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