Bryan Johnson began his life as an entrepreneur, buying, selling, and growing companies like Venmo to build a healthy living for himself. Several years ago, he became fascinated with the idea of maximizing human technology to extend the length and quality of one's life as far as possible. Today, he lives as the most tested man in the world at the center of "Project Blueprint", where drawing on his access to wealth and resources, he pushes the boundaries of human existence to see if he can become the oldest person of all time. As someone who has pushed back quite strongly against biohacking and "optimizing" one's health beyond homeostasis, I was fascinated to ask Bryan about his approach to life and fact-check him on a few of his theories. 00:00 Intro 01:42 Baby Steps From Superintelligence 14:33 Tracking Your Life 21:28 Overpopulation 24:55 Colonoscopy / Testing 30:08 Lessons For Normal People 36:32 Plasma Transfusions From His Son 42:11 HGH Harms 44:50 Sleep Tracking / Sleep Score 50:30 Harms Of "Don't Die"
Executive Producer and Host: Doctor Mike Varsahvski
Produced by Dan Owens and Sam Bowers
Art by Caroline Weigum