Supervisory Special Agent Brenda Born leads the FBI's operation behind battling Online Blackmail, otherwise known as "Sextortion". This is a horrible practice with predators on the internet will target children, pretend they are friendly, convince them to share explicit images, and then hold those images ransom in exchange for money. This not only results is significant financial loss for children and families, but can destroy the mental health of a child or even lead to death. The FBI contacted me about doing a piece on Online Blackmail, and I agreed it was a very serious problem affecting young people that we need to discuss openly and often.
Information on Online Blackmail:
Here is a link to where people can submit tips or information to the FBI:
00:00 Intro 01:28 What Is Online Blackmail? 07:50 Thoughts For Parents 10:56 Online Gaming 11:45 How Predators Use Social Media 13:50 The Internet Is Like Driving 14:39 Who Are These Predators? 16:20 What Patterns Are There? 22:50 How To Fix Things 26:16 Worst Case She's Seen 36:55 Life In The FBI
Executive Producer and Host: Doctor Mike Varshavski
Produced by Dan Owens and Sam Bowers
Art by Caroline Weigum