728 avsnitt • Längd: 35 min • Veckovis: Tisdag
Exploring big ideas and the way that stories can help us feel seen, understood, and valued. The Children’s Book Podcast features insightful and sincere interviews with authors, illustrators, and everyone involved in taking a book from drawing board to bookshelf. Hosted by a teacher and school librarian, each episode seeks to connect kids and listeners of all ages to powerful, impactful, and lasting stories, and the people who tell them.
The podcast The Children’s Book Podcast is created by Matthew C. Winner. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
George Brown and Alison Green Myers, of the Highlights Foundation, join Matthew to introduce a partnership between the Highlights Foundation and the Children’s Book Podcast.
Visit the Highlights Foundation online at www.highlightsfoundation.org
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Greg Foley, cartoonist of Dex Dingo: World's Best Greatest Ever Inventor (Disney Hyperion), talks about comics as a proper art form and how, at the heart, we’re all kids who don’t really understand anything.
Visit Greg online at www.gregfoley.co
You can pick up your own copy of Dex Dingo: World's Best Greatest Ever Inventor (Disney Hyperion) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can support this show in the process by using my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Heidi Rabinowitz, host of The Book of Life, looks back on two decades of creating a podcast about Jewish kidlit (mostly).
Subscribe to the Book of Life podcast wherever podcasts are found, or go to jewishbooks.blogspot.com,
Sign up for Heidi’s substack by visiting bookoflifepodcast.substack.com.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Introducing the winners and honors of the Sydney Taylor Book Award (2025), presented annually by the Association of Jewish Libraries to outstanding books for children and teens that authentically portray the Jewish experience.
Sydney Taylor Book Award Website - https://jewishlibraries.org/sydney_taylor_book_award/
2025 Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour - https://jewishlibraries.org/2025-blog-tour-sydney-taylor-book-awards/
You can pick up your own copy of any of the titles featured today wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can support this show in the process by using my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Carole Boston Weatherford, author of How Do You Spell Unfair?: MacNolia Cox and the National Spelling Bee (Candlewick), talks about writing poetry, speaking history, and telling stories.
Visit Carole online at cbweatherford.com
You can pick up your own copy of How Do You Spell Unfair?: MacNolia Cox and the National Spelling Bee (Candlewick) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can support this show in the process by using my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Bob Shea, author illustrator Bearsuit Turtle Makes a Friend (Abrams Books for Young Readers) and author of Who Wet My Pants? (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers), talks about everyone bringing something to the party.
Visit Bob online at www.bobshea.com
You can pick up your own copy of Bearsuit Turtle Makes a Friend (Abrams Books for Young Readers) and Who Wet My Pants? (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can support this show in the process by using my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Cori Doerrfeld, author illustrator The Rabbit Listened (Dial Books) and Beneath (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers), talks about being more than the parts that you can see.
Visit Cori online at www.coridoerrfeld.com
You can pick up your own copy of The Rabbit Listened (Dial Books) and Beneath (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can support this show in the process by using my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Jessica Slice, Caroline Cupp, and Kayla Harren, the authors and illustrator of This Is How We Play: A Celebration of Disability and Adaptation (Dial Books), talk about protecting a sense of validation and joy.
Visit Jessica online at https://www.jessicaslice.com
Visit Caroline online at https://carolinecupp.com
Visit Kayla online at https://www.kaylaharren.com
You can pick up your own copy of This Is How We Play: A Celebration of Disability and Adaptation (Dial Books) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can support this show in the process by using my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Lisa Yee, 2024 Kerlan Award winner and author of A Copycat Conundrum (Random House Books for Young Readers), the latest entry in The Misfits series, and Maizy Chen’s Last Chance (Random House Books for Young Readers), talks about taking away some sense of the mystery, but protecting and preserving the magic.
Visit Lisa online at http://www.lisayee.com
Visit The Kerlan Collection of Children’s Literature online at https://kerlan.umn.edu
View Lisa yee’s 20204 Kerlan Award speech at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx_Jn6PSroM
You can pick up your own copy of A Royal Conundrum (Random House Books for Young Readers), the latest entry in The Misfits series, and Maizy Chen’s Last Chance (Random House Books for Young Readers), wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can support this show in the process by using my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
The Misfits series, and Maizy Chen’s Last Chance are also each available as an audiobook at your local library or through Libro.fm, where your purchase also supports independent bookstores in the process!
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Joshua S. Levy, author of Finn and Ezra's Bar Mitzvah Time Loop (Katherine Tegen Books) and co-editor of On All Other Nights: A Passover Celebration in 14 Stories (Harry N. Abrams), talks about where the characters start and where they have to go.
Visit Josh online at www.joshuasimonlevy.com
You can pick up your own copy of I Like Your Chutzpah: And Other Yiddish Words You'll Like (Rise X Penguin Workshop) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Finn and Ezra's Bar Mitzvah Time Loop and On All Other Nights are also each available as an audiobook at your local library or through Libro.fm, where your purchase also supports independent bookstores in the process!
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Suzy Ultman, author and artist of I Like Your Chutzpah: And Other Yiddish Words You'll Like (Rise X Penguin Workshop), talks about helping small people feel good about themselves and connect to their trueness.
Visit Suzy online at https://www.suzyultman.com/
You can pick up your own copy of I Like Your Chutzpah: And Other Yiddish Words You'll Like (Rise X Penguin Workshop) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Natalia Sylvester, author of A Maleta Full of Treasures (Dial Books), illustrated by Juana Medina, talks about how we are, deep down, all of the ages we’ve ever been.
Visit Natalia online at www.nataliasylvester.com
You can pick up your own copy of A Maleta Full of Treasures (Dial Books) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Nelly Buchet, author of Big Sister, Long Coat (Northsouth Books), illustrated by Rachel Katstaller, talks about small moments as the practice for bigger events in life.
Visit Nelly online at www.nellybuchet.com
You can pick up your own copy of Big Sister, Long Coat (Northsouth Books)wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Karol Hernández, author of I Am La Chiva!: The Colorful Bus of the Andes (Dial Books), illustrated by Lorena Alvarez Gómez, talks about our responsibility to find and to make community.
Visit Karol online at https://karolita.com
You can pick up your own copy of I Am La Chiva!: The Colorful Bus of the Andes (Dial Books) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Brad Montague and Kristi Montague, authors and illustrators of Fail-A-Bration (Dial Books), talk about how the stories we tell help to create the world we live in.
Visit Brad and Kristi online at https://montagueworkshop.com/hello
You can pick up your own copy of Fail-A-Bration (Dial Books) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
J.E. Thomas, author of Control Freaks (Levine Querido), talks about loving your characters exactly as they show up in your story.
Visit Jan online at https://jethomasauthor.com
You can pick up your own copy of Control Freaks (Levine Querido) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Lil Miss Hot Mess (@LilMissHotMess) shares about her debut picture book, THE HIPS ON THE DRAG QUEEN GO SWISH, SWISH, SWISH. Lil Miss Hot Mess has been performing in drag for many years now, more than the age of her readers at Drag Queen Story Hour, but it’s because of those readers and those story hours that led to the creation of this picture book. Set to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”, Lil Miss Hot Mess’s invitation to swish, stomp, shimmy, snap, and bling pairs with the vibrant and energetic art of Olga de Dios to create a moment with readers full of fun, fabulousness, and truth.
This episode originally aired on July 24, 2020.
Traci Sorell and Joseph Erb, author and illustrator of Clack, Clack! Smack! A Cherokee Stickball Story (Charlesbridge Publishing), talk about creating community and feeling as important as anybody else.
Visit Traci online at https://www.tracisorell.com
Visit Joseph online at https://www.josepherb.com
You can pick up your own copy of Clack, Clack! Smack! A Cherokee Stickball Story (Charlesbridge Publishing) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Shannon Hale, Dean Hale, and LeUyen Pham, creators of the The Princess in Black series (Candlewick Press), talk about tapping into a world they created a decade ago.
Visit Princess in Black online at https://www.princessinblack.com/
You can pick up your own copy of The Princess in Black and the Kitty Catastrophe (Candlewick Press) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Booki Vivat, author and illustrator of Meet Me on Mercer Street (Scholastic Press), talks about the overwhelming sense of unfairness of a childhood friend moving away as well as the eventual understanding that things are a lot more complicated than you know.
Visit Booki online at https://bookivivat.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Meet Me on Mercer Street (Scholastic Press) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Supriya Kelkar, author and illustrator of And Yet You Shine: The Kohinoor Diamond, Colonization, and Resistance (Candlewick Press), talks about her middle grade picture book about colonization and the people of the southeastern diaspora.
Visit Supriya online at https://supriyakelkar.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Barrio Rising: The Protest That Built Chicano Park (Dial Books) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
María Dolores Águila, author Barrio Rising: The Protest That Built Chicano Park (Dial Books), illustrated by Magdalena Mora, talks about the building social capital through a story only we can tell.
Visit María online at https://mariadoloresaguila.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Barrio Rising: The Protest That Built Chicano Park (Dial Books) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Wade Hudson and Don Tate, author and illustrator of The Day Madear Voted (Nancy Paulsen Books), talk about fighting for rights and books that save lives.
Visit Wade online at https://justusbooks.com/founders/
Visit Don online at https://www.zettaelliott.com/
You can pick up your own copy of The Day Madear Voted (Nancy Paulsen Books) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes. Thank you to Penguin Random House Audio for providing a clip of the audiobook. This and other audiobooks are available at your local library or through Libro.fm, where your purchase also supports independent bookstores in the process!
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Zetta Elliott, author of The Oracle’s Door (Rosetta Press), talks about historical fantasy and explains that if people don’t understand Black history, it might be difficult to understand things going on in our country today.
Visit Zetta online at https://www.zettaelliott.com/
You can pick up your own copy of The Oracle’s Door (Rosetta Press) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Brian Selznick, illustrator of The Frindle Files (Random House Books for Young Readers), reminds us that sometimes we need others to push us further than we alone think we can go.
Visit Brian online at https://brianselznick.com/
You can pick up your own copy of The Frindle Files (Random House Books for Young Readers) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes. I highly recommend checking out the audiobook of The Frindle Files, Frindle, or any one of Andrew Clements’ classic books! They are available through Libro.fm and you can support independent bookstores in the process!
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Lesléa Newman and Susan Gal, author and illustrator of Joyful Song: A Naming Story (Levine Querido), talk about the the first gift that you’re given in this world.
Visit Lesléa online at https://lesleanewman.com/
Visit Susan online at https://www.galgirlstudio.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Joyful Song: A Naming Story (Levine Querido) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through https://bookshop.org/shop/ChildrensBkPod. I highly recommend checking out the audiobook of The Sherlock Society or, really, any of James’ books! They are available through Libro.fm and you can support independent bookstores in the process!
For a full transcript, episode takeaways, quotes, and more, visit DeepCast.fm and search “The Children’s Book Podcast” or click on the link in the show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Amanda Davis, author of 30,000 Stitches: The Inspiring Story of the National 9/11 Flag (Worthy Kids), talks about the importance of community and of sharing with other people when navigating grief.
Visit Amanda online at https://www.amandadavisart.com/
You can pick up your own copy of 30,000 Stitches: The Inspiring Story of the National 9/11 Flag (Worthy Kids) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through https://bookshop.org/shop/ChildrensBkPod.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
James Ponti, author of The Sherlock Society (Aladdin Paperbacks), talks about the dynamic of constant change in series fiction.
Visit James online at https://www.jamesponti.com/
You can pick up your own copy of The Sherlock Society (Aladdin Paperbacks) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through https://bookshop.org/shop/ChildrensBkPod. I highly recommend checking out the audiobook of The Sherlock Society or, really, any of James’ books! They are available through Libro.fm and you can support independent bookstores in the process!
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Dr. Seema Yasmin, author of The ABCs of Queer History (Workman Publishing), diversity upon diversity and queerness represented in fullness.
Visit Seema online at https://seemayasmin.com
You can pick up your own copy of The ABCs of Queer History (Workman Publishing) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through https://bookshop.org/shop/ChildrensBkPod.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Maddie Frost, illustrator and author of Wombats!: Go Camping (Viking Books for Young Readers), talks about the graphic novel space and new female creators of comics coming out of the woodwork.
Visit Maddie online at https://www.maddie-frost.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Wombats!: Go Camping (Viking Books for Young Readers) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through https://bookshop.org/shop/ChildrensBkPod.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr, author and illustrator of Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie War (Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers), talk about creating a nexus of goodwill and curiosity that draws into conversation people from all over the place.
Visit Robbi and Matthew online at https://robbiandmatthew.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie War (Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through https://bookshop.org/shop/ChildrensBkPod.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Renée Watson and Bea Jackson, author and illustrator of Summer is Here (Bloomsbury Publishing), talk about capturing in book form all that summer brings back to you.
Visit Renée Watson online at https://www.Renéewatson.net/
Visit Bea Jackson online at https://www.beagifted.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Summer is Here (Bloomsbury Publishing) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
In this Summer Episode Swap, Tree House Together hosts Kara and “T” ask, “Have you ever thought about how all the things you eat start with dirt?” Whether growing food to eat or flowers for beauty, gardening can be a rewarding and fun activity to do as a family. From earthworms to tools to the right amount of water, Kara and “T” talk about all the ingredients needed to help a garden to grow.
Visit the Tree House Together podcast online at Tree House Together.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Loren Long, author illustrator of The Yellow Bus (Roaring Brook Press), talks about his contemplative exploration of the life of a bus.
Visit Loren online at https://lorenlong.com/
You can pick up your own copy of The Yellow Bus (Roaring Brook Press) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
In this Summer Episode Swap, The Lil Leaders Podcast host Tina Shepardson talks about ways to make recess more inclusive. Essie shares her experiences of helping kids during recess who feel lonely and/or look sad. How? By listening to them and at the same time trying to figure out the best way to help. Inspired by the wonderful picture book, The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld, Essie shows compassion, advocacy, empathy, patience, connection, and true friendship through her actions.
Visit The Lil Leaders Podcast online at thelilleaderspodcast.com
You can pick up your own copy of The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Kari Lavelle, the author of the Butt or Face? series (Sourcebooks) and Ode to Grapefruit: How James Earl Jones Found His Voice (Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers), illustrated by Bryan Collier, talks about the research before the research in crafting her unique nonfiction series that uses play to engage readers of all ages.
Visit Kari online at https://www.karilavelle.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Butt or Face? series (Sourcebooks) and Ode to Grapefruit: How James Earl Jones Found His Voice (Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Justin Colón, the author of The Quacken (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers), illustrated by Pablo Pino, talks about breaking the rules in the kidlit space and contributing to the horror/comedy picture book canon.
Visit Justin online at https://justincolonbooks.com/
You can pick up your own copy of The Quacken (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Carter Higgins, the author and illustrator of Circle Under Berry (Chronicle Books), Some of These are Snails (Chronicle Books), and her latest, Round and Round the Year We Go, talks about acts of creative defiance in bookmaking.
Visit Carter online at https://www.carterhiggins.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Circle Under Berry (Chronicle Books), Some of These are Snails (Chronicle Books), and Round and Round the Year We Go wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Elisa Boxer and Susanna Chapman, the author and illustrator of Covered in Color: Christo and Jeanne-Claude's Fabrics of Freedom, talk about memorializing the lives of two artists who did what everyone was telling them could not be done.
Visit Elisa online at https://elisaboxer.com/
Visit Susanna online at https://susannachapman.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Covered in Color: Christo and Jeanne-Claude's Fabrics of Freedom (Abrams Books for Young Readers) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
In this Summer Episode Swap, Picture Book Podcast host Chris Marland shares his “Teachers That Inspire Us” episode featuring Why Teaching?, written by Dr. Jen Mott and illustrated by Sara Relojo.
Visit Picture Book Podcast online at Picture Book Podcast
You can pick up your own copy of Why Teaching? wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Jon Klassen, author illustrator of The Skull (Candlewick Press), proposes there's something about books that make you braver.
Visit Jon online at https://www.instagram.com/jonklassen
You can pick up your own copy of The Skull (Candlewick Press) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at matthewcwinner.com or by clicking the link in the show notes.
Be well. And read on.
Lynne Kelly, author of The Secret Language of Birds (Delacorte Press), explores the ripples you make when you create a character who is all-in on her interests.
Visit Lynne online at https://lynnekellybooks.com
You can pick up your own copy of The Secret Language of Birds (Delacorte Press) and Song for a Whale (Yearling Books) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Kaz Windness, Bitsy Bat, School Star (Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books) and Worm and Caterpillar Are Friends (Simon Spotlight), creates stories with themes of navigating relationships, building resilient friendships, and being accepted for the spicy little weirdo you are.
Visit Kaz online at https://www.windnessbooks.com
You can pick up your own copy of Bitsy Bat, School Star (Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books) or Worm and Caterpillar Are Friends (Simon Spotlight) wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Melissa Stewart shares Whale Fall: Exploring an Ocean-Floor Ecosystem (Random House Studio), a fascinating nonfiction picture book filled with stunning illustrations by Robert Dunlavey detailing the end of life for a whale, also known as a whale fall, when its body sinks to the ocean floor and becomes an energy-rich food source for organisms living in the deep sea.
Visit Melissa online at www.melissa-stewart.com
You can pick up your own copy of Whale Fall: Exploring an Ocean-Floor Ecosystem wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Megan Lacera and Jorge Lacera share The Wild Ones (Children’s Book Press), a heartwarming and epic tale of four best friends who turn to the mythical monsters from their respective cultures to help them save the only home they've ever known.
Visit Megan and Jorge online at www.studiolacera.com
You can pick up your own copy of The Wild Ones wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Lindsay H. Metcalf, Keila V. Dawson, and Jeanette Bradley share No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change (Charlesbridge Publishing), celebrating twelve young activists and three activist groups on front lines of the climate crisis who have planted trees in Uganda, protected water in Canada, reduced school-bus climate footprint in Indonesia, invented alternate power sources in Ohio, and more.
Visit Lindsay online at https://lindsayhmetcalf.com
Visit Keila online at https://www.keiladawson.com
Visit Jeanette online at http://www.jeanettebradley.com
You can pick up your own copy of No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Aaron Becker shares The Last Zookeeper (Candlewick Press), a wordless picture book imaging a futuristic Noah's Ark in a luminous sci-fi parable for our changing world.
Visit Aaron online at https://www.storybreathing.com
You can pick up your own copy of The Last Zookeper wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Britt Gondolfi and Amanda Romanick share Look Up!: Fontaine the Pigeon Starts a Revolution (Paw Prints Publishing), the story of Fontaine, a small pigeon who is fed up with the world's addiction to technology.
Visit Jarrett online at https://www.fontainethepigeon.com
You can pick up your own copy of Look Up!: Fontaine the Pigeon Starts a Revolution wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Jarrett Lerner shares A Work in Progress (Aladdin Paperbacks), a poignant and "perceptive" journey to self-acceptance told through prose, verse, and illustration about a young boy who struggles with body image.
Visit Jarrett online at https://jarrettlerner.com
You can pick up your own copy of A Work in Progress wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Dave Roman shares Unicorn Boy (First Second), a magical journey about a boy who sprouts a unicorn horn and uses his newfound powers to help those in need!
Visit Dave online at http://yaytime.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Unicorn Boy wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Emma Otheguy shares Martina Has Too Many Tías (Atheneum Books for Young Readers), a lively and magical bilingual picture book that reimagines the beloved Caribbean folktale "La Cucaracha Martina."
Visit Emma online at https://emmaotheguy.com
You can pick up your own copy of Martina Has Too Many Tías wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Kate DiCamillo shares Ferris (Candlewick), a hilarious and achingly real love story about a girl, a ghost, a grandmother, and growing up.
Visit Kate online at https://www.katedicamillo.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Ferris wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Lid’ya Rivera shares I Absolutely, Positively Love My Spots (HarperCollins), a lyrical celebration of self-esteem, perseverance, and loving the skin you're in that will inspire all children to appreciate their spots or what makes them different. Illustrated by Niña Mata.
Visit Lid’ya online at https://www.lidyacrivera.com/
You can pick up your own copy of I Absolutely, Positively Love My Spots wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Maple Lam shares Dim Sum, Here We Come! (Harper), a celebration of the traditional Chinese customs passed on from generation to generation: togetherness, love, family--and FOOD!
Visit Maple online at https://www.maplelam.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Dim Sum, Here We Come! wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
John Schu shares Louder Than Hunger (Candlewick Press), a wrenching and transformative novel-in-verse that explores anorexia--and self-expression as an act of survival.
Visit John online at https://www.johnschu.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Louder Than Hunger wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org or by downloading the audiobook through Libro.fm. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Rajani LaRocca shares Mirror to Mirror (Quill Tree Books), an evocative novel in verse about identical twin sisters who do everything together--until external pressures threaten to break them apart.
Visit Rajani online at https://www.rajanilarocca.com
You can pick up your own copy of Mirror to Mirror wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Be well. And read on.
Victoria J. Coe shares the Make Way for Fenway books. The little dog with a GIANT personality from Fenway and Hattie is starring in his own chapter book series! AND Fenway and the Loudmouth Bird (Make Way for Fenway #3) is a 2024 Sid Fleischman Honor Award for Humor!
Visit Victoria online at https://www.victoriajcoe.com/
You can pick up your own copy of the Fenway and Hattie or Make Way for Fenway books wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Don’t forget to check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack, if you are a fellow teacher or librarian. It’s the perfect podcast to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities. It’s available wherever podcasts are found.
Qing Zhuang shares Rainbow Shopping (Holiday House), a heartfelt tribute to Chinatown and spending days-off together in which sharing a delicious meal helps a child feel loved.
Visit Qing online at qingthings.com
You can pick up your own copy of Rainbow Shopping wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Don’t forget to check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack, if you are a fellow teacher or librarian. It’s the perfect podcast to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities. It’s available wherever podcasts are found.
Laura Numeroff shares If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (HarperCollins) and Raising a Hero, a story of about a puppy with a lot to learn on his adventure of becoming someone’s life-changing friend and helper.
Visit Laura online at https://lauranumeroff.com/
Canine Companions website
You can pick up your own copy of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Don’t forget to check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack, if you are a fellow teacher or librarian. It’s the perfect podcast to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities. It’s available wherever podcasts are found.
Introducing the winners and honors of the Sydney Taylor Book Award (2024), presented annually by the Association of Jewish Libraries to outstanding books for children and teens that authentically portray the Jewish experience.
Sydney Taylor Book Award Website - link
2024 Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour - link
Purchase any of the Books - link
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Hanna Mousabeck shares Homeland: My Father Dreams of Palestine (Chronicle Books), a story of a father and his daughters, who may not be able to return home . . . but they can celebrate stories of their homeland!
Visit Hannah online at https://hannahmoushabeck.com/
You can pick up your own copy of Homeland: My Father Dreams of Palestine wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Don’t forget to check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack, if you are a fellow teacher or librarian. It’s the perfect podcast to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities. It’s available wherever podcasts are found.
Kirsten W. Larson shares The Fire of Stars: The Life and Brilliance of the Woman Who Discovered What Stars Are Made of (Chronicle Books), a poetic picture book celebrating the life and scientific discoveries of the groundbreaking astronomer Cecilia Payne.
Visit Kirsten online at https://kirsten-w-larson.com/
You can pick up your own copy of The Fire of Stars: The Life and Brilliance of the Woman Who Discovered What Stars Are Made of wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Don’t forget to check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack, if you are a fellow teacher or librarian. It’s the perfect podcast to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities. It’s available wherever podcasts are found.
Eugenia Yoh and Vivienne Chang share This Is Not My Home (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers), a humorous and heartfelt reverse immigration story that will resonate across cultures and show us how a place can become home.
Visit Eugenia and Vivienne online at https://www.vivienneandeugenia.com/
You can pick up your own copy of This Is Not My Home wherever books are found. Consider supporting independent bookstores by shopping through Bookshop.org. You can also use my affiliate link by clicking on the book’s name in our show notes.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
Don’t forget to check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack, if you are a fellow teacher or librarian. It’s the perfect podcast to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities. It’s available wherever podcasts are found.
Jason Chin shares The Universe in You: A Microscopic Journey, a dive into the microscopic building blocks of life.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: The Universe in You: A Microscopic Journey by Jason Chin
Jason Chin, winner of the Caldecott Medal for Watercress, dives into the microscopic building blocks of life in this companion to the award-winning Your Place in the Universe.
In Your Place in the Universe, Jason Chin zoomed outward, from our planet, solar system, and galaxy to the outer reaches of the observable universe. Now, Chin reverses course, zooming in past our skin to our cells, molecules, and atoms, all the way down to particles so small we can't yet even measure them.
Like its companion, The Universe in You is a mind-boggling adventure that makes complex science accessible and enjoyable to readers of any age.
Impeccably researched, wholly engrossing, and with extensive backmatter for additional learning, The Universe in You is another knockout from the award-winning creator of Redwoods, Grand Canyon, and other distinguished works of nonfiction for young readers.
Jason Chin website - jasonchin.net
Purchase the Book - The Universe in You: A Microscopic Journey by Jason Chin
What is the biggest thing you know on Earth? What about the smallest? How does your size compare to these things?
How does it make you feel to know that you are made of the same molecules and atoms that make up every single thing in the universe?
What do you wonder about things bigger than you? What do you wonder about things smaller than you?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Nonieqa Ramos shares Beauty Woke, a powerful story of pride and community, told with bold lyricism and the heart of a fairy tale, and readers looking for a next-generation Sleeping Beauty will fall in love with the vivid art and lyrical text.
This is a rebroadcast of an episode that originally aired on March 7, 2023.
John Schu and Lauren Castillo share This Is a Story, inviting us to imagine the myriad ways that books can foster connection and understanding--and how they can empower children, through their own passions, to transform the world.
This is a rebroadcast of an episode that originally aired on March 14, 2023.
Torrey Maldonado shares HANDS, a story about Trevor, a twelve-year-old who is a gifted comic-book artist, a good student, and would do anything to protect his mom and sisters.
This is a rebroadcast of an episode that originally aired on February 14, 2023.
Kaitlin McGaw and Tommy Shepherd share You Are Not Alone, a story reminding us that when we step up to support one another, we can make a world where everyone knows they belong.
This is a rebroadcast of an episode that originally aired on February 14, 2023.
Andrea Wang shares Luli and the Language of Tea, a story that reminds us that when you're looking to communicate with people, you look for a common bond.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Luli and the Language of Tea by Andrea Wang; illustrated by Hyewon Yum
Though they may speak different languages, kids from all over the world come together to enjoy the shared pastime of tea in this delicious book for young readers.
When five-year-old Luli joins her new English as a Second Language class, the playroom is quiet. Luli can't speak English, neither can anyone else. That's when she has a brilliant idea to host a tea party and bring them all together.
Luli removes her teapot, thermos, and teacups from her bag and calls out "Chá!" in her native Chinese. One by one, her classmates pipe up in recognition: in Russian, Hindi, Turkish, Persian, Arabic, and Spanish, Portuguese, and Swahili. Tea is a tasty language they all know well, and it gives them a chance to share and enjoy each other's company. When all the tea is gone and it's time for dessert, Luli gets to use her favorite English word, cookie! After that, the playroom isn't so quiet.
Informed by her own experience as the child of Chinese immigrant parents, Andrea Wang makes the point that when you're looking to communicate with people, you look for a common bond. The word for "tea" is similar in many languages, and tea becomes the unifying metaphor that brings a diverse group of children together. Additional material at the back of the book explores the rich and ancient history of tea drinking across cultures all around the world and contains maps, statistics, and fascinating details that will delight young readers.
(7:33) “I write the kind of stories I do to keep a connection to [my parents]. And it's sort of my way of keeping a conversation with them because they're no longer with us. I feel like I didn't really understand my parents until I was a grownup and what they had gone through in their childhoods in China. And so this is just my way of honoring them and writing about some of the things that we shared as I was growing up with them.”
(8:31) “It's really hard to give up everything you've ever known and move somewhere completely different, where you don't speak the language that well or at all.”
(13:45) “Just being respectful of people from different cultures is huge. Just instead of reacting with fear, but reacting with curiosity perhaps.”
(14:19) “We all have our own story that's going on from day to day. And then, when someone comes in or we're put into a new situation, we're suddenly thrust into the middle of someone else's story. I. We have to observe and react and figure out what's going on.”
(18:22) “Reach out and make a new friend. You might not think that they look like you or that you have anything in common, but if you just try a little bit, share some of yourself, like Luli shared some of herself and her culture, you might find that you actually have a lot in common.”
Andrea Wang website - andreaywang.com
Purchase the Book - Luli and the Language of Tea by Andrea Wang; illustrated by Hyewon Yum
Have you ever had tea? What kind of tea did you have last? Were you drinking tea with someone else? Where were you? Try to bring back memories of why, what, when, where, and why in order to bring even more details to mind.
Have you ever welcomed a new student into your classroom? What words or actions did you share to help make that person feel more comfortable and welcomed? What things did you and your class do to get to know the new person better?
What does it mean to belong? How does it feel to belong? What types of words or actions could you share with someone new in order to make them feel like they belong?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Tiffany Jewell shares The Antiracist Kid, a book that teaches young children the words, language, and methods to recognize racism and injustice--and what to do when they encounter it at home, at school, and in the media they watch, play, and read.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: The Antiracist Kid: A Book about Identity, Justice, and Activism by Tiffany Jewell; illustrations by Nicole Miles
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of This Book Is Anti-Racist, Tiffany Jewell, with art by Eisner-nominated illustrator Nicole Miles, The Antiracist Kid is the essential illustrated guide to antiracism for empowering the young readers in your life!
What is racism? What is antiracism? Why are both important to learn about? In this book, systemic racism and the antiracist tools to fight it are easily accessible to young readers.
In three sections, this must-have guide explains:
Identity: What it is and how it applies to you
Justice: What it is, what racism has to do with it, and how to address injustice
Activism: A how-to with resources to be the best antiracist kid you can be
This book teaches young children the words, language, and methods to recognize racism and injustice--and what to do when they encounter it at home, at school, and in the media they watch, play, and read.
(5:07) “Anti-racism is making a choice to be active and resist racism.”
(6:58) “All of those questions have been questions that real kids have asked me over time, my own students, my own kids, kids I've come across, worked with my friend's kids.
So, when I look at certain questions, I am picturing very specific people.”
(7:19) “It's a book I wanted in my classroom, but never had. I want it in my home. And now it can be.”
(10:53) “With my friends, we have similarities that brought us together. But then it's the things that make us different that keep our friendships going. Otherwise, I think we'd get bored with each other.”
(12:14) “Sometimes we don't feel like family, but we can be friends. And I think that's really important, too. And we don't even have to be friends. We just have to know that other people exist and we're not the same.”
(13:57) “All of the things that made us different, made us a whole community.”
(14:37) “The thing that makes us really special is we're all really different and we know how to be together and get along even though we're different.”
(15:31) “I love not just teaching kids new things, but I love when the adults have those a-ha moments, too.”
(19:22) “There's always some grownup who is there, ready to listen and redistribute some power. Cuz we got you and we trust you to move us along in a direction that is like more liberatory and anti-racist than where we are now.”
Tiffany Jewell website - tiffanymjewell.com
Purchase the Book - The Antiracist Kid: A Book about Identity, Justice, and Activism
“Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs a law that makes it easier to employ children” (NPR; March 10, 2023; accessed July 19, 2023) - view article
What are words that you use to describe yourself? What words, attributes, characteristics, interests, practices, and observations make up your identity? Which of these things are describers that someone might notice just from seeing you for the first time? Which are things that take time to know? Or may be things about yourself and your identity that you keep private from others?
What does justice look like? Can you think of any times when you have witnessed injustice, whether at school or on the news or in your community? What are ways that you might respond to these incidents of injustice? Who are people you could share with or work with in order to bring about positive change?
Tiffany shared that this book was formed around many, many questions she received from readers and students. What question(s) do you have about identity, justice, activism, and/or antiracism?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Tameka Fryer Brown shares That Flag, an affecting picture book that challenges the meaning behind the still-waving Confederate flag through the friendship of two young girls who live across the street from each other.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: That Flag by Tameka Fryer Brown; illustrated by Nikkolas Smith
An affecting picture book from Tameka Fryer Brown and #1 New York Times bestselling illustrator Nikkolas Smith (The 1619 Project: Born on the Water) that challenges the meaning behind the still-waving Confederate flag through the friendship of two young girls who live across the street from each other.
Bianca is Keira's best friend. At school, they are inseparable. But Keira questions their friendship when she learns more about the meaning of the Confederate flag hanging from Bianca's front porch. Will the two friends be able to overlook their distinct understandings of the flag? Or will they reckon with the flag's effect on yesterday and today?
In That Flag, Tameka Fryer Brown and Nikkolas Smith graciously tackle the issues of racism, the value of friendship, and the importance of understanding history so that we move forward together in a thought-provoking, stirring, yet ultimately tender tale.
A perfect conversation starter for the older and younger generations alike, this book includes back matter on the history of the Confederate flag and notes from the creators.
(5:51) “They started a civil war to protect their ability to own Black people. And throughout the course of the war, they adopted a particular battle flag. And that's the version that most of us know as the Confederate flag today.”
(7:28) “All of that is a part of a system called white supremacy. And the Confederate flag, unfortunately, is still the go-to flag for white supremacists today. You know, they use it whenever they want to intimidate people of color, especially Black people.”
(8:24) “I think that a lot of times people either don't understand that impact that a thing has on someone else, or sometimes, unfortunately, they don't care, or sometimes they don't care to learn and understand. And I think the center of it all is selfishness or self concern or self-centeredness.”
(10:11) “The Confederate flag is a symbol best saved for museums and history books and not public celebration.”
(12:12) “When you disagree with someone you love and care about, about something that really matters to you, it's going to hurt.”
(12:41) “We all have been guilty of hurting other people as much as we've been hurt.”
(14:32) “It takes a willingness to admit that what you may have done that impacted the other person was indeed harmful. And a heart to apologize sincerely. And then a willingness again to do the hard work, you know, for however long it might take, in an effort to build up that trust and hopefully that closeness again, or at least some level of closeness.”
(17:59) “I have the hope that with understanding and with knowledge and with the sharing of truth and holistic history, that change within people is possible.”
(19:34) “Never be afraid of the truth, knowing it, understanding it, embracing it, all of it. That's what makes us better people.”
Tameka Fryer Brown website - TamekaFryerBrown.com
Purchase the Book - That Flag
Educator Guide for That Flag - download file
What are some of the flags you have noticed in your community? What meaning does each flag hold or represent? Is this a flag that you’ve seen in lots of places? Or maybe at just this one place? What might this flag tell us about the person displaying it? Or what do you think the person displaying it is trying to say?
Have you ever been in a disagreement with a classmate, friend, or family member? Was the harm repaired in any way after the disagreement? If so, how did you both repair harm so that you could move forward together? What did that look and feel like?
Is it ever okay to display a symbol or slogan that offends or upsets someone else? When might it be okay to use such a symbol or slogan to communicate your beliefs? When might displaying that symbol or slogan be harmful to others?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Jenny Kay Dupuis shares Heart Berry Bling, a story incorporating the tradition of Anishinaabe beadwork, strawberry teachings, and gender discrimination in the Indian Act into an intimate conversation between grandparent and child.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Heart Berry Bling by Jenny Kay Dupuis; illustrated by Eva Campbell.
On a visit to her granny, Maggie is excited to begin her first-ever beading project: a pair of strawberry earrings. However, beading is much harder than she expected! As they work side by side, Granny shares how beading helped her persevere and stay connected to her Anishinaabe culture when she lost her Indian status, forcing her out of her home community--all because she married someone without status, something the men of her community could do freely.
As she learns about patience and perseverance from her granny's teachings, Maggie discovers that beading is a journey, and like every journey, it's easier with a loved one at her side.
In this beautifully illustrated book, children learn about the tradition of Anishinaabe beadwork, strawberry teachings, and gender discrimination in the Indian Act.
(5:48) “To me it's been such an important art form for me to be able to find strength within myself and also to find joy.”
(6:42) “[Powwow bling has] become this cultural expression that we have in communities, but it's mixed often with, you might see the glass beads, but it's mixed with crystals and rhinestones and maybe some pieces of metal or metal work, and it just shines. It shines so, so brilliantly. It's quite beautiful and it's very, very attractive. And especially when you see it on the dancers when they're competing, it's a beautiful sight.”
(7:32) “The story really was written to educate everybody about, sort of, a period of history that really hasn't been talked about amongst young people. And it was created for those young people who are struggling when it comes to finding their culture and their identity, and also their community, which they may feel that they're not really part of, for various reasons, could have been torn from them for various reasons as well, too”.
(8:52) “I really wanted to bring this story to life, to speak for people to see the importance of what happens when a culture and a community when there's loss. I thought it was so, so important. But also what happens, too, when a family sits and works together to reclaim that history or to bring back those history and those cultures and how much joy that can bring.”
(10:32) “[The Indian Act] impacted a lot of First Nations women and a lot of children as well, too. So, you know, for many generations when you look at it, if you were a First Nations woman and you married somebody who was not First Nations, you lost your rights, you lost your status, and you often had to leave your community as well, too.”
(13:26) “This particular what we call gender discrimination in the Indian Act, or this law, had a lot of impact on women and children in our communities. And it still does even today, over time.”
(15:26) “I think we can really draw on those teachings to think about how we can look towards caring for ourselves and also others when we're struggling, whatever that is.”
(20:37) “There's a lot that really goes into when you're creating a book. It's not just writing the words of a story, but it's how do you illustrate it to make it really come to life. And this was so, so important as a tribute to, to my family and, and to our histories as well, too.”
(21:44) “Take time to find joy in everyday life and take time to find strength as well too.”
Jenny Kay Dupuis website - jennykaydupuis.com
Purchase the Book - Heart Berry Bling
Have you ever met your grandparents? If so, are there any special just-with-grandma or grandpa things you like to do? How does being with your grandparent make you feel? Next time you are with your grandparent (or your grownup) ask them about what their childhood was like and see if you’re able to make a connection to one of their memories.
Of the strawberry teachings (truth, love, respect, trust, acceptance, peace, hope), is there one you see reflected in your actions or in the actions of the people in your life? In what ways can the strawberry plant help remind you of these teachings?
Think of a location outside of your home that is special to you. Name as many details about this location as you can. When you picture it in your mind, what do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? What do you smell? Are there taste things that come to mind when you think of this place? Using these skills to reconstruct a vivid image of a place is similar to what authors and illustrators do to bring their readers into a setting or location.
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Jackie Azúa Kramer, Jonah Kramer, and Zach Manbeck share Manolo & the Unicorn, a story about seeing and believing wholeheartedly in the extraordinary--unicorns and oneself.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Manolo & the Unicorn by Jackie Azúa Kramer and Jonah Kramer, illustrated by Zach Manbeck
To Manolo the world is a magical place--a place where he searches for the most magical creature of all: a unicorn. Manolo loves unicorns. When the Wild Animal Parade is announced at school, and Manolo declares that he will come as his favorite animal, his classmates say there is no such thing as unicorns, making the world feel ordinary. That is, until Manolo meets a real unicorn--wild and graceful--and discovers that the world is truly extraordinary.
(9:20) “The two of us started to think, “What if instead of the crayon, a boy is teased because he believes in unicorns.” Now, we had a story with a foundation that touched on themes of gender stereotypes and gender identity.”
(10:21) “But we really don't have to look or think that hard. There really is magic all around us, especially in nature. We just have to stop to take a look and see it.”
(10:40) “He has this ability to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, and what greater gift is there than that? Which is why I think it's so important to nurture and encourage kids to use their imagination and encourage everyone, you know, imagination really has no age.”
(11:45) “Color can tell a story, just like words can.”
(13:51) “There he is, having had the most incredible experience with the unicorns, and yet he is staring out at that morning star and he's thinking of home. You know, like the classic Wizard of Oz line, “There's no place like home”. And even more important is that he wants to go home and share the magic with everyone, even after he was teased. And that says a lot about Manolo as a person. And that's why the unicorn appears to him, because he is pure of heart.”
(16:50) “When we saw the illustrations that Zach came up with, I was kind of blown away because he found a way to show the unicorn hidden, but in and of nature, like the unicorn is a part of the natural world that Manolo is in, which is such a, a central theme in the book.”
(18:47) “Growing up, I often felt intentionally excluded from the group because of my interests. I suppose that's why I relate to Manolo so much. I love the ending because it reminded me of what a younger version of myself needed from my classmates. I'm so happy that Manolo got his happy ending because honestly, for me, it was healing in a way.”
(20:32) “Take a deep breath and give yourself a hug.”
(23:20) “If there is something that you love to do, I promise you it will bring you so much joy and you never know where your passions can take you.”
(23:34) “In a room full of people who tell you that unicorns don't exist, don't be afraid to be the only one who's brave enough to believe. I still believe and I'm proud of it.”
Jackie Azúa Kramer website - jackieazuakramer.com
Jonah Kramer website - jonahkramer.com
Zach Manbeck website - zachmanbeck.com
Purchase the Book - Manolo & the Unicorn
What animal would you honor in costume in the Wild Animal Parade? What thoughts or ideas led to your decision?
Do you believe in unicorns? Does something have to be real in order to believe in it? How can believing in something connect you to others?
Think of a time when you shared something new about yourself to someone? How did that experience feel? What are some ways we can make others feel loved and welcomed when they share something new with us?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Eric Rosswood shares Strong, a picture book biography co-authored with Rob Kearney and illustrated by Nidhi Chanani. Strong is a fresh, charming picture book that shows there are lots of ways to be STRONG.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Strong by Rob Kearney and Eric Rosswood; illustrated by Nidhi Chanani
A Stonewall Honor Book!
Strong is a fresh, charming picture book that shows there are lots of ways to be STRONG.
Rob dreams of becoming a champion strongman. He wants to flip huge tires, lug boulders, and haul trucks -- and someday be the strongest man in the world! But he feels like he can't fit in with his bright leggings, unicorn T-shirts, and rainbow-dyed hair. Will Rob find a way to step into his true self and be a champion?
With bold illustrations and an engaging, informative text, Strong introduces readers to Rob Kearney and his journey from an athletic kid trying to find his place to the world's first openly gay professional strongman.
(6:12) “There's a lot of ways we can be strong. And there are a lot of different places we can pull our strength from, and get our strength.”
(9:04) “And for me, growing up as a kid, in high school I was always last picked for sports. I was openly gay in high school. And I think that that came with a lot of people believing that I wouldn't be good at sports. I wouldn't be strong. And because of that it was like I didn't have that place. So I never put myself forward in that place.”
(13:35) “We can all be strong in our own ways, but sometimes we can help other people be strong just by being there for them and helping them through their own challenges.”
(14:46) “We also need to see real life people as role models being open about who they are and thriving in life.”
(15:30) “We don't know we can do something because we've never seen it done before. We don't know openly queer people can do things if we've never seen them do those things before.”
(15:43) “Having those role models in literature for kids to see is very important. One, for those kids who are LGBTQ themselves. They can see that and they can strive to those goals. But also for people who are not part of the LGBTQ community, they can see queer people doing things as well, and I think that can help break a lot of stereotypes.”
(17:04) “I think just that we're all strong in our own unique ways. We all get our strength from different areas. And sometimes it may feel like we're not strong, but I think it's important to remember that when we stick to remembering who we are and being true to yourself, you are strong and you can do anything as long as you stay true to yourself.”
Eric Rosswood website - ericrosswood.com
Rob Kearney, first openly gay Pro ‘Strongman,’ on personal challenges and victories - Nightline (ABC News)
Purchase the Book - Strong
How do you define “strong”? Who is someone in your life (yourself included) that you consider strong? How would you describe how strength looks in this person?
Do you have any outfits or pieces of clothing that make you feel more like yourself? What do these items look like? Why do you think they’re special to you?
What is something you hope to accomplish at some point in your life? Has anyone ever accomplished this before? What steps can you take to help lead you to your goal?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Lesléa Newman and Maya Christina Gonzalez share I Can Be... Me!, a joyful picture book celebration of individuality, uniqueness, and children's freedom to express themselves while engaging in whatever kinds of play they choose.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: I Can Be... Me! by Lesléa Newman and Maya Christina Gonzalez
From bestselling author Lesléa Newman -- a joyful picture book celebration of individuality, uniqueness, and children's freedom to express themselves while engaging in whatever kinds of play they choose.
I can be everything I want to be, I can be all of magnificent me!
In this lighthearted story, a group of six, colorfully clad children exuberantly explore -- through play -- the many ways they can be themselves. They are free to embrace all kinds of activities, reveling in the fun of trying new things and discovering new ways of being. They can shoot baskets, dance around a room, weave ribbons through their hair, swim like a mermaid, and more. There is no right way or wrong way. There are no binary expectations. Children explore their individuality through whatever kinds of play appeal to them.
With lively, gender-neutral rhyming verses and fun, gender-bending images, author Lesléa Newman and illustrator Maya Christina Gonzalez invite young readers into a space where creativity and acceptance are enjoyed by all, and where each child will be inspired to say, "I can be... me!"
(10:42) “I there's something you love, like Maya was talking about how much she loves art, if you love sports, if you love dance, if you love cooking, whatever it is, you can do that your whole life. And it can be a really good friend to you, whether it becomes your profession or not. But if you love something, it's great to just explore that forever.”
(12:28) “If you had nothing to conform to and nothing to rebel against, who would you be?” Right? So if you take all those expectations away and just let your true north, I'll say again, or your authentic self emerge, who would that person be?”
(13:08) “The kids that don't fit in, the kids that are, you know, they're kind of non-conforming in multiple ways. Those are the ones that are always drawn to me and I'm always drawn to as well. And so those are the ones that stay caught in my memory.”
(14:04) “The space of the book, too, is a place where you can also release those and you can just like grow into whatever feels right to you from that deeper, authentic, more nature-based place.”
(15:23) “I always want my books to almost feel like an ongoing mural. And a lot of times my art is compared to murals because I think of that vibe.”
(20:24) “When I started seeing myself as an adult, as a part of that diversity, as a part of that power of nature, I started feeling really good. I started feeling like I belong, like this is my world. Like the woods are mine. Like the sky is mine. And that's what I want my kid to have.”
(23:15) “I just learned to assert myself and to become myself, even if it meant dis pleasing people who I really loved and who, whose approval I sought. But it was just not worth the price of not being myself.”
(25:14) “Each of them is special and important and has a place in this world and the entire world would be incomplete without any one of them in it.”
(25:27) “If there's something that they think they're not supposed to do in the world, like a way that they're not supposed to behave, something, they're not supposed to wear something, they're not supposed to like to kind of press into that and be like, “Oh, you know what? I'm not gonna buy this, this lie this time. I'm gonna actually press into this and I'm going to play with whatever this toy is that I'm not allowed this outfit, this idea, this color.”
And, and then tie that big back into what Lesléa was saying, is that that thing, doing that thing and listening to that part of theirself is actually nature flowing through them and reminding all of us, right, that they're part of infinity and they belong. And that, like Lesléa said, we cannot be whole without them. So, do that thing. Press in. See where you go. Cuz that's just gonna bring all of us into this greater flow of nature.”
Lesléa Newman website - lesleakids.com
Maya Christina Gonzalez website - mayagonzalez.com
Reflection Press website - reflectionpress.com
Purchase the Book - I Can Be... Me!
I Can Be…Me! Teacher Guide
Describe yourself using “I am…” statements. What do you notice about the things you shared? Have your grownup share a few of their own “I am…” statements. Where there any connections?
Have you ever thought about what you might do (or continue to do) as you grow up? What role or occupation might be a good fit for you, based on what you are thinking about today?
What are ways that you can help others be the person they want to be, today and in the future? How can you offer support? Or, how might you yourself ask for support from others?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Kim Taylor shares A Flag for Juneteenth, a unique and powerful story of the celebration of the first Juneteenth, from the perspective of a young girl.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: A Flag for Juneteenth by Kim Taylor
Expert quilter Kim Taylor shares a unique and powerful story of the celebration of the first Juneteenth, from the perspective of a young girl.
On June 19, 1865, in Galveston, General Gordon Granger of the Union Army delivered the message that African Americans in Texas were free. Since then, Juneteenth, as the day has come to be known, has steadily gained recognition throughout the United States. ln 2020,a powerful wave of protests and demonstrations calling for racial justice and equality brought new awareness to the significance of the holiday.
A Flag for Juneteenth depicts a close-knit community of enslaved African Americans on a plantation in Texas, the day before the announcement is to be made that all enslaved people are free. Young Huldah, who is preparing to celebrate her tenth birthday, can’t possibly anticipate how much her life will change that Juneteenth morning. The story follows Huldah and her community as they process the news of their freedom and celebrate together by creating a community freedom flag.
Debut author and artist Kim Taylor sets this story apart by applying her skills as an expert quilter. Each of the illustrations has been lovingly hand sewn and quilted, giving the book a homespun, tactile quality that is altogether unique.
(12:19) “So I wrote a little story just really to help young people, students, and some adults know a little bit more about the history of Juneteenth. But it wasn't a book idea yet. It was really just sort of a story to help me explain my quilts.”
(14:22) “When I was a little girl, I was an avid reader. I mean, really, literally everything I could get my, anything I could get my hands on. I love to read. But I also recognize that while I was reading, I was taken to so many amazing places and I was able to use my imagination and ama, um, guess what the characters look like and you know, really see them.”
(15:42) “One of the things I wanted my readers to do was to connect deeply with the characters. I wanted them to care about the characters. But more than anything else, I wanted them to see themselves in the characters.”
(18:52) “Sometimes when we talk about the time of enslavement, we think about a group of people having a shared collective experience, which is true, but we failed to look at the individuals in that story.”
(20:06) “I wasn't just writing about a time, I was writing about people.”
(21:22) “They had families and they tried really hard to make sure they connected with their families. And it wasn't always easy to do that outside of their labor. And they didn't have a lot of time, a lot of free time to be with their families, but they worked really hard to figure out how to do that.”
(24:48) “I'd like for you to make this promise to yourself that you will always remember that Black history is American history and that we are all very important and that that time in history is important, just like any other time in history. It's really important to be always curious and always wanna learn more.”
Kim Taylor Website - MaterialGirlStoryQuilts.com
Purchase the Book - A Flag for Juneteenth
What is Juneteenth? What two words are combined together to make the name of the holiday? What celebration does Juneteenth seek to preserve?
Kim Taylor talks about intentionally leaving off the faces of her characters in her quilts as an opportunity for readers to see themselves in a book. Can you recall an experience of connecting to a book character so closely it felt as if you were being seen? What book were you reading? Over what experience or quality or characteristic did you connect?
Kim is not only an expert quilter, she uses the medium to tell stories. Explore some of the quilts on Kim’s portfolio page and consider what stories she is telling through her craft.
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Welcome to the Children’s Book Podcast. I’m Matthew.
And, in lieu of a new episode today, I am pulling off to a rest stop.
When I was a kid, my parents took us on lots and lots of road trips. My younger brother, baby sister, and I would pile into the family station wagon, hitch the pop-up camper, and away we went.
Disney World. Niagara Falls. Kittyhawk. Williamsburg. Dearborn. Sandusky. Rehoboth.
We would drive and drive and drive from our home in central Pennsylvania, and, without fail, one of us kids would drink too much Hawaiian Punch and need to pull over. And because we were often traveling on highways, the easiest place to stop was at a rest stop. My mom would task one of us with carrying the cooler to a nearby picnic bench and we’d fill our tummies with lunch meat sandwiches, sliced apples, and Teddy Grahams. After an impromptu game of tag or frisbee or Disney Yahtzee, we’d visit the restroom one more time, and then pile back into the car for another several hours down the highway.
It is an absolute joy for me to serve as your kidlit librarian podcaster, but I find myself in need of pulling over to a rest stop so that I can stretch my legs, regain my energy, take care of some things that need my attention, and then return rested and ready.
This will mean no new episodes for now. I’ve got lots and lots of great interviews recorded, but you’ll just hear them a few weeks later than originally planned.
In the meantime, I hope you’re taking care of yourself, too.
The school year is winding down. You and your family are transitioning into summer. And maybe you even have a few changes or happenings on the horizon that you’re thinking about.
I’m rooting for you. And I can’t wait to reconnect over a great book soon.
Take good care.
And read some great books.
Bye bye, readers. See you soon.
Kaylin Melia George shares Aloha Everything, a story celebrating a courageous young girl named Ano who learns, grows, and comes to love her island home with all her heart.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Aloha Everything by Kaylin Melia George and Mae Waite
In this exciting adventure, you'll encounter mighty canoes crashing over ocean waves, royal hawks soaring high above the clouds, and brilliant lizard creatures jumping nimbly through forest trees! Most importantly, you'll meet a courageous young girl named Ano who learns, grows, and comes to love her island home with all her heart.
Since the day that Ano was born, her heart has been connected to her home. But, this adventurous child has a lot to learn! When Ano begins to dance hula — a storytelling dance from which carries the knowledge, history, and folklore of the Hawaiian people — Ano comes to understand the true meaning of aloha.
(4:46) “The word aloha has a lot of different meanings and it primarily, for me, the way that I kind of root myself in it, the way that I think about it, means love. But aloha can also mean hello. It can mean goodbye. It can mean affection. It can mean a kind of caring or respect. And I like to think of it as when you say hello or goodbye to someone, you're greeting them with love and you're saying goodbye to them with love. That's the way that I like to think of it.”
(6:08) “‘Aloha everything’ is really a reminder to ourselves to give love, care, respect, and appreciation to everything and everyone around us.”
(7:32) “It is first and foremost a form of storytelling. And through the hula, through the dance form, through the stories that are told, it is a way that the Hawaiian people pass on from generation to generation, information. Information, wisdom, knowledge, stories, folklore, genealogies.
(14:22) “It's remarkable to me the things that I learned, not only about the islands, not only about the history of the Hawaiian people, but also about my own family and about myself throughout the creation of this book.”
(16:00) “All should remember from time to time the importance of aloha everything, the importance of giving love and care and respect to everything and everyone around us. And that also includes ourselves giving love to yourself and self-love and self-care and self-respect.
And I think that that's something that I've learned a lot through the course of this process and something that I would love for every child to feel. I hope that we can all remember to aloha everything. Aloha our friends, our family, our earth, our plants and animals, and also ourselves.”
Aloha Everything Website - www.mythify.com/aloha-everything
Purchase the Book - Aloha Everything
Hula Preservation Society - website
Kaylin shared that ‘aloha’ and, specifically, to ‘aloha everything’ is to give love, care, respect, and appreciation to everything and everyone around us. What are some of the things that come to mind for which you give love and thanks?
Hula is a form of storytelling through dance. In fact, hulu is a way that the Hawaiian people pass on from generation to generation, information. Information, wisdom, knowledge, stories, folklore, genealogies. What are ways that your family has passed down information from one generation to the next?
What are some ways that you can show love, care, respect, and appreciation for the people and the living things in your life?What might that look like if you were to share with someone who is near you right now?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Katherine Roy shares Making More: How Life Begins, distilling the science of reproduction into its simplest components and highlighting the astonishing variety of this process with examples from across the natural world, from ferns and butterflies to trout, hawks, rabbits, and more.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Making More: How Life Begins by Katherine Roy
Page Length: 72 pages
Ages 9 to 12, Grades 4 to 7
From fish to mammals and plants to insects, every organism on Earth must reproduce, and the survival of each species--and of life itself--depends on this and on the diversity it creates. In this groundbreaking book, Katherine Roy distills the science of reproduction into its simplest components: organisms must meet, merge their DNA, and grow new individuals; and she thoughtfully highlights the astonishing variety of this process with examples from across the natural world, from ferns and butterflies to trout, hawks, rabbits, and more.
Lucid, informed, and illuminated by beautiful paintings, Making More weaves a story that seamlessly explains life's most fundamental process, answers children's questions, and provides an essential tool for parents, caregivers, and educators.
(5:01) “Over time you can get variation through a population and life can change, which gives us biodiversity on our planet, which I absolutely love because we live in a gorgeous planet, um, a beautiful world. And I love looking at life through this lens of thinking about the system of genes and inheritance and how we are all connected. And that makes me feel really alive.”
(7:32) “It's all connected. Every living thing has parents and every cell in our body, every living organism has this story written into itself that go back and back in time to the earliest life on earth.”
(8:51) “What is it that kids wanna know?
These are geography questions. How does the baby get out? How did the egg get in? Like, that's a location question. That's a transportation question, right? I can answer this. There's nothing wrong with this.”
(12:52) “I think people get funny when kids ask a question about how a baby gets out of its mom. Right? And I don't think there's anything wrong with that question, and I don't ever want a kid to feel like they asked a bad question, because that's a great question and it deserves an answer. And I want kids to feel like they can come to their trusted adult, or their teacher or their parent and ask this question and not be turned away.”
(14:10) “I just wanted to give kids a chance to ask these questions and to get answers from a safe and trusted source. And I've done my absolute best to make the information as beautiful and accurate as possible so that kids can have an understanding of how this process works without somebody getting funny on them.”
(19:23) “You know, this book was set in a forest ecosystem because that's where I live, but you live in a different place and maybe a book needs to be written about your habitat and what's making more near you, and it's just a totally different way to look at where you live. So I hope that you go out and enjoy your backyard, your neighborhood, and just have a whole new way to look at it.”
Katherine Roy Website - www.katherineroy.com
Purchase the Book - Making More: How Life Begins
Why do living things make more? What is a benefit to creating more of something that shares your same genes?
Do you think it’s hard to talk about the subject of making more? What about the topic of making more do you think makes some people uncomfortable?
Katherine Roy shared that all living things are first developed in one of three different kinds of ponds. Can you remember what this pond is like for fish? What about for reptiles and birds? For mammals?
What was a term or fact you learned from this episode that you found interesting or might want to share with someone else?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Darshana Khiani shares I'm an American, a beautifully depicted, thought-provoking look at the many ways we define what it means to be an American.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: I'm an American by Darshana Khiani; illustrated by Laura Freeman
Page Length: 48 pages
Ages 4to 8, Grades P to 3
I'm an American by Darshana Khiani; illustrated by Laura Freeman
What does it mean to be American?
A classroom of children across many races, cultures, and origins explores the concept of Americanness as they each share bits of their family history and how their past has shaped their own personal American experience. Whether as new immigrants, or those whose family came to this country generations ago, or other scenarios, these children's stories show some of the broad range of cultures and values that form the history and identity of our nation.
A beautifully depicted, thought-provoking look at the vast expanse of cultures that exists in America, the values that bring us together as one people despite our differences, and the many ways we define what it means to be an American.
(7:01) “This book, honestly, I think it's for ages eight to a hundred. I think it's a conversation starter. What does it mean to be an American?”
(8:32) “There's a term that I learned and I hope we hear it more in the media. It's called “representational belonging”. And it's about when you see yourself in history, it makes you feel that, “Oh my God, I'm an American, too. I belong here.” Right? “I'm not just that immigrant or part of that immigrant family that came post 1965.”
(8:59) “I'm hoping it can open up discussion about what are the challenges we have of living up to our American values, cause we certainly have plenty. And where have we succeeded as a nation and where do we still have work to do?”
(11:23) “And I also wonder if it's the fear of the unknown, right? Because we understand ourselves and so if we see people talking and we don't understand what they're saying, then, you know, we might worry, “Oh, are they talking about us? What do they think about?” You know, it's just that fear of the unknown.”
(12:29) “Being in the writing world has allowed me to diversify and to learn. I've learned about so much about other cultures by being a writer because I just have the ability to come into contact with more people. So, I personally am grateful of how it has changed my life by being a writer.
(13:27) “I'm hoping now we're at a time where we can really broaden our definition of American. Obviously, we can't get away from the colonial history and our foundings, but I think as we talk about the other groups and their achievements during those times, which were, you know, in the 1800s or in the early 1900s where there's just so much focus on white history. And if we talk about the accomplishments and the contributions of these other people, I think that will then help ingrain into kids from an early time that America was diverse from the beginning.”
(22:01) “No group of people, you know, ethnicity or religion or class, is a monolith. And to truly learn about anyone, you have to dig deeper. So like, if you see something that's interesting, don't assume that that represents the kid next to you that might be from that culture, because it may, but most likely it may not.
So it's always best to go into a conversation about something with an open mind and rather than assumption.”
(21:08) “No matter your skin color, religion, ethnicity, or even your citizenship, if you feel America is your home, then you are American. And for those of you who have a stronger connection to another country and don't consider yourself American, that's okay too. You still belong and are welcome here.”
Who do you consider an American? What qualities, characteristics, or qualifications do you think one must possess in order to be considered an American?
What is a part of your identity for which you feel pride? This could be literally anything from the place where you live to a skill you have or an identifying feature. Anything at all. What makes you proud about this part of yourself? Is it something you’ve shared with others?
What does it feel like to share something about your identity with someone who is different from you? Have you ever felt like a part of your identity has kept you out of being included? If so, in what way? Have you ever felt like a part of your identity was the very reason for being included? If so, what was that experience like for you?
Name three ways that our differences can actually make us stronger together.
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Padma Venkatraman, contributor to Things We Do, edited by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Padma Venkatraman website - padmavenkatraman.com
Purchase the book - Things We Do
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Sally J. Pla, contributor to No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Sally J. Pla website - sallyjpla.com
Purchase the book - No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
Rajani LaRocca, author of Mirror to Mirror, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Rajani LaRocca website - www.rajanilarocca.com
Purchase the book - Mirror to Mirror
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
JaNay Brown-Wood, contributor to No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
JaNay Brown-Wood website - www.janaybrownwood.com
Purchase the book - No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Thushanthi Ponweera, author of I Am Kavi, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Thushanthi Ponweera website - www.thushanthiponweera.com
Purchase the book - I Am Kavi
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Welcome to the Children’s Book Podcast. I’m Matthew.
I am a teacher, a librarian, and a fan of kids. And, honestly? I’m angry.
I’m angry about guns and about gun violence and I’m angry most of all that so many of these incidents involve young people, kids. And specifically, young Black kids and other kids of color.
These incidents can be prevented. They can be stopped. And yet we see them on the rise in America, happening more and more, year after year.
Today, and for the past several days, the name on my mind and on my heart is Ralph Yarl from Kansas City, Missouri.
Maybe your grownups already talked to you about this incident. Maybe your friends at school were talking about it. Maybe you’re hearing about it here for the first time. If you have questions, I encourage you to reach out to your grownup. They might not yet have the just-right words to say, but it’s important they know that you’re thinking about it.
I’d like to use our time together today to share an episode of A Kids Book About: The Podcast. This was the show I used to work on when I worked at A Kids Co. in 2021 and 2022. The episode I’d like to share is “Jelani Talks About Racism”, because what happened to Ralph Yarl and what’s been happening to young Black and brown kids is about gun violence, but it’s also about racism. And I want to make sure that this is a word you know and understand.
The show is not currently producing episodes, but you can find the archive of over 50 episodes on a whole range of tough and relevant topics by searching for the show wherever you find podcasts.
So, from my voice to my voice, I hope you enjoy this episode. I hope the conversation connects with you. I hope this can serve you and the people in your life. And I hope that you, dear listener, can know that you are loved and you are beautiful and that your voice matters. It does.
Here we go. “Jelani Talks About Racism” on A Kids Book About: The Podcast.
Heidi Stemple, contributor to No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Heidi E. Y. Stemple website - www.heidieystemple.com
Purchase the book - No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Laura Shovan, author of Welcome to Monsterville, illustrated by Michael Rothenberg, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Laura Shovan website - laurashovan.com
Purchase the book - Welcome to Monsterville
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Charles Waters, co-author of Dictionary for a Better World: Poems, Quotes, and Anecdotes from A to Z, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Charles Waters website - www.charleswaterspoetry.com
Purchase the book - Dictionary for a Better World: Poems, Quotes, and Anecdotes from A to Z
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Meg Eden Kuyatt, author of Good Different, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Meg Eden Kuyatt website - www.megedenbooks.com
Purchase the book - Good Different
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Lyn Miller-Lachmann, co-author of Moonwalking, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Lyn Miller-Lachmann website - lynmillerlachmann.com
Purchase the book - Moonwalking
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Teresa Robeson, author and contributor on No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Teresa Robeson website - www.teresarobeson.com
Purchase the book - No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Welcome to the Children’s Book Podcast. I’m Matthew.
I am a teacher, a librarian, and a fan of kids. And today I want to introduce you to a podcast where kids ask authors their burning questions about books and how they’re made. The show is hosted by my friend Grace. She’s an author, an illustrator, a podcaster, a reader, and, of course, a fan of kids, too!
Kids Ask Authors (subscribe here!) is a weekly 5-10 minute podcast where children’s book author/illustrator Grace Lin and a guest author answer one question from a child reader. Most episodes end with a book review, poem, short story or a joke by kids! It’s a terrific show for student writers and those helping them on their journey!
The episode we’re sharing today is with author and illustrator Remy Lai, whose books include Pie in the Sky, a New York Public Library Best Book of the Year, and Pawcasso, a New York Public Library and Chicago Public Library Best Book of the Year! Clearly, readers of all ages and librarians alike are big, big fans of Remy's books. Remy answers the question, “What takes longer: writing the story or doing the pictures?”
I cannot wait for you to hear Remy’s answer!
Let’s not waste another minute! Enjoy! And don’t forget to follow or subscribe to Kids Ask Authors wherever you get your podcasts!
Suzy Levinson, author of Animals in Pants, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Suzy Levinson website - suzylevinson.com
Purchase the book - Animals in Pants
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Reem Faruqi, author of Golden Girl, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Reem Faruqi website - reemfaruqi.com
Purchase the book - Golden Girl
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Chris Baron, author of The Magical Imperfect, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Chris Baron website - www.chris-baron.com
Purchase the book - The Magical Imperfect
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Irene Latham, author of A Poem is a Nest, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Irene Latham website - www.irenelatham.com
ArtSpeak project - www.irenelatham.com/artspeak.html
Purchase the book - A Poem is a Nest
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Andrea J. Loney, contributor on No Voice Too Small: Fourteen Young Americans Making History, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Andrea J. Loney website - andreajloney.com
Purchase the book - No Voice Too Small: Fourteen Young Americans Making History
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Today I want to introduce you to a podcast where middle grade readers talk about books. And to a friend of mine named Kitty. She’s a journalist, podcaster, reader, and, of course, a fan of kids, too!
The Book Club for Kids is the place where young readers meet to talk about books. The show includes a celebrity reader and an interview with the author. The host is award winning public radio journalist Kitty Felde. Book Club won the California Library Association Technology Award and the DC Mayor's Award for Excellence in the Humanities. And get this… this podcast was named one of the top 10 podcasts for kids by THE TIMES of London.
The episode we’re sharing today is with author and Prinz Honor winner Lisa Fipps. She wrote an exceptional novel in verse called Starfish. If you’ve been listening to the pod this week, you heard her read a poem from Starfish called “Lucky Dog.”
Well… if you’re new to the Book Club for Kids, you are in for a treat!
Let’s not waste another minute! Enjoy! And don’t forget to follow or subscribe to the Book Club for Kids wherever you get your podcasts!
Lisa Fipps, author of Starfish, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Lisa Fipps website - authorlisafipps.com/about
Purchase the book - Starfish
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Robert Schechter, author of The Red Ear Blows Its Nose: Poems for Children and Others, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Robert Schechter website - https://www.bobschechter.com/
Purchase the book - The Red Ear Blows Its Nose: Poems for Children and Others
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Vanessa Brantley Newton, author and illustrator of Just Like Me, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Vanessa Brantley Newton website - https://www.vanessabrantleynewton.com/
Purchase the book - Just Like Me
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Lindsay Metcalf, co-editor of No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Lindsay Metcalf website - https://lindsayhmetcalf.com/
Purchase the book - No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Keila Dawson, co-editor of No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change, shares a poem for Poetry Month.
Keila Dawson website - https://www.keiladawson.com/
Purchase the book - No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Elizabeth Partridge and Lauren Tamaki share Seen and Unseen, an important work of nonfiction featuring powerful images of the Japanese American incarceration captured by three photographers--Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams--along with firsthand accounts of this grave moment in history.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Seen and Unseen: What Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams's Photographs Reveal about the Japanese American Incarceration by Elizabeth Partridge and Lauren Tamaki
Page Length: 132 pages
Ages 10 to 14, Grades 5 to 9
This important work of nonfiction features powerful images of the Japanese American incarceration captured by three photographers--Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams--along with firsthand accounts of this grave moment in history.
Three months after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the incarceration of all Japanese and Japanese Americans living on the West Coast of the United States. Families, teachers, farm workers--all were ordered to leave behind their homes, their businesses, and everything they owned. Japanese and Japanese Americans were forced to live under hostile conditions in incarceration camps, their futures uncertain.
Three photographers set out to document life at Manzanar, an incarceration camp in the California desert:
Dorothea Lange was a photographer from San Francisco best known for her haunting Depression-era images. Dorothea was hired by the US government to record the conditions of the camps. Deeply critical of the policy, she wanted her photos to shed light on the harsh reality of incarceration.
Toyo Miyatake was a Japanese-born, Los Angeles-based photographer who lent his artistic eye to portraying dancers, athletes, and events in the Japanese community. Imprisoned at Manzanar, he devised a way to smuggle in photographic equipment, determined to show what was really going on inside the barbed-wire confines of the camp.
Ansel Adams was an acclaimed landscape photographer and environmentalist. Hired by the director of Manzanar, Ansel hoped his carefully curated pictures would demonstrate to the rest of the United States the resilience of those in the camps.
In Seen and Unseen, Elizabeth Partridge and Lauren Tamaki weave together these photographers' images, firsthand accounts, and stunning original art to examine the history, heartbreak, and injustice of the Japanese American incarceration.
(7:50) “There was a kid in my class named Paul Yanamora who said in front of the whole class that his family had not been allowed to buy a house in our neighborhood after the war because they were Japanese American. And I was absolutely shocked. That's when it totally hit me that something really bad had happened in our country that I did not understand.”
(8:44) I didn't know my grandparents' involvement until working on this book, how their families were involved. And it, it was just something that… “Oh, we left. We got over it. We left it behind. Look how successful we are. We don't have to talk about it.”
(12:30) “The two of us got to work together in a collaboration that's almost never allowed in doing a book together, which is usually the writer writes their bit and then they pull out and then the illustrator gets to work. But there was too many overlaps. I mean, I had the photos and then Lauren had these ideas and then she was like, “Well, if you could do this photo, I could do this illustration.” I'm like, “Huh! That's a fantastic idea. Let's swap photos.” So we just really shifted things around and it ended up letting both of us go so much deeper than we would've individually.”
(19:55) “Because you can talk in these grand kind of monolithic ways about an experience and about a people, but when you personalize it, that's when you can touch people.”
(25:33) “There was so much of myself in this book.”
(25:42) “It's never too late to discover parts of yourself, like, these big parts of yourself.”
(26:47) “Today, everybody has a cell phone and there's a camera in the cell phone. So we have a very powerful tool for social justice in our back pocket. And I just wanna encourage people when you see something that just doesn't feel right, you can bear witness to that by taking a photograph.”
(27:45) “You can't let fear make the decisions for you.”
Elizabeth Partridge website - elizabethpartridge.com.
Lauren Tamaki website - laurentamaki.com
Purchase the Book - Seen and Unseen: What Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams's Photographs Reveal about the Japanese American Incarceration
What is an event that took place in history that you learned about recently? What was it like for you to learn this information? If able to make the connection, how do these historic events connect with our world today?
Look up photos by one of the three photographers mentioned in this podcast episode: Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, or Ansel Adams. How would you describe the moment captured in the photograph? What does it make you feel? What do you think the photographer was communicating through this photograph?
Talk with a grownup about the Japanese American incarceration. What (if anything) do they remember about this event? When did they learn about the incarceration? If able to recall, what did they feel when they first learned about the incarceration? And how do they feel about the incarceration now? Share your own reflections with the grownup.
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Students, teachers, and librarians, you’re invited to participate in the Authors Take Action #ClimatePoemProject! I’m joining other children’s poets and authors to share poetry prompts on the theme of “climate” for National Poetry Month and Earth Day, April 2023.
Authors Take Action website - #ClimatePoemProject
Divinity Roxx and NaShantá Fletcher share Me + You and Happy & Healthy, two stories celebrating diverse families and moving and grooving to your own beautiful beat.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Me + You by Divinity Roxx; illustrated by NaShantá Fletcher
Page Length: 32 pages
Ages 3 to 8
Diverse families and children celebrate one another in this catchy, hip-hop look at what family really means.
Happy & Healthy by Divinity Roxx; illustrated by NaShantá Fletcher
Page Length: 32 pages
Ages 3 to 8
Joyful children move and groove to their own beautiful beat in this vibrant hip-hop celebration of life and health. Every book purchase includes exclusive access to the catchy song...to sing along!
(9:35) “Growing up, my mom made sure that we always had nutritious dinners and lunches, and so I am still very much… I still very much do that for myself.”
(10:44) “I recently started (very recently started) working from home, and I didn't realize how much being at a workplace and being surrounded by people makes me happy until I started working by myself and in this home.”
(13:16) “Generally, when I think about writing for kids, I think about what I wanted to hear when I was a kid and what I may not have heard, what was missing.”
(15:44) “I come up with song ideas based off of the children around me and my experience as a child. I still feel like that child inside of me. I really connect to her in so many ways.”
(18:56) “I wanted to make it, like, this authentic world, like the world I see around me, cuz I grew up in urban neighborhoods. I'm from Chicago. I live just outside the city now, but I wanted to illustrate the people that I see every day, like the people I see at the grocery store, at the park, or at the laundromat, because there are so many different types of people around us.”
(25:48) “Whatever you can imagine for yourself in your life, you can make it happen. Your imagination is so powerful that something that exists in your mind only can be output into the world as a very real and tangible thing. So go and dream big.”
(26:17) “Don't feel like you have to be like everyone else. It's okay to be different. And we have to be kind to each other and respect what makes us all unique.”
Divinity Roxx Website - www.diviroxxkids.com
NaShantá Fletcher Website - nashanta.com
Purchase the Book - Me + You
Purchase the Book - Happy & Healthy
Me + You Video (password required)
Happy & Healthy Video (password required)
Who is in your family? Who do you live with that is in your family? Who lives somewhere else, but is in your family? What makes someone (or something) family to you? Share your answers with a grownup. How are they similar? How are they different?
What are ways you and your family stay healthy? What ways do you take care of your body? Your heart? Your mind? What is a new healthy habit that you would like to try?
How does it feel to be noticed or celebrated by somebody? Have you read a book with a character that looks or acts or celebrates or believes similar to you? How does that feel to find a character similar to you and your family? How does it feel to read about characters different from you and your family?
We heard parts of three songs from Divinity Roxx today: “Me Plus You”, “Happy and Healthy”, and “Feeling Good”. Which song caught your attention? What was it about this song that made you sit up and notice? How did the song make you feel?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Katrina Moore shares Grumpy New Year, a story about spending time with the special people in our lives, but also making plans to sleep, too, because nobody wants to be grumpy.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Grumpy New Year by Katrina Moore; illustrated by Xindi Yan
Page Length: 40 pages
Ages 4 to 8, Grades P to 3
"You should sleep on the long flight," said Mama.
Daisy should have slept-
but she didn't.
She was too excited to see Yeh-Yeh!
Daisy is traveling to China, and she's excited to see her Yeh-Yeh again! She has big plans for all the fun they'll have together in preparation for Lunar New Year, like flying kites and making jiao zi. But when she arrives, she has trouble sleeping and is less jolly than she hoped. Throughout the week, Yeh-Yeh tries all sorts of things to help her have a fun holiday and get her past her grumpiness. Will Daisy be able to get some rest and have one perfect day before she goes home?
(6:03) “That was always me. That still is me. If I know something is coming up, I'm just thinking of 500 things that I wanna do and how it's gonna go, and a lot of times, as you all know, in life things don't work out that way.”
(8:05) “When I was younger, I remember thinking, “Gosh, [my grandpa is] so grumpy.” And so I have that memory like, “He's grumpy. He's my grumpy grandpa.”
When I look back on it now as a grownup, I realize he wasn't grumpy. We were just missing each other in communication.”
(9:13) “When I wanted to write a story for children that would really resonate with them, I was thinking about one of my favorite relationships. And that's the one with my grandpa.”
(12:24) “You have to eat really, really, really long noodles, that you have a long life. I made the mistake one year of cutting my noodles. And I never saw my grandpa cry like he cried when I cut my noodles. You can't cut your noodles because you'll cut your life short. And so he threw out those noodles and he gave me a new bowl with like, really, really long noodles, cause you need to have a long life, so you eat long noodles.”
(13:20) “So that's really what I remembered: everybody laughing, everybody sitting around the table, eating food, being together. Those are the sounds that I remember growing up and bring a smile to my face.”
(14:38) “On nights where my sleep is interrupted, the next day I'm really grumpy. I'm really grumpy. Things that would not normally bother me do. And so I find myself just being very, very irritable because I haven't gotten a good rest. So I know that about myself and especially on days where I know I need to be well rested, I make sure that I am otherwise I am a very, very grumpy person.”
(18:28) “The way that Xindy has brought these characters to life. It, it just feels so, so real. And I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that Xindy feels that this story is very personal to her, too. And I think that's a lot of the magic of picture books as I wrote this based off of my relationship with my grandpa and my experience.”
(22:04) “Share the things that you love to do with the people that you love. And that way when you're doing that thing, but you're not together it's like you still are.
And I will also end with a note to remember the importance of a good night's sleep.”
Katrina Moore Website - www.katrinamoorebooks.com
Purchase the Book - Grumpy New Year
Purchase the Book - Grandpa Grumps
Do you have a special relative in your family or with a person outside of your family? What do you value most in your relationship with this person? What is a memory you’ve shared with them that means a lot to you?
How do you feel after not getting enough sleep? How does it affect your mood? How does it affect your ability to concentrate at school? Or your ability to do things at home?
Katrina talked about eating long noodles to symbolize long life as part of a New Year tradition observed by members of her family. What are some foods you eat during special holidays or occasions? What makes these foods significant or important to your celebration? (For example, do you have a birthday cake to celebrate the birthday of someone in your home?)
What is something that you love or that means a lot to you? How might you share this with others? (For example, can you show it and tell them about it? Is it something you can see or do together?)
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
John Schu and Lauren Castillo share This Is a Story, inviting us to imagine the myriad ways that books can foster connection and understanding--and how they can empower children, through their own passions, to transform the world.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: This Is a Story by John Schu; illustrated by Lauren Castillo
Page Length: 40 pages
Ages 4 to 8, Grades P to 3
Children's literacy advocate John Schu and Caldecott Honor recipient Lauren Castillo celebrate the power of finding the perfect book--in a story that's more relevant than ever.
This is a word on a page.
This is a page in a book.
This is a book on a shelf . . . waiting.
With a sea-horse kite in hand, a child heads out with Dad to the library. On the way they stop at a park, joining lots of people, some of whom are flying kites, too. At the library, a person toting a big pile of books hands over a story on a favorite subject: the sea horse. All around, there are readers poring over books, each with their own questions, ideas to explore, hopes for the future, and imaginations ready to spark. With a warm, lyrical text and tenderly expressive illustrations, John Schu and Lauren Castillo invite us to imagine the myriad ways that books can foster connection and understanding--and how they can empower children, through their own passions, to transform the world.
(7:44) “[Finding that just-right book] feels very soothing and it makes me think of the books that are the ones that I return to over and over again. Those are like comfort objects to me.”
(8:30) “A book often walks into our life when we need it the most.”
(8:45) “We know that books can make our hearts grow. They can make our hearts change. And they can make our hearts more compassionate.”
(12:11) “And right away we see [that] the way that I define story is probably different from how you define story, Matthew. And how you define story, Matthew, is probably different from how Lauren defines story, so I love how everyone has their own personal definition of what the word story means.”
(13:39) “Reading can be a workout for your heart, and reading can be a workout for your imagination.”
(14:23) “I feel that I am a better person because of all of the kids who I've met around the world.”
(15:15) “Cities are the places I like to call home. And that's because I love to be surrounded by diversity and experience different cultures and different types of people. And when I illustrate, I always want the art to be representative of the many types of people in our communities.”
(17:52) “Sometimes humans need help connecting.”
(24:07) “Is there a book that feels like a best friend to you?”
(24:33) “Don't be shy to ask your librarian or your teacher or your friends for suggestions if you're having a hard time finding books that you love. Because I know that, you know, for me as a kid sometimes it was hard for me to find those books that I loved without help. And so I would, I would urge you to, to reach out and ask for help because they're, those books are out there and they're waiting for you to find them.”
John Schu Website - MrSchuReads
Lauren Castillo Website - laurencastillo.com.
Purchase the Book - This Is a Story
How would you describe the just-right book for you right now? What format (picture book, novel, graphic novel, novel in verse, etc.) does it use to share the story? What topic(s) is it about? What makes this book such a good fit for you?
What is your relationship to story? What word or words come to mind when you hear the word “story”? What feelings come to heart? What memories?
It can feel really satisfying when someone shares a recommendation with you that makes you feel like the are knowing or seeing you/your true self. Have you experienced this yet? If so, what did it feel like? If not, can you think of an opportunity you might have to make someone else feel seen in this way?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Nonieqa Ramos shares Beauty Woke, a powerful story of pride and community, told with bold lyricism and the heart of a fairy tale, and readers looking for a next-generation Sleeping Beauty will fall in love with the vivid art and lyrical text.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Beauty Woke by Nonieqa Ramos; illustrated by Paola Escobar
Page Length: 32 pages
Ages 4 to 7, Grades P to 3
Beauty Woke is a powerful story of pride and community, told with bold lyricism and the heart of a fairy tale, and readers looking for a next-generation Sleeping Beauty will fall in love with the vivid art and lyrical text.
Beauty is a Puerto Rican girl loved and admired by her family and community. At first, she's awake to their beauty, and her own--a proud Boricua of Taíno and African descent.
But as she grows older, she sees how people who look like her are treated badly, and she forgets what makes her special. So her community bands together to help remind her of her beautiful heritage.
(6:50) “You are loved. You are adored. There are teachers who love and adore you. There are so many people out there who think you matter. You're special. And you do [matter].”
(8:58) “What do we do when we know that the child is going to experience hurtful things? We prepare them. We say to them that, “No matter what you hear, if anybody says something mean about your skin color or that you're from, you know, from Puerto Rico or Cuba or wherever it is, or that's your LGBT, that's all false. That's not true. That's all lies. The truth is your beauty.”
(10:49) “[Being woke] means to appreciate the beauty of where you come from, your history, the beauty of who you can become. All of the parts of you. All of the parts of you, no matter what it is that is out there or that's going to confuse you and try to make you think otherwise.”
(13:05) “Sometimes when we create something, we can change something that's sad or that makes us feel helpless into something good.”
(14:30) “There are so many adults who have never, ever, ever gotten to experience a picture book that not only represented, you know, what they look like, what they sounded like, which is absolutely vital. But also, you know, what they were going through. And validating them and saying, “Yes, that's real. What you went through is real.And,” for example, “if you're hearing hurtful words, I'm sorry that happened.” And “This is a process of healing for you.”
(20:38) “t's a great opportunity to just really be a hundred percent loving who we are as humans.”
(25:22) “I would like to ask, have you hugged yourself today? Have you talked to yourself today and said something kind to you? How are you going to take care of your mind and your body and your heart today? That's what I want you to ask. ”
NoNieqa Ramos Website - nonieqaramos.com
Purchase the Book - Beauty Woke
Purchase the Book - Your Mama
What can you recall from the telling of Sleeping Beauty you first heard? In what ways does NoNieqa’s Beauty Woke sound similar? In what ways does the story differ?
How would you describe your roots? What place do you most associate with home? What feelings come to mind when you think of this place?
What is one flag with which you associate strongly? Maybe it’s a flag that represents your favorite sports team, or your Scout troop, or you state or country, or part of your identity. How would you describe this flag? What makes it significant to you?
How might you reimagine a different fairy tale so that it told your story? What elements of the fairy tale feel similar to your story? What parallels might you draw?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Natasha Khan Kazi shares Moon's Ramadan, a debut picture book and modern holiday classic capturing the magic and meaning of one of the world's most joyful and important celebrations.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Moon's Ramadan by Natasha Khan Kazi
Page Length: 40 pages
Ages 4 to 8, Grades P to 3
With radiant and welcoming art, this debut picture book and modern holiday classic captures the magic and meaning of one of the world's most joyful and important celebrations.
It's Ramadan, the month of peace, and Moon watches over Ramadan traditions with excitement and longing in this sweetly illustrated debut.
In Egypt, India, Argentina and the United Arab Emirates, in Somalia, New Zealand and Indonesia, in Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States, children and their families do good deeds in honor of those who have less.
Cleverly blending glimpses of different countries' celebrations with the corresponding phases of the moon, Moon's Ramadan makes Ramadan, one of the world's most widely celebrated traditions, accessible and exciting for all readers.
(6:54) “[Ramadan] feels light because everyone's on their best behavior, hopefully, and trying to be kind and trying to be patient.”
(8:07) “[Ramadan is] all about feeding the other person first”
(10:06) “It was one of the top three best experiences in my life because small children are so… They're so open-minded. They're so honest. And they felt the joy that our family felt. And they like, they just met us there in that place of joy.”
(10:38) “When I wrote and illustrated this book, I really hoped that other Muslim kids would feel proud, but I also wanted their friends, um, to support them and be even better friends.”
(17:46) “Veil means a cloth that covers the head. And I am surrounded by smart, strong Muslim women who wear something called the hijab, which is a veil that covers the head, including my mom.”
(18:31) “Since I knew the story was gonna be from the point of view of Moon, I wonder what she was thinking in that moment when twilight was happening and she was slowly appearing to the world. She might feel like she's a little veiled and that no one has yet noticed her, but she is noticing everyone.”
(20:55) “I feel in our heart that we are all, no matter what you believe, we are all different types of bread. And the bread itself is the same. I think we all believe in compassion and kindness, but it takes different forms and we practice that form in different ways.”
(21:52) “They say sometimes when you illustrate, you have to draw the world as you want to see it. And this was really one of those moments.”
(22:47) “Go and read other Ramadan books because every perspective is different. And I love that you would read my perspective, but there's a lot of perspectives out there.”
(23:18) “Always stay curious, open-minded and honest. When we learn from each other, we learn something about ourselves. I want you all to look around the room and see that we are all unique and that's a beautiful thing. Same is boring. So please be proud of your identity.”
Natasha Khan Kazi Website - www.natashakhankazi.com
Purchase the Book - Moon's Ramadan
IslamiMommy - IslamiMommy
What phase is the moon in as you look up in the sky tonight? How would you describe it? When will the new lunar cycle begin?
If this was your first time hearing about Ramadan, what details can you remember that Natasha shared? What are some of the things you might see, smell, or taste during the holy month of Ramadan?
If you observe Ramadan in your family, what are some of the traditions that you and your loved ones practice? What are some of the things you most look forward to throughout the month? Who are some of the people with whom you celebrate?
Natasha reminded us that a main focus during Ramadan is practicing acts of kindness. What are some ways you could show kindness in your classroom? In your home? When you’re out in your community?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
You can support the show and buy me a coffee at www.matthewcwinner.com.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Fellow teachers and librarians, want a way to explore building a stronger culture of reading in our communities? In The Reading Culture podcast, Beanstack co-founder Jordan Bookey hosts conversations that dive into beloved authors' personal journeys and insights into motivating young people to read. And I am a big fan! Check out the Reading Culture Podcast with Jordan Bookey, from Beanstack. Available wherever podcasts are found.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Kim Rogers shares Just Like Grandma, a story about wanting, more than anything, to be just like the special elder in your life.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Just Like Grandma by Kim Rogers; illustrated by Julie Flett.
Page Length: 32 pages
Ages 4 to 8, Grades P to 3
In this lyrical picture book by Kim Rogers (Wichita), with illustrations by Boston Globe-Horn Book Honoree Julie Flett (Cree-Métis), Becca watches her grandma create, play, and dance--and she knows that she wants to be just like Grandma.
Becca loves spending time with Grandma. Every time Becca says, "Let me try," Grandma shows her how to make something beautiful.
Whether they are beading moccasins, dancing like the most beautiful butterflies, or practicing basketball together, Becca knows that, more than anything, she wants to be just like Grandma.
And as the two share their favorite activities, Becca discovers something surprising about Grandma.
(5:00) “I wanted to write a story about the beautiful relationship that grandchildren and grandparents have, specifically a granddaughter with her grandmother.”
(6:04) “Our elders are so full of life and joy and experience and they keep doing things, you know, later and later in life.”
(7:39) “So many of us, no matter what our family background is, if we're Native or non-Native, when we get together to have a meal, it's a big deal and it's how we show one another love and we fellowship together.”
(11:18) “One thing about elders and my Wichita culture is we hold them in such high esteem, but, and I'm trying not to cry here telling you this story, but they also hold children in high esteem. And my grandfather held me in such high esteem, and so it's just so touching for me to think about.”
(12:39) “If you're a reader and you're a kid and you think you wanna be a writer someday, the cool thing about being a writer is you don't have to sit down and just write continuously. You need to go out into the world and experience it.”
(15:58) “A child is in the sunrise phase of their life, and an elder is in the sunset phase of their life.”
(16:56) “Find your joy. Find the beautiful things in life that you want to do, and go and do them. And you may just inspire someone like your mom or your dad, or your aunt or uncle, big brother, little sister. You just never know. Just go out there and do the things that you “
Kim Rogers Website - kimrogerswriter.com
Purchase the Book - Just Like Grandma
Who is a special elder in your life, whether a grandmother or grandfather, parent, or community member? What makes this individual special to you?
What is something you have learned from an elder in your life? What is something you have taught an elder?
What does it feel like to think of this special elder in your life? What senses light up as you think of them? Is there something particular you see in your mind? Smell? Feel? Or, perhaps, taste or remember tasting?
Watch a sunrise or sunset this week. What do you notice? How does it change over time? How does it make you feel?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Kaitlin McGaw and Tommy Shepherd of Alphabet Rockers share YOU ARE NOT ALONE, a story reminding us that when we step up to support one another, we can make a world where everyone knows they belong.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: You Are Not Alone by Alphabet Rockers; illustrated by Ashley Evans.
Page Length: 56 pages
Ages 4 to 8
It can be scary to feel like you're all on your own, especially in the face of prejudice and injustice. But always remember: you are not alone! With uplifting text and colorful art, You Are Not Alone shows readers that when we step up to support one another, we can make a world where everyone knows they belong.
Featuring a heartfelt message and stunning illustrations, this special story makes for a read-aloud that parents, caregivers, and children will want to return to again and again.
(8:48) “It's really our job as your adult friends, in a way, to make sure that other adults and kids know that your story matters and you're actually like, ‘We believe you’.”
(11:57) “ When you sing you actually can let go of some stuff. You can just be really in your soul for a minute. And even if you're feeling the sad parts or the mad parts, it's still you. You're you.”
(12:29) “Sometimes you sing out and dance out and people don't make you feel good, but that's about them. It's not about you.”
(12:36) “The biggest time that I feel like I wish I was being heard was when I'm, unfortunately, talking about something some type of injustice or some type of way that isn't okay.”
(21:47) “Point to your neighbor and tell 'em, “I got your back” on both sides. I got your back. You know you shine.”
Alphabet Rockers Website - alphabetrockers.com
Purchase the Book - You Are Not Alone
What are ways that you help your friends and classmates feel included? What are ways that others have included you in activities or games?
Who is an adult that you trust? What is it about this adult (the language they use with you, their behavior, their overall approachability) that makes them someone who you feel like you can turn to?
What are some things that make you feel good? Do they include games? Activities? Doing something with others? Doing something by yourself? Make a list of five things that make you feel good, then share your list with someone who also listened to this podcast episode. How are your lists similar? How are they different? What might be an activity that you could do together that would make you both feel good?
Who is someone you could reach out to today to say, “I got your back”? What does it mean to have someone’s back? What does it look like?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Introducing the winners and honors of the Sydney Taylor Book Award (2023), presented annually by the Association of Jewish Libraries to outstanding books for children and teens that authentically portray the Jewish experience.
Sydney Taylor Book Award Website - link
2023 Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour - link
Purchase any of the Books - link
What types of stories are honored by the Sydney Taylor Book Award? What other book awards have you encountered? And what kinds of special stories or characteristics do they celebrate?
What was one of the books that stood out to you from the 2023 Sydney Taylor Book Award winners and honors? What made this book sound especially appealing to you?
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
Traci Sorell and Madelyn Goodnight share POWWOW DAY, an uplifting, contemporary Native American story about a girl named River, who is recovering from illness and can't dance at the powwow this year.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Powwow Day by Traci Sorell, illustrated by Madelyn Goodnight
Page Length: 32 pages
Ages 8 to 8, Grades P to 3
In this uplifting, contemporary Native American story, River is recovering from illness and can't dance at the powwow this year. Will she ever dance again?
River wants so badly to dance at powwow day as she does every year. Follow River's journey from feeling isolated after an illness to learning the healing power of community.
Additional information explains the history and functions of powwows, which are commonplace across the United States and Canada and are open to both Native Americans and non-Native visitors.
(4:55) “There's so much to see and do. The sights and smells. So much good food. So much great dancing and music. [Powwow is] just such a beautiful event that lasts all day that really helps you connect with that heritage and that culture and become immersed in it. ”
(5:12) “For myself, being at a powwow is a sensory overload sometimes because there are wonderful smells from the food, and the sound of the drum, the laughter, the singing. I am overwhelmed visually by all the different regalia that everyone's wearing and all of the just gorgeous colors. And you know that so many people's families and friends have taken time to put that regalia together. So it's just visually so beautiful.”
(7:17) “Everyone is welcome at the powwow.”
(11:58) “All of us at various times have to ask for help or have to take time out from things that we wanna do, that we love to do. And other people care for us, right? And love us and pray for us, and, um, help us through those things. ”
(20:52) “You all have so many stories inside you and I can't wait to experience what you're gonna share with the world. So please, please share your stories with us. ”
(21:03) “I think Powwow Day and powwows in general about are all about celebration, celebration of heritage and culture and the things you like to do and dance, so I would encourage everybody to read Powwow Day and learn about powwows, but also just do something to celebrate yourself and celebrate your own culture and something you like to do. And, um, dancing is always a good way to do it.”
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Write to me or send me a message at [email protected].
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Drs. Chelsea Johnson, LaToya Council, and Carolyn Choi of CLC Collective share LOVE WITHOUT BOUNDS, a story honoring the diversity of family life and what family can mean based on our intersecting identities and experiences.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Love Without Bounds: An Intersectionallies Book about Families by Drs. Chelsea Johnson, LaToya Council, and Carolyn Choi
Page Length: 48 pages
Ages 6 to 12
This follow-up to the critically acclaimed IntersectionAllies: We Make Room For All honors the diversity of family life and what family can mean based on our intersecting identities and experiences.
Written by three celebrated women of color sociologists, Love without Bounds: An IntersectionAllies Book about Families is a joyful, heartwarming celebration of family in all its forms: multicultural families; LGBTQ+ families; adoptive and foster care families; single-parent and blended families; transnational families; families impacted by incarceration, detention, and deportation; chosen families; military families; and more. By focusing on the choices families make to persistently love and care for one another in the face of inequality and inequity, Love without Bounds is a necessary resource to make sure all kids feel seen and loved for who they are in community with each another.
Features gorgeous illustrations throughout by Ashley Seil Smith and a colorful, informative discussion guide that explains the concepts shown in the book.
(13:05) “Family can be really complicated.”
(13:22) “Throughout the course of our lives, we may lose family, we may find family, we may rediscover family, we create our own families.”
(14:09) “There is no type of family that is normal or best.”
(16:01) “We need to advocate for all families to be able to live and love and, you know, exist alongside one another.”
(19:26) “The readers we have in mind are youth that are going through ups and downs of family life and transformation, as well as the adults who continue to process the impact of childhood families and our current experiences as adults, creating families of our own.”
(18:06) “All of [your] hopes, feelings, and struggles matter. Even in the moments and times that [you] don't feel family, [don’t] worry because [you] will discover family again and again throughout life. Starting with this library room. “
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent bookstores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Benson Shum shares ANZU THE GREAT KAIJU, a story about a kaiju with an unconventional gift, and it’s sequel, ANZU THE GREAT LISTENER, which asks us to consider how not all acts of kindness are perceived as intended.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Anzu the Great Kaiju by Benson Shum
Page Length: 40 pages
Ages 4 to 8
All great Kaiju are born with a super power to strike fear in the heart of the city. But Anzu is different.
Instead of mayhem, he likes May flowers. Instead of striking fear, he prefers to be sincere.
Can Anzu find a way to make his family proud and stay true to his kind self?
From Disney animator and illustrator Bensom Shum comes an adorable and heartwarming picture book about making your own way and the unexpected power of gentleness.
Anzu the Great Listener by Benson Shum
Page Length: 40 pages
Ages 4 to 8
Anzu the kaiju loves to tend to his bonsai.
Whenever he feels overwhelmed or unsettled, it helps him pause and reminds him to just . . . breathe.
One day, when Anzu hears crying in the distance, he's eager to help! The flower-power that makes his bonsai bloom has a way of making others smile.
But when Anzu's flowers seem to lose their power, hurting more than they help, he's not sure where to turn--until he remembers some valuable lessons he learned from his bonsai tree.
In Anzu the Great Listener, creator and Walt Disney Studios animator Benson Shum illustrates the importance of patience, empathy, and above all, taking the time to listen.
(5:53) “What if not all of kaijus want to destroy? What if they wanna bring joy or kindness? What would that look like in their world?”
(7:13) “Sometimes I think it's a nice reminder to just listen, you know? And that silence between the two can make all the difference.”
(10:45) “I think even kids, when they find something that's individual to them, making them happy, would actually make people around them just as happy, ”
(14:53) “We all listen in different ways. Just letting the person finish what they're saying is an act of listening, you know? …And maybe not trying to solve a problem if they have a problem and just kind of let them speak what they're saying. And then, if they ask for help, then maybe you can jump in and have a suggestion. I think that's an act of listening as well.“
(18:06) “Be kind. Listen to one another. Ask your teacher, a librarian like yourself, a friend, a family member, “How are you doing today?” And listen to what they have to say. To be heard and listened to can make a person's day from just those few words.”
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Libsyn.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent book stores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Visit thewritingbarn.com and click on “Classes” to sign up for “Becoming A Better Storyteller Through Podcasting” with me, Matthew Winner.
Registration for the webinar is $25 and you can join live from 11-12:30 CT or view the archived recording via REPLAY within 48 hours of the event. Or both!
PLUS, you’re one step closer to bringing your podcast idea AND your voice into the world. Which means we’re one step closer to being colleagues! I love it!
Suma Subramaniam shares NAMASTE IS A GREETING, a sweet, universal text shining a light on a word with significance far beyond yoga class, and SHE SANG FOR INDIA, a picture book biography about M.S. Subbulakshmi, a powerful Indian singer who advocated for justice and peace through song.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: Namaste Is a Greeting by Suma Subramaniam; illustrated by Sandhya Prabhat
Page Length: 32 pages
Ages 4 to 8, Grades P to 3
What is namaste? It's found in a smile, a friendship, a celebration. It exists in silence; it can be said when you're happy or when you're feeling low.
For one small girl in a bustling city, namaste ("I bow to you") is all around her as she and her mother navigate a busy marketplace--and when she returns with a little plant and chooses to give it to an elderly neighbor, it can be seen in the caring bond between them. In a sweet, universal text, debut author Suma Subramaniam shines a light on a word with significance far beyond yoga class, while artist Sandhya Prabhat makes the concept of mindfulness come alive in delightful illustrations likely to draw children in again and again.
She Sang for India: How M.S. Subbulakshmi Used Her Voice for Change by Suma Subramaniam; illustrated by Shreya Gupta
Page Length: 40 pages
Ages 4 to 8
Before M.S. Subbulakshmi was a famous Carnatic singer and the first Indian woman to perform at the United Nations, she was a young girl with a prodigious voice.
But Subbulakshmi was not free to sing everywhere. In early 1900s India, girls were not allowed to perform for the public. So Subbulakshmi busted barriers to sing at small festivals. Eventually, she broke tradition to record her first album. She did not stop here. At Gandhi's request, Subbulakshmi sang for India's freedom. Her fascinating odyssey stretched across borders, and soon she was no longer just a young prodigy. She was a woman who changed the world.
(5:26) “My family was not made rich by wealth, but we were made rich by people.”
(10:59) “The power of such diverse friendships is the, you know, is, is the bonding and the hope that it brings in times of adversity.”
(12:42) “There is no Carnatic music without M.S. Subbulakshmi, and there is no M.S. Subbulakshmi without Carnatic music.”
(18:11) “Art and music are great tools to channel our energy and bring about a positive change, especially in the minds of young people.”
(18:57) “One doesn't need to know the language to appreciate good music.”
(20:14) “You are loved. And this holiday season I hope you pay attention to species of all kinds who are lonely or who are having a difficult winter, and you give them a little bit of your time.”
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Anchor.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent book stores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
Rebecca Sheir shares THE GREAT BALL GAME, a classic folktale originating from the Cherokee, Creek, Ojibway and Menominee people of North America, adapted for a contemporary audience by the host of the Circle Round podcast.
(3:28) “So I do try to think of a bunch of different children. So I'm not just writing for one person because our listeners physically, literally span the globe.”
(5:25) “Why is the ocean salty? Why don't cats and dogs get along? Why do skunks have a weird smell when they spray? Where does thunder and lightning come from? There have been folktales written about all of these things.”
(7:27) “Most importantly, many valuable lessons are imparted about the importance of embracing individuals who are different, about embracing diversity, celebrating non-conformity, including others, and realizing that being different can make you stronger.”
(10:15) “Don't be afraid to tell your stories. You don't have to rely on a famous author or podcast host or movie maker to tell a story. You have your own stories you can tell. It can be a story about you, how you spent your summer vacation. That could be a fascinating tale. Or you could go ahead and make up characters. Make a talking bat, you know?
You've got stories. You just have to use your imagination. It's ready and waiting for you. ”
CREDITS: This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Anchor.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/childrens-book-podcast/messageTorrey Maldonado shares HANDS, a story about Trevor, a twelve-year-old who is a gifted comic-book artist, a good student, and would do anything to protect his mom and sisters.
(6:19) “I wrote this book for lots of kids who feel alone and feel that they have to solve their problems by themselves, because the book Hands helps show that using hands doesn't mean you're strong. And external strength and being muscley, that doesn't mean you're strong. There are lots of ways to show strength.”
(14:32) "It was fuel that has driven me through the years and drives me today to write books, to show young people that in these moments where you are angry or you are confused, there is a way that you could use your hands and you can use your mind to reroute and to make things right."
(17:04) "So this book really is about revealing that each of us hold a tremendous amount of power in our hands and that we have a firmer grasp on things than we think. And how can we identify those areas where we have a little grasp so that we can make it a stronger grip in a positive way."
This podcast episode of The Children’s Book Podcast was written, edited, and produced by Matthew Winner. For a full transcript of this episode, visit matthewcwinner.com.
Our podcast logo was created by Duke Stebbins (https://stebs.design/).
Our music is by Podington Bear.
Podcast hosting by Anchor.
We are a proud member of Kids Listen, the best place to discover the best in kids podcasts. Learn more at kidslisten.org.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/childrens-book-podcast/messageThe authors and illustrators you love, and some who may be new to you.
The stories you can’t stop thinking about, and some that have been waiting for you to discover.
The messages on the hearts of those who write stories just for you.
This is the Children’s Book Podcast. I’m Matthew. I’m a teacher, a librarian, a reader, and a big fan of yours. I’m glad you’re here.
Tune in each week to meet the authors and illustrators making books just for kids like you. From award winners, to up-and-comers, to the storytellers behind those forever books you’ll never forget.
Find the Children’s Book Podcast wherever podcasts are found.
Read on, readers! Read on!
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/childrens-book-podcast/messageKids are full of wonder. They effortlessly ask questions about why things are as they are.They delight in seeing something new. They make new connections with what they’re learning, or connections with their classmates, or connections with their thoughts and ideas that help push the world around them to be bigger and bigger.
Kids deserve better than we can give them. But that should not stop any one of us from trying. On today’s retrospective episode, we’re looking at why making things for kids is so hard and so important. The Children’s Book Podcast is changing its focus in order to adopt a more classroom-ready format so that it can serve readers more directly and more fully.
Matthew lays out his tenets for making things for kids as we prepare to launch the new iteration of the show.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent book stores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/childrens-book-podcast/messageThe things we make say a lot about the people who make them. In every detail, from the language used on the show to the guests who join for interviews, from the publishers whose works are celebrated and amplified to the underrepresented stories and voices who are given the spotlight, these choices communicate a lot about the values of the person making the show. And that’s not something I take lightly.
On today’s retrospective episode, we’re looking at what you do when you find yourself uncomfortable with the story the thing you make is saying about you. And, specifically, we looking through a lens of this show’s history and of my personal and professional growth.
Self-indulgent? Perhaps. But maybe hearing about my “why” will help impact your work or how you approach your work in some way.
DISCLAIMER: Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent book stores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/childrens-book-podcast/messageThe Children’s Book Podcast does not look or sound the same today as it did when it debuted its first episode in July of 2013. But is podcast growth just part of the natural life cycle of a show? Can a podcast really stay the same?
On today’s retrospective episode, we’re examining how the blueprint on the show has changed as its host (and the world around us) changed. We look at how the format and focus have shifted as the impact of the show expanded, and look toward what impact the show will make in the future.
* Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent book stores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/childrens-book-podcast/messageThe Children’s Book Podcast released its first episode in July of 2013. Only it wasn’t called “The Children’s Book Podcast”. And it didn’t sound like the show with which most listeners are familiar.
On today’s retrospective episode, we’re taking a look back at the different names the show has used and why finding the right name matters. We’ll also play some of the different theme music the show has incorporated over the past nearly 10 years.
* Bookshop.org affiliate links provided for any book titles mentioned in the episode. Bookshop.org support independent book stores and also shares a small percentage of any sales made through this podcast back to me, which helps to fund production of this show.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/childrens-book-podcast/messageWorth Noting is going to go on break. In the meantime, check out past episodes and watch the feed for something new and exciting in the future. We're cooking up a whole bunch of goodness and cannot wait to share it with you soon.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/childrens-book-podcast/messageFrom the Hungry Ghost Festival, Halloween, the Day of the Dead to Diwali, Guru Nanak, Bonfire Night and Thanksgiving!
This episode is brought to you by Newsy Pooloozi.
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--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/childrens-book-podcast/messageEn liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.