Thanks to a suggestion Vivian made on Facebook, we learn a bit about the Three Wise Men, Three Kings, Three Magi–all the same people and all more characters than verifiable real people. Call (323) 487-12-25 any time and share whatever you’d like. Get in on next season or summer early, or just say hi. Email [email protected]. I so appreciate the gifts to the Christmas Stocking. They make a huge difference. Besides Facebook, find the Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking) and on Pinterest.
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Featured music:
“We Three Kings” by Found Wandering from the album “Christmas in Country Village”
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Found Wandering’s Christmas videos are also available.
Background music:
“Wish Background” by Kevin McLeod (from Incompetech)
“We Three Kings” by Mark Bodino from “My Favorite Christmas Guitar Songs All Year Round”
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“Auld Lang Syne” by Dexter Britain from “Xmas 2012” (from the Free Music Archive)
More information:
Actually, Wikipedia has a lot of good information about the Magi.
The Washington Post article by Diana Butler Bass headlined, “Why Jesus’ first Christmas gifts were truly shocking.”
The Christmas Stocking talked about the traditions of Three Kings Day at
Find all of the post-Christmas episodes, some or all of which you may have missed, at