Rereleasing the show again! Another episode from the first season back in 2006. I wrote, “How was a Middle Ages Christmas different? For one thing, no one got an iPod.” I guess our Christmases have more in common with the Middle Ages now than when I first presented it. Find out how they celebrated way back when on this edition of the Christmas Stocking. The Christmas Stocking is on Facebook and on Twitter (@XmasStocking). And call (323) 487-12-25. Find every episode, including the unaltered version of this episode at Email: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET.
Click here to download the show to your device.
Featured song:
“A Pirate’s 12 Days of Christmas” by Gastronomical Unit (from
Buy it on iTunes
Background music includes:
“What Child is This” by Stephen Bashaw. I found it at
“Jingle Bells” by The R&R Project (it was on