From Christmas 2009: The day after Christmas means more shopping for many Americans. But for those who celebrate Boxing Day…okay, it means more shopping for them, too. But there’s even more to it! Have a suggestion for the ChristmasStocking? Go to, click the Call Me button and enter your phone number. My voicemail will call you for free; and you can mark your number private so nobody will know where the call came from. Or get in touch on, Email: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Or Facebook.
Click here to download the show to your device.
Featured music:
“Good King Wenceslas and His Merry Band” by US Air Force Airmen of Note from “Christmas Time Is Here” (Altissimo!) Buy at Amazon Music
Background music:
“Breakin’ Up Christmas” by Al Petteway & Amy White from “Winter Tidings: An Appalachian Christmas”
(Maggie’s Music)
Buy at Al and Amy’s website
Buy at Amazon Music
More information: disabuses my impression of Boxing Day and gives some info. has a little Q&A on the topic.
And of course Wikipedia is full of knowledge.