On the podcast this week, Mark Oakley reflects on “Love (III)” by George Herbert. This episode was first posted last year as part of the Church Times Poetry Podcast for Lent series.
“Over my years of reading Herbert, I have come to see him as the poet who most expresses our relationship with God as a friendship,” Mark says.
“Friendship requires courage enough to stop skating so quickly over our own thin ice in case we disappear through the cracks. Instead, we face the fact that we need support and connection and that, also, we have much to give as well.”
The material in this podcast is taken from Mark Oakley’s book The Splash of Words (Canterbury Press), winner of the 2019 Michael Ramsey Prize for Theological Writing.
The Very Revd Dr Mark Oakley is the Dean of Southwark.
Artwork by Emily Noyce.
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