Growing numbers of Christians say that they are “done with” attending church. What are their reasons for doing so, and what can churches learn from it?
In Leaving Church: What can we learn from those who are done with church? (Grove Books), Robin Stockitt and S John Dawson tell the stories of those who have moved away from traditional forms of church, and consider what lessons the Church can draw.
On this week’s podcast, Ed Thornton talks to Robin Stockitt about the book, which is available to buy at
An extract from the book is published in this week’s Church Times (8 January).
The Revd Robin Stockitt has been ordained for 23 years and has worked in parishes in England, Germany, and Northern Ireland.
On Thursday 21 January, from 5-7pm, the Church Times is hosting a live webinar on clergy burnout, well-being, and resilience. Tickets are £10 or £5 for Church Times subscribers. For more information and to book tickets, visit
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