Thank you for joining us for episode of the Clive Barker Podcast. Do us a favor and subscribe or follow wherever you get audio, or follow one of the links on the side banner of the web site.
In episode 336, Jose and Ryan go over some play news, and Anne Bobby’s show. This just in as I’m editing, it has been revealed that Anne Bobby’s show, “Still Standing and Streaming Live! Has been delated until Monday, March 21st, 7pm Eastern Time.
Today we also thank all the great people who made our 10th anniversary Kickstarter, Clive Barker Podcast Presents Fundraiser 9: Celebrations a record-breaking success.
Sponsor: Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination
From the Reef
Kickstarter Special Thanks
Rewards Items Thanks!
Backer Thanks
Geist de la Muerte Gatito Jonathan Kui Jacob Hendricks Paul Schaaf Christopher Meyer Matthew Aaron Burns Bigeaux Kristen Mike Danhauser Paul Audino Ben Warren Aaron Gallaway Charles Jones Nicole Dillon Lyon Bruce Todd Lesley Goldstraw Matt Batten David Anderson Noel Koverman Erik van ‘t Holt Elena DeGarmo Midian Crosby Raúl CLIVE MCCARTHY Simone McCarthy Paul Troy Davis Followers of the Pandorics Dana Hollingsworth Dimitrios Lakoumentas Robert Bown Michael J Sullivan Stuart Dickson Robbie Ridenour Julia Taylor Bob’s your Uncle Don Bertram Sinner Byte Terry Kaye Eduardo Texidor Jr. Dave Jackson Alan J. CorsonThe BarkerCast Listeners Group
Coming Next
And this podcast, having no beginning will have no end.
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