Ryan Danhauser, Jose Leitao, Roger Boyes and special guest, Jonathan Kui discuss the Books of Blood Volume 1, the stories and adaptations (movie and comic book, and in one case a television adaptation). Subscribe in iTunes.
Show Notes: Song: Mahogany’s Iron Hammer from The Midnight Meat Train soundtrack. Clive Barker News — Hellraiser Comic Volume 2 — Abarat 3 Audio Book is now out. –Memory, Prophecy and Fantasy books, there are a few left, and they are discounted. http://www.clivebarker.info/memorybooks.html#reduced Book of Blood Trailer Midnight Meat Train Trailer Excerpt from “Tales from the Dark Side: The Yattering and Jack”Last Week’s Contest: There is no contest winner!
Below is the Beer commercial Jose referenced, reminiscent of In The Hills, The Cities
And here’s a Toyota Prius commercial with the same basic idea, but weirder giants.
And a video on Suzanne Barbieri’s book.