This is a two-part interview over the course of two days. First Ryan and José talked with Restoration Director Russell Cherrington, about plans for the Cabal cut, screenings and its release. The next day we had a great talk with Jimmi Johnson, the editor who has put more than a years time into editing the Cabal Cut into what it is today, and what it will be tomorrow. Se thee full text for show notes.
Part 1: Russell Cherrington : Restoration Director
1) Doug Dub Video
2) Cabal Cut Trailer
3) Russell’s YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/sandbproductionfilms?feature=watch
4) To The Devil His Due (By Russell Cherrington with Doug Bradley)
Part 2 : Jimmi Johnson : Editor
1) Jimmi’s web site : http://www.jimmijohnsonhorrorfilmeditor.com 2) Jimmi’s Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/badbadjimmi 3) Jimmi on Twitter : @thejimmijohnsonweb www.clivebarkercast.com iTunes (Leave a review!) Facebook and Join the Occupy Midian group Twitter: @BarkerCast | @OccupyMidian forum: www.timewinds.com/clive/forum www.OccupyMidian.com