Brian and Josh Atwell (@josh_atwell) talk with Harris Kenny (@harriskenny, VP Marketing @ Aleph Objects) about Lulzbot, the state of 3D printing, market segments, experimentation, innovation, new materials usage and how the Maker-Movement is impacting various aspects of the economy.
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Show Notes:
- Topic 1 - Background and what is Lulzbot?
- Topic 2 - I understand open source software, but what is open source hardware?
- Topic 3 - Help us understand the scale of 3D printing - when is it desktop vs. “industrial�, and what types of projects fit in either category?
- Topic 4 - Help us understand the economics of 3D printing? What is it better than today and when does it become better than for other things in the future?
- Topic 5 - There is this thing called “Maker Movement� and “Maker Faire�. What are these events and how does this align to open source communities?
- Topic 6 - Big Question - We’re at the end of election season, which means people are talking about jobs. The US has lost a lot of manufacturing jobs over the last couple decades. Is 3D printing something that could help reverse this trend, since it involves more technology?