Jim Walker (@jaymce, Principal Product Evangelist at @CockroachDB) talks about how serverless has moved from compute to backing data services, and focuses on improving application developer productivity.
SHOW: 569
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Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Let’s start by talking a little bit about your background, and where you focus your attention at Cockroach Labs. Give us a quick overview of CockroachDB.
Topic 2 - We’ve covered “Serverless” quite a bit on the show, mostly focused around compute services, but there seems to be a growing trend around serverless as it relates to data services. Can you give us some background on what’s driving these new capabilities?
Topic 3 - Implementations of Database-as-a-Service have been around for quite a while now. What’s new or different around service database offerings?
Topic 4 - CockroachDB is fairly unique in its ability to span locations (e.g. in essence be multi-cloud). Help us connect the dots between the core elements of CockroachDB, and where the new serverless capabilities enhance that (for an application, for a DB team, for an Operations team, etc.)
Topic 5 - What are some of the new use-cases that can potentially be unlocked with the new serverless offering?
Topic 6 - How do you expect the new serverless offering to change the way that application teams and operations teams interact with systems going forward?