Aaron and Brian discuss how the on-going pandemic is creating a permanent habit of working remotely, and the challenges of trying to learn technology with less free time.
SHOW: 545
CLOUD NEWS OF THE WEEK - http://bit.ly/cloudcast-cnotw
Topic 1 - Origin story of The Cloudcast (brief)
Topic 2 - It’s now been 529 days since the world shut down (in the US). How many Zoom calls have you attended in that time?
Topic 3 - “It can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.” What new, work-related habits have you formed?
Topic 4 - How do you expect people to keep up with new technologies?
Topic 5 - We’re at a weird stage, where lots of people say that they want to work-from-home (full or part-time), for various reasons (e.g. avoid commutes, cube-mates chews too loud, etc.), but also claim to be more burned out. Do you think people will take the time to learn new stuff?
Topic 6 - Has the pandemic changed anything about how you’re effective? Do you think it’ll be permanent, or do you still have the “we’ll get back to normal” mindset?
Topic 7 - Any tips or tricks to be an effective remote worker and tech leader?