The Cognitive Crucible is a forum that presents different perspectives and emerging thought leadership related to the information environment. The opinions expressed by guests are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of or endorsement by the Information Professionals Association.
During this episode, Dean Cheng of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies has a wide ranging discussion which centers around Chinese technology initiatives related to information operations, space operations, engagement with the United Nations’ International Telecommunication Union (or ITU), and even the Arctic. Dean also comments on areas where the Chinese has relative advantage and disadvantage compared to The West.
Research Question: How china is using various tools to influence third party populations in Africa, South America, and the Middle East; how many foreign students educated in Chinese institutions are now in influential positions within their home countries and how is this affecting policies in these regions?
Link to full show notes and resources
Guest Bio:
Dean Cheng is a Senior Fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies. He retired as the Senior Research Fellow for Chinese Political and Military Affairs at the Heritage Foundation after 13 years. He is fluent in Chinese, and uses Chinese language materials regularly in his work.
Prior to joining the Heritage Foundation, he worked with the China Studies Division (previously, Project Asia) at the Center for Naval Analysis, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center, where he specialized in Chinese military issues, with a focus on Chinese military doctrine and Chinese space capabilities. Before that, he worked for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), and as an analyst with the US Congress’ Office of Technology Assessment in the International Security and Space Division.
He is the author of the volume Cyber Dragon: Inside China’s Information Warfare and Cyber Operations (Praeger Publishing, 2016).
He has testified before Congress, and spoken at the National Space Symposium, the US National Defense University, the USSTRATCOM Deterrence Symposium, Harvard, and MIT. He has appeared frequently in print and broadcast media to discuss Chinese space and military activities.
About: The Information Professionals Association (IPA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring the role of information activities, such as influence and cognitive security, within the national security sector and helping to bridge the divide between operations and research. Its goal is to increase interdisciplinary collaboration between scholars and practitioners and policymakers with an interest in this domain.
For more information, please contact us at [email protected].
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