*Correction: During the discussion, Dr. Thibadeau referred to neocortical computation as "bimodal" (e.g., vision and audition) but the more correct term is "intermodal" (the cognitive integration of all senses and actions).
Interested listeners may engage with his "Whole of Society" effort at The Internet Court of Lies.
Click here for full show notes & resources
Professor Bob Thibadeau has been affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science since 1979. His expertise is in Cognitive Science, AI, and Machine Learning. Prof Thibadeau is one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute. And, he is author of the book "How to Get Your Lies Back: The Internet Court of Lies" and "Fiat Lies are Genocide on the Human Race," which is a brief summary available on Medium.com.
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